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Modulation of local and long-distance

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1 Modulation of local and long-distance
Mental Processes and Brain Activation Lab. INSERM U280, Lyon, France Modulation of local and long-distance beta/gamma oscillatory synchronization observed in human intracranial recordings O. Bertrand Functional modulations of local and long-distance beta/gamma oscillatory synchronization: evidence from direct intracranial recordings in humans. COMMUNICATION IN BRAIN SYSTEMS Communication in Brain System – Cold Spring Harbor – May, 2004

2 beta/gamma oscillatory synchronization
perception, attention, learning, memory, sensory-motor integration, Working hypothesis Oscillatory synchronization could be a general mechanism for the dynamic cooperation of neural networks underlying various sensory and cognitive processes effective coupling / de-coupling of brain regions by synchronization / de-synchronization Puisque des oscillations gamma on été vues dans de nombreuses structures alors généralisation du phénomène de synchro de réseau Tallon-Baudry & Bertrand 1999, Varela et al. 2001, Engel & Singer 2001

3 Human intracranial recordings
depth electrodes in epileptic patients during pre-surgical functional evaluation Visual working memory task Auditory discrimination task Intra : auditory collaboration with C. Fischer, Neurological Hospital, Lyon

4 Wavelet-based time-frequency analysis
T-F ERP averaging power averaging induced gamma ms Hz T-F evoked gamma ms Hz +µV 2 -µV Time-freq evoked and induced Bertrand et al. 1996

5 Visual short-term memory

6 Visual memory task - intracranial recordings
lateral occipital sulcus fusiform gyrus S2=S1? memory condition S1 S2 delay dimming? control condition Tallon-Baudry, Bertrand, Fischer, J. Neurosci., 2001

7 Visual memory task – gamma / beta oscillations
lateral occipital sulcus fusiform gyrus memory S1 S1 20 30 60 100 Hz 15 40 -400 400 800 1200 1400 ms control Tallon-Baudry, Bertrand, Fischer, J. Neurosci., 2001

8 Phase-synchrony detection in the time-frequency domain
power complex value (ampl. & phase) N trials trial 1 chan#1 chan#2 trial N synchrony factor = modulus of the mean vector (ranging from 0 to 1) phase difference freq. time Synchrony 1 Lachaux et al Tallon-Baudry, Bertrand, Fischer 2001

9 Visual memory task – phase synchronization
lateral occipital sulcus fusiform gyrus S1 S1 2 µV -µV S1 S1 synchronization during memory retention S1 synchrony factor 1 Tallon-Baudry, Bertrand, Fischer, J. Neurosci., 2001

10 Visual memory task – phase synchronization
lateral occipital sulcus fusiform gyrus S1 S1 2 µV -µV S1 S1 beta synchronization during memory retention randomization statistics (yellow: p<0.05) Tallon-Baudry, Bertrand, Fischer, J. Neurosci., 2001

11 frequency discrimination
Auditory frequency discrimination

12 Frequency discrimination task
distractor 1080 Hz target 1040 Hz button press STD 1000 Hz ISI : 1.4 s 50 ms tones Discrim : protocol

13 Frequency discrimination – intracranial recordings
pat. NG standard tones ERPs Heschl’s Gyrus (HG) Planum Temporale (PT) HG PT HG PT H1 STG

14 Frequency discrimination task
Hz profile evoked induced on off induced response pat. NG HG PT evoked response

15 Frequency discrimination task
Hz profile evoked induced on off induced response pat. NG HG PT induced response

16 Frequency discrimination task evoked
induced response off pat. NG induced (170ms) HG PT on 40-80Hz high-gamma induced response 26-40Hz low-gamma evoked (220 ms)

17 evoked induced induced evoked Frequency discrimination task 40 - 80 Hz
HG PT induced Hz depth profile Hz depth profile evoked induced 10 mm pat. NG induced response

18 Frequency discrimination task
ISI : 1.4 s 50 ms tones STD 1000 Hz target 1040 Hz distractor 1080 Hz late STD early STD increased attention Discrim : protocol

19 Effect of attention on induced gamma
Frequency discrimination task Effect of attention on induced gamma 1400 ms STD (late) STD STD (early) Target . . . 24-40 Hz pat. CG

20 Frequency discrimination task
Heschl’s gyrus patient #2 patient #1 Superior temporal gyrus Planum Temporale 25-70 Hz ms

21 2 gamma foci in the auditory cortex late vs early standard tones
Frequency discrimination task 2 gamma foci in the auditory cortex primary area secondary areas no attention effect modulation by attention 25-80 Hz ms patients late vs early standard tones

22 Multiple foci of induced gamma oscillations
high-gamma (40-80 Hz) HG1 PT ms synchronized low-gamma (25-30 Hz) STG amplitude and phase-synchrony modulated by attention

23 Local and large-scale oscillatory synchronization
multiple gamma (25-40, Hz) and beta (15-25 Hz) sites local synchrony in the vicinity of the electrodes beta when evoked response and gamma task-modulated medium-scale gamma synchrony (30 Hz) task-modulated long-distance beta synchrony (15-20 Hz) The same neural population can switch from gamma to beta oscillatory modes, each one being related to distinct functional processes: encoding, target selection, maintenance in memory

24 Mental Processes and Brain Activation Lab.
INSERM U280, Lyon, France INSERM Lyon Aurélie Bidet-Caulet, Françoise Bauchet Pierre-Emmanuel Aguera Jean-Philippe Lachaux Catherine Fischer Catherine Tallon-Baudry Neurological Hosp. Lyon CNRS Paris

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