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Corporate Governance and COMPANIES ACT 2063(2006)

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1 Corporate Governance and COMPANIES ACT 2063(2006)
Presented By: Nitesh Khatiwada Mona Pokhrel Kalpana K. C. Dipti Dhungel

2 Corporate Governance Practices Rules Processes

3 Corporate Governance

4 Corporate Governance

5 Elements of Corporate Governance Equity and Inclusiveness
Rule of Law Responsiveness Equity and Inclusiveness Transparency Participation Accountability

6 Rule of Law Transparency Accountability
Corporate Governance Rule of Law Fair legal frameworks that are enforced by an impartial regulatory body, for the full protection of stakeholders Transparency Information should be provided in easily understandable forms and media Freely available and directly accessible to those who will be affected Accountability Who is accountable for what

7 Equity and Inclusiveness
Corporate Governance Responsiveness Organizations and their processes are designed to serve the best interests of stakeholders within a reasonable timeframe Equity and Inclusiveness Provide the opportunity for its stakeholders to maintain, enhance, or generally improve their well-being Participation Freedom of expression and assiduous concern for the best interests of the organization and society 

8 Introduction Companies Act (2006)
Date of authentication: 7 Kartik 2063 Consits of 21 chapter which incudes various sections (188) and subsections Act made to amend and consolidate the law related to companies

9 Rule of law To bring about dynamism in the economic developemt of country To promote investment To bring liberalization Easier incorporation, operation and administaration Simpler and transparent operation

10 Chapter 7: Accounts and records of the company
Transparency Transparency Chapter 8: Audit Chapter 7: Accounts and records of the company

11 Chapter 6 Board of Directors Sec 92: Disclosure by Directors
ACCOUNTABILITY Board of Directors Chapter 6 Sec 92: Disclosure by Directors Sec 95: Power and Duties of BOD Sec 99: Responsibilities and Duties of Directors Sec 101: Prohibition on Loans to Officers or Shareholders Sec 102: Prohibition on Giving False Statements by Officers Sec 105: Restrictions on Authority of Directors

12 Chapter 9: Call for Explanation and Investigation
ACCOUNTABILITY Chapter 8: Audit Sec 115: Functions and Duties auditor Chapter 9: Call for Explanation and Investigation Sec 120: Power of office to call for explanation Sec 121: Power of office to depute inspector Sec 122: Function, Duty and Power of Inspector Sec 124: Report to be submitted Chapter 18: Audit Committee

13 Chapter 4: Shares and Debentures
Responsiveness Sec 29: Power to Issue Shares at Premium Sec 56: Power of Company to Alter its Share Capital Chapter 4: Shares and Debentures Sec 95: Power and Duties of BOD Chapter 6: Board of Directors Sec 136: Power of Office to Cancel Registration Chapter 11: Cancellation of Registration of Company

14 Equity and Inclusiveness
Protection of Share Holders Chapter 12: Sec 138: Power to prevent directors and officer from doing unauthorized act Sec 139: Remedy for act or done against rights and interest of shareholders Sec 140: Right to shareholder to institute case in behalf of company Sec 141: Acquisition or sale of property

15 Sec 67: General meeting of the company
Participation Chapter 5 : Meeting of the company Sec 67: General meeting of the company Sec 68: Directors required to be present Sec 69: Legality of meeting Sec 71: Right to vote Sec 73: Quorum Sec 76: Annual General Meeting

16 Provisions Ralating to Single Shareholder Company
Companies Act (2006) Provisions Ralating to Single Shareholder Company Sec 52: Single shareholder company not required to call meeting of the board of director Sec 153: Transfer and transmission of shares of single shareholder company

17 Conclusion Significant legal framework for promoting the industry and commerce which eventually impact to the national economy and development. The prevailing Act has been promulgated very recently and it is necessary to observe its practices in living reality for making actual evaluation on it.

18 Conclusion Theoretically this Act is so sound and compatible with the contemporary requirement. It is made on the basis of long self-experiences and international influences which would appropriate or expected feedback. Although it may be possible to reform or amend to the every legal framework but it can be said that the Act will be compatible for solving the disclosed problems.


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