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Chemical Equations Unit 5.1.

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1 Chemical Equations Unit 5.1

2 Baking Soda and Vinegar Reaction
NaHCO3 (s) + HC2H3O2(l)  → CO2(g) +  H2O(l) + NaC2H3O2 (aq )

3 Chemical Equations Chemical Equation- describes a chemical change using symbols; the reactant side is on the left, the product side is on the right Reactants - substances that react in a chemical reaction. Products - new substances that are produced in a chemical reaction. Coefficient – tells you how many molecules of a substance there is

4 What’s a molecule? Molecule: the smallest unit of a substance that still keeps the physical and chemical properties of that substance Describe the following... CF4 = 2 elements, 5 atoms, 1 molecule, pure substance, compound H2 = 1 element, 2 atoms, 1 molecule, pure substance 2HCl = 2 elements, 4 atoms, 2 molecules, pure substance, compound H2O + NaCl (salt water) = 4 elements, 5 atoms, 2 molecules, mixture, 2 compounds

5 Symbols You Will See When Writing Chemical Equations
+ : plus (s) : solid (l) : liquid (aq) : aqueous- means dissolved in water (g) : gas → : yields or produces the reaction is reversible

6 Symbols You Will See When Writing Chemical Equations
The element symbol above the arrow indicates a catalyst was used to change the reactants. A catalyst is something that 1. Speeds up a chemical reaction 2. Lowers the activation energy- the energy required to start a chemical reaction Other Common Catalysts the reactants are changed by heat the reactants are changed by light the reactants are changed by electricity

7 Graph Showing the Change in Energy in a Chemical Reaction

8 Practice… Describe the following reaction by…
Listing how many atoms of each element are on the reactant and the product side Writing a sentence describing the entire reaction

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