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Nationalism in Africa and the Middle East

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1 Nationalism in Africa and the Middle East
Chapter 12.2

2 Focus Question How did nationalism rise in Africa and the Middle East after WWI? Do not forget to answer. :D

3 Africa Reasons for Rise of Nationalism
Oppressed by European colonialism More than 1 million Africans fought on behalf of colonial rulers in WWI with hope of more rights Growth of Pan-African Movement Growth of negritude movement

4 Africa Effects of nationalism
Europeans increased their control in some areas; the apartheid system was adopted in South Africa. The African National Congress protested unfair laws Egypt gained independence

5 Turkey & Persia Reasons for rise of nationalism
Collapse of Ottoman empire after WWI Persian resentment of British and Russian influence Effects in Turkey Ataturk established Turkey as a secular republic Ataturk encouraged industrial expansion

6 Turkey & Persia Effects in Persia
Reza Khan overthrew the shah of Persia Reza Khan built factories, roads, railroads, secular schools, and convinced British oil companies to hire Persian workers at all levels and increase Persian share of profits

7 Middle East Reasons for Rise nationalism Growth of Pan-Arabism
Feelings of betrayal at Paris Peace Conference after WWI Zionist movement to create Jewish state The Balfour Declaration supported a national homeland for Jews in Palestine.

8 Middle East Effects of nationalism
Ongoing Arab resentment of Westerners Growing tensions between Arabs and Jews

9 Summary In 2-3 sentence tell me what these notes were about?

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