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How to pay bills on the H&R Challenge?

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Presentation on theme: "How to pay bills on the H&R Challenge?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to pay bills on the H&R Challenge?
To pay a bill, you will need to go to the bank page and schedule a payment using the online bill pay.

2 What does it mean by bouncing check?
It means that you wrote the check and it cleared for more money then you had in your account.

3 What do you write in the payment/deposit amount when the change is zero?
You write zero, draw a line through it, or leave it blank. Carry the subtotal amount to the net deposit amount

4 What happens when you die with a lot of debt?
When someone dies, debts they leave are paid out of their 'estate' (money and property they leave behind). You're only responsible for their debts if you had a joint loan or agreement or provided a loan guarantee

5 What is the memo used for on a check?
If it’s a bill, write your account number If it’s a fund raiser or payment to a school activity write a small note You can also leave it blank because financial institutions do not require you to write anything

6 How to fill out a deposit ticket?

7 How to balance your check book

8 Dating system on a check
You can write the date in a short or long date February 9, 2017 2/9/17 Never give some a post dated check, especially if it’s a creditor. They may charge you a fee Remember a check can only be deposited or cashed on or after the date that is written on the check

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