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Lionel Moyal Intervate Solutions

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1 Enterprise Content Management In Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007

2 Agenda ECM? Business drivers for ECM solutions Microsoft’s ECM vision
Document management capabilities Records management capabilities Web content management capabilities

3 What is ECM? Enterprise Content Management (ECM) is the technologies used to capture, manage, store, preserve, and deliver content and documents related to organizational processes. Definition from

4 Elements of ECM? Imaging Document Management Web Content Management
Collaboration Workflow Records Management

5 What Drives the Need for ECM?
Reusing information is difficult Inability to protect sensitive information Efficiency in collaborative authoring Risk of non-compliance with regulations Risk from improperly retaining content Retaining records for business continuity Content Chaos Regulatory Climate ECM Content Chaos Over the last several years organizations have produced or acquired vast quantities of content related to business processes, communications or as a physical manifestation of the knowledge and expertise of their employees. According to a study by Accenture, more content will be created in the next two years than in the entire history of mankind. 80% of any organization’s information is unstructured content and 90% is generally unmanaged Another reality is that all this unstructured content typically resides in multiple locations including personal hard drives, file shares or central repositories and the same piece of content is often duplicated across these locations. 2. Regulatory Climate In today’s world, businesses are being increasingly affected by compliance regulations and the increased risk of litigation from employees, competitors etc. Government regulations like SOX and HIPAA specify the length of time that records which serve as a proof of an organization’s business activities need to be retained and furnished upon request with audit logs that prove that these documents were maintained as per the requirements of the specific regulation. In addition to these regulations, there are increasing number of lawsuits that are being brought against organizations that require the organization to furnish documents as part of the discovery process. In most situations, the litigating party gets to ask for a vast amount of documents and s which could be even remotely related to the case. 3. Multiple publishing channels In today’s fast paced business climate, it is very important for an organization to be able to quickly communicate the latest events, promotions and products to it’s employees, customers and partners and organizations have gravitated to the web to provide this channel of communication to a disparate audience. This has resulted in the proliferation of a large number of intranet and internet sites that have been designed for a business unit like HR, Finance or for a company’s wide range of products and services without a way to consistently manage the content creation and publication process for these web sites 4. Process efficiencies Manual paper based processes have poor throughput In order to automate these types of processes there needs to be a way to integrate the content that is being used by being able to scan it, put it in a repository with the required metadata so they can be processed. Multiple Publishing Channels Process Efficiencies Automation of high volume processes Integration of content and processes Webmasters are a content bottleneck Multiple site types increase mgmt. costs Brand assets are improperly used

6 ECM Is The Solution …but challenges remain
Implementations are constrained to specialized departments User adoption is low IT deployment/maintenance costs are high In order to address these critical challenges caused by unmanaged content, businesses are increasingly turning to Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solutions to help them get control over this content so they can improve efficiency of business processes, better leverage organizational knowledge, reduce legal risk and manage communications thru multiple channels. However, significant challenges remain with today’s ECM solutions. These solutions tend to be implemented in departmental silos and used by a small number of people performing specific line of business functions. The larger group of information workers doesn’t benefit from these solutions. For the few cases where an organization is able to roll ECM to the entire organization, the user adoption is low because people are usually required to adopt a new way of working and this causes resistance. ECM solutions tend to be expensive to deploy and maintain which is typically the result of a poorly integrated architecture that increases IT maintenance and training costs. and with the high costs and adoption issues, these solutions take a long time to show any return on investment Return on investment takes a long time

7 Microsoft’s ECM Vision
Pervasive ECM throughout the organization Enable a wide range of uses cases, out of the box Deeply integrated components Microsoft’s vision for ECM addresses the challenges that customers face today with current ECM solutions. Our vision is based on 4 tenets. Enable pervasive use of ECM throughout the organization by making it is very easy to use and through tight integration with MS Office, make ECM a natural extension of the content authoring process. Provide maximum flexibility for a wide range of use cases: Microsoft’s understands that different organizations have varying needs for ECM which change along with the organization’s goals and strategies. Therefore, our goal is to provided maximum ECM functionality out of the box to minimize the time it takes to see a return on investment. Deeply integrated components: As most ECM vendors have chosen to grow their ECM suites through acquisitions, the result has been a poorly integrated set of components that don’t share a common foundation resulting in higher IT deployment and management costs. Microsoft’s approach is to develop a tightly integrated set of components on a unified SharePoint foundation with a common repository, unified search & workflow, integrated collaboration and IRM. Interoperable and extensible: Organizations today have a heterogeneous IT environment with multiple content repositories. As such Microsoft’s ECM offering supports web services and industry standards like SOAP to allow it to co-exist in such an environment. Microsoft also provides rich tools and development APIs to allow our solution to be customized for vertical or compliance specific requirements. Interoperable and Extensible

8 Interoperable And Extensible
UI Customizations Vertical/ Compliance biz logic Custom workflow & policies sox Object Model/Web Part Framework Sales Employment Claims SMTP Repository API Contracts Asia Pacific Web Services Systems ERP Systems Content Repositories

9 Document Management DEMO
Let’s start by going into details of our Document Management capabilities.

10 Protect Information Assets
Document Management Protect Information Assets Document Repository Role based Security on individual items Sales Employment Claims Contracts Asia Pacific Region Auditing policies to log usage Server side IRM Opening Graphic Our DM component provides several capabilities for organizations to protect information once it is in the repository. There is security on individual items and auditing policies can be turned on to see who how the content is being used. Next mouse click A recycle bin is provided to allow content that has been accidentally deleted to be easily restored without requiring any help from IT. In order to continue protecting content once it leaves the repository, Information Rights Management can be applied to all the documents in a library so that these documents continue to remain protected outside the repository for example once they have been downloaded into a user’s laptop. IRM also ensures that sensitive data is not inadvertently shared with people outside the firewall. With the new XPS document format platform from Microsoft, IRM can be applied to a wide variety of file types residing in the repository. Recycle bin

11 Automate Business Processes
Document Management Automate Business Processes Document Repository Sales Employment Claims Content/ Process integration thru repository Forms Contracts Asia Pacific Region Office SharePoint Designer Opening Graphic Microsoft’s solution allows organizations to build workflows to automate business process like claims processing that require extensive unstructured content processing. These workflows can be built using the Windows Workflow Foundation as well as tools such as SharePoint designer and Visual studio This workflow integrates with the content and metadata residing in the managed repository to more efficiently run this business process, increasing it’s throughput Next mouse click Integrated forms processing capabilities complete the automation of the business process by proving users the ability to enter the information that is required to initiate the business process. Workflow engine and tools

12 Records Management SOX
Next we will discuss our Records Management capabilities.

13 Physical Records Management Process

14 Legislation in SA The Electronic Communication Technology (ECT) Act
Sections 141 & 195(1)(f) of the Constitution of South Africa, 1996 The King II Report on Corporate Governance The Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA) Government – National Archives Act Government – National Archives and Records Services Various process/industry specific acts ECT ACT Businesses must protect private information from unauthorised access and distribution Sections 141 and 195(1)(f) of the Constitution of South Africa, 1996 Determine that governance should be accountable and transparent. State that accountability and transparency can only occur if information is managed in a way that facilitates this accountability. The King II Report on Corporate Governance The maintenance and storage of records is necessary for good corporate governance

15 Standards (ISO) 15489 Records Management Standard
The Information Communication Technology (ICT) Act US DoD Design Criteria Standard for Electronic Records Management Applications UK Public Records Offices' Functional Requirements for Electronic Records Management Systems National Archives Policies and Procedures There are a number acts and corporate best practice documents governing information management and the manner in which it should be undertaken. I would like to look at some of these from a local perspective, focusing on the impact that they have on the manner in which businesses are required to manage electronic documentation and information. ICT Act – This act states the following: Records must be available to all parties of a transaction Records must be secure and their integrity maintained Access to records must be controlled Information systems must provide the ability to confirm who created a record Information systems must provide the ability to demonstrate approval of the transaction One must be able to view records in their native format or the format proven to accurately represent the information. Organisations must be able to prove that records have not been amended during the creation process Electronic transactions and records are legally binding. This means that they carry the same weight as paper-based documents in a court of law Records must be available for reference Evidence of the time and date that information was sent or received must be included on all electronic documentation Organisations must retain records for predetermined periods of time PAIA – States that: The public must have unrestricted access to relevant documents upon request (ISO) Records Management Standard This is used as a benchmarking tool for sound records management US DoD Design Criteria Standard for Electronic Records Management Applications UK Public Records Offices' Functional Requirements for Electronic Records Management Systems These are currently endorsed by the South African National Archives and Records Service These define a number of functional and non functional requirements that can be used as a checklist for best practices

16 Implications: Technology
Technology focused Viewable in its native or prescribed format Available to all authorised parties Single, centralised data source Reference single items of information Security Encryption capabilities Scalability Structured and defined storage Privacy and confidentiality Further to business needs, the technological requirements mandated by legislation are similar in nature, in that they predominantly deal with the manner in which documents are stored, secured and managed through the information lifecycle. In addition, technological solutions and information systems must match the following requirements: Content must be viewable in its native format - in other words - the format in which they were created. The potential impact of this is far-reaching, as solutions must have the capability to view hundreds of different formats, particularly as this may increase over time. Information must be available to all authorised parties as easily as possible When implementing compliance solutions, change management is vitally important as, regardless of the technology being implemented, the management of unstructured data is reliant on user intervention. Thus, it is vital for management to provide extensive training for staff, as well as ensure the buy-in and commitment of users Solutions must provide a single, centralised data source and, thus, a single source of truth. Information systems must provide the ability to reference single items of information and distribute this reference to relevant parties It is essential that solutions provide protection from security threats Solutions must be scalable and able to manage the volume of documents and records, taking into consideration that – making allowances for legislation governing the storage of – this could run into hundreds of thousands for large organisations Compliant solutions include encryption capabilities Information must be stored in a structured and defined manner Privacy and confidentiality must at all times be protected and the inappropriate disclosure of information that could harm the organisation or infringe the privacy rights of individuals must be limited

17 Implications: Business
Business focused Ease of use Must meet all compliancy requirements Companies must prove compliancy Must provide an end to end solution Solution components must seamlessly integrate There are a number of key information management areas stipulated by legislation, and corporate governance best practices, which can be loosely categorised as being either business or technology focused in nature. In terms of business requirements, these can - to some extent - be addressed by implementing the correct processes and procedures. Further, these processes can be enabled and made simpler through the implementation of technological solutions. These business requirements include: Businesses must have the ability to prove compliance to the various principles stated in legislation. This becomes easy when making use of the correct solution and technology. However, without the correct solution, it can be difficult to prove compliance in court. One’s information system must be of such a nature that it is very easy to use; to ensure that users follow compliant methods and do not bypass the process. The solution implemented must seamlessly meet all compliancy requirements. The onus is on company’s to prove compliancy. It is thus very important to have processes and procedures defined and documented, for use as evidence. Solutions must provide an end to end solution that covers the management of physical and electronic information Solution components must seamlessly integrate

18 Records Management DEMO

19 Upcoming enhancements to MOSS 2007 Records Center
Partner Add-on – Mid 2007? File Plan builder Meta Data on folders & categories Meta Data inheritance / propagation model Access control based on and based on Meta Data “Closed” folders, Holds on folders Need more? Best-of-breed records management systems integrated with Sharepoint – E.g. Meridio

20 Web Content Management
Internet Intranet Extranet DEMO Let’s start by going into details of our Document Management capabilities.

21 Web content Management
Author Web Content Library Functions, Policies, Search In-context editing Web Content Repository PR Manager Authoring Capabilities Opening Graphic Since web content management functionality is provided on a unified SharePoint Products and Technologies foundation, library functions like check-in/check-out and versioning are available to users to allow them to collaboratively create of quality web content. In context editing allows authors to edit content on the web page itself making it easy to see how the final layout will look. Microsoft’s web content management solution has a rich, web-based WYSIWYG editor with support for tables, and tools for checking spelling and choosing images. Authors have pixel level control over the look and feel of the site using CSS stylesheets and have a lot of flexibility in creating flexible navigation. Users can also choose to author content from within the familiar Microsoft Office Word environment. The system can apply server side conversion to convert this content into HTML. The product ships with an out-of-the-box converter for Word documents and provides a framework for plugging in other types of converters. Authors can link to high-value reusable HTML fragments which serve as the building blocks that allow web design novices to easily assemble pages. WYSIWYG Web editor Reusable HTML fragments Office Word

22 In Place Authoring And Approval
Editable fields Approval Workflow Screenshot showing in content authoring capabilities

23 WYSIWYG DHTML Editor Screenshot showing the rich WYSIWYG DHTM editor

24 Server Side Conversion
Screenshot showing the process of converting a word document into HTML.

25 Web content Management Separation of content and presentation
Publish Web Content Separation of content and presentation Built in review/approval workflow Site variations Template Production Server PR Director PR Manager Press Release Opening Graphic Separation of content and presentation is provided by the concept of master pages and page layouts. This frees up business users from having to worry about presentation so they can focus on the content. The system automatically combines the content with the layout to generate the final page to be displayed. This also ensures that the organization’s brand is used consistent across all the sites because the look and feel can be provided by the master page which is shared by all the pages on the site. Out-of-the-box workflow support for multi-step parallel and serial approval with similarly allows content creators to enable the desired level of scrutiny on content, and to preview it before it goes live to the site. Next mouse click Microsoft’s web content management solution includes a site variation management system that enables users to manage the site in several forms, publish in multiple languages, and push content to mobile devices. Internet Site Content

26 Why ECM From Microsoft? Ease of use and tight integration with MS Office ensures wide adoption Deeply integrated components reduce IT deployment and management costs Let’s summarize by highlighting the unique benefits that ECM from Microsoft provides. Microsoft’s solution is the most easy to use and has unprecedented integration with MS Office that ensures widespread adoption across the entire organization. Users can easily adapt to the intuitive web based interface and can continue to work within their familiar MS Office environment without having to change the way they work. Our solution is also the most integrated in the market today as it has been built from the ground up on a common SharePoint foundation. It has a common repository, unified services like search, workflow & metadata management and common administration tools which reduce the IT deployment and management costs for an organization. Organization can now choose to roll out different components of the ECM suite according to their requirements without having to re-architect the solution or learn new tools. Integrated collaboration and rights management capabilities ensure greater collaboration amongst teams creating content and maximum protection of sensitive information assets. And finally, Microsoft’s ECM solution provides functionality to support a wide range of use cases out of the box which significantly reduces the time it takes for an organization to see a return on their investment. Ready to use out of box functionality reduces time to value

27 Thank you to our Partners for their support of TechDays 2007

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