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Hazardous Spills and How to Clean up the Mess

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1 Hazardous Spills and How to Clean up the Mess
CHME Safety Seminar – April Dr. Rockstraw – CHME Department Head Juanita Miller – COE Safety Specialist

2 Need for a Spill Kit – OSHA 1910.120
Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) standard, Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts ( SHA-3114-hazwoper.pdf ) OSHA spill kit requirements that must be in place when working with certain types of chemicals and other products that could be spilled. Understanding these requirements will not only ensure you are in compliance with the rules and regulations but it will also help keep your employees and your facility as safe as possible. Hazard Communication Standard 29 CFR provides additional information about hazardous materials and how to use an SDS Sheet ( et.html )

3 Universal Spill Kit Contents
Safety Gloves – Having nitrile gloves will provide protection to the person cleaning up a spill. These types of gloves are resistant to corrosion from chemicals. Eye Goggles – If even a small amount of many chemicals, oils or other things get in the eyes it can cause severe problems. This is why it is so important to keep your eyes protected with these goggles. Shoe Covers – It is often necessary to step in the spill while cleaning it up and these shoe covers will protect your shoes and your feet. Sorbents – The absorbent items that will actually clean up the spill need to be able to quickly absorb and hold in a variety of liquids. OSHA spill kits can have any number of types of sorbents. Most will have larger pads to put over the spill, pillows to contain and absorb the spill and smaller sorbent socks.

4 Universal Spill Kit Contents
Handbook – Having the information you need to stay safe during a spill is also important. Most good spill kits will contain a book that helps you determine the potential dangers associated with cleaning up a specific type of spill. Disposal Bag – Having a large bag or other storage bin that can hold everything after it has been used until it can be properly disposed of is absolutely essential Source:


6 NMSU Spill Kit Contents
General Hazardous Chemical Spill Procedures ChemMax Bib Apron Spill Report form Universal Medium 15"x19" Spill pads Waste Material Form 5 gallon Plastic Bag 15"x9"x32" 5 gal HDPE Round pail 30 gallon Plastic Bag 16"x14"x36" Absorbant Sock/Spill snake 2 gallon ziplock plastic bag 10" Dust pan w/brush Set 1 gallon ziplock plastic bags Chemical/impact Splash Goggles Clear 1 quart ziplock bags 28.00 mil Neoprene Blue/Yellow Gloves 3.5 lbs of Vermiculite Absorbent 4 pair Ambitex Nitrile Laboratory Gloves Sm. box of Sodium Bicarbonate 2 pair Shoe Covers Blue Polyethylene Elastic Top Ankle 4 to 12 Pail Lid white tear tab

7 NMSU Chemical Spill Cleanup - Guidelines
Category Size Response Treatment Materials Small Less 50 ml Absorption or Chemical Treatment Paper towels (if compatible), appropriate absorption spill kit and/or neutralization Small to Medium 50 ml to 250 ml Appropriate absorption spill kit and/or neutralization Medium to Large 250 ml to 2.5 liters Absorption Appropriate absorption spill kit Large More than 2.5 liters Evacuate and Call 911 Appropriate absorption spill kit and consider outside help to ensure nothing can enter stormwater drains. Acids should be neutralized before applying absorbent Sodium Bicarbonate

8 Types of Spills Three General Types of Spills
Immediately Dangerous to Live and Health (IDLH) Not IDLH But Require Technical Assistance Spills / Releases That Can Be Cleaned Up By Area Personnel

9 IDLH Spills IDLH Spills require assistance to clean up
Sound the fire alarm to notify others in the area for evacuation. Call 911 from a safe location and provide the following information to the dispatcher: Nature of emergency. Chemical involved and quantity. NMSU building name and room number or nearest building location if outdoors. If calling from a cell phone, report location as NMSU campus. Remain on scene to meet response personnel and provide additional information.

10 Non-IDLH but assistance needed
Individual is not familiar with the hazards of the material and not comfortable performing clean-up. Individual does not have proper training to perform clean-up. Equipment needed for clean-up is not available. An example would be a thermometer that breaks and scatters mercury across the floor. see (Mercury spill procedures) Note: All mercury spills are to be cleared by EH&S. Close the area and call EH&S, after hours report to NMSU campus police ( ).  

11 Non-IDLH and lab personnel can clean-up
Individual is thoroughly familiar with the hazards of the material. (Reference SDS) Trained to deal with spills/releases of the size in question. Proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) needed for spill clean-up. Appropriate absorbent/neutralizers are readily available. Take appropriate steps to confine and limit the spill without risk. Clean-up spill using appropriate equipment and procedures. It is essential that all spill clean-up waste is properly disposed of: Do not place in or around the regular trash. Place the spill clean-up waste in a closed container and attach a NMSU Waste/Material Tracking Form or a label with contents. Contact EH&S for waste pick-up.

12 Spills to Drains Spill to Drains
All spills that involve hazardous materials which have or are likely to be released to the sanitary sewers (sink or floor drain) must be reported to NMSU Police at 911 or   This is to help prevent damage to the city wastewater system.

13 Quiz The OSHA requirement for spill kits when using hazardous materials is found in CFR It is otherwise know as what? HAZWOPER What should you always wear when cleaning up a hazardous spill? Safety Glasses Gloves Shoe Covers There are three types of spills, what are they? IDLH Non-IDLH but need assistance Non-IDLH – lab personnel can clean-up

14 Now lets’ see how to clean up a spill

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