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SBA Finance Department

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Presentation on theme: "SBA Finance Department"— Presentation transcript:

1 SBA Finance Department
Rules and Procedures

2 Who we are Matthew Piscitelli Stephen Darby Olamide Olusesi
VP of Finance – Stephen Darby DVP of Comptrollers - Olamide Olusesi DVP of Contracts- Shane Miller DVP of PayPal -

3 And more! Donald Crowell Mary Khan Chair of Senate Finance Committee
Mary Khan Chair of Senate Audit Committee

4 C Fund Organizational budget Budget Process Spending Restrictions

5 R Fund Multiple Sources Less Restrictions Rolls Over – Never dies
Ad-Hoc Donations Fundraising Less Restrictions Rolls Over – Never dies

6 Deposits Add money to your R-Fund Deposit form Safe – Stuart 213
Should not be holding onto money overnight

7 Reimbursements – Easy Formula

8 Successful Reimbursement Request

9 Reimbursement requirements
MUST be submitted within 30 days (21 days as of 1/30/17) Reimbursement Request Form Original Receipt Bank Statement List of Attendees (if under 35) Flyer/Advertisement

10 Reimbursement Rules C Fund must be spent on events open to the school
Don’t be afraid to ask if an event qualifies Need a guest list if under 35 students R fund can be spent more liberally Events may be for the organization members Trips and other activities open only to some members

11 Other Special Spending
Domino’s Pizza Form Form On SBA Page Domino’s will bill group direct from account Direct Payments Vendor must be in system A check will be sent directly to vendor from GW Needs to be at least 3 weeks in advance (2 weeks to issue check) P-Card Must give at least 2 weeks notice Less time possible, but no guarantee Must discuss circumstances with Matthew Use the form on the SBA website to make the request

12 Finance Committee Chairman Vice-Chairman Members
Donald Crowell – Vice-Chairman Sean Winker – Members Corey Garlick – Caleb Raymond – Dimitri Vaynshteyn -

13 Annual Budget Process All documents can be found under the “Resources – Useful Documents” page on the SBA Website. Some will be updated over the next week or so. Fill-out Budget Request Form and Finance Committee by September 2 at 11:59PM, including supplemental documentation Cover Letter with org. name, mission statement, president and treasurer contact info., number of current members, number of active members. List of events prioritized by importance of the expense to the organization. Each event should include a brief description of the event, as well as how the event furthers the mission of the SBA or the GW Law School. Timeline of planned events, listing the month in which each event is to occur. Itemized List of Expenses for each event. Include item quantities and costs per unit, modifiers (e.g. half-price for travel), subtotal requested per line item, and sum total of all line items Past financial history including previous year’s budget, current R-Fund Account total, last year’s fundraising profits, and membership fees (if applicable). Sign up for 15 minute meeting to discuss budget with Finance Committee Opportunity to discuss your budget and events in further detail before FC makes recommendations. Sign-up information will go out with 08/22/16 SBA Newsletter. Dates TBD, but will likely fall Between Tuesday 09/06/16 and Thursday 09/8/16.

14 Annual Budget process Finance Committee will make budget recommendation to SBA Senate after meeting with all orgs. Each org. will be notified of funding amount proposed by Friday 09/09/16 [still TBD, but likely]. Orgs will have an opportunity to appeal their recommendation before the Senate. Submit notification of appeal to Finance Committee by 11:59PM on Sunday 09/11/16 [still TBD, but likely]. You will be given a timeslot to present your appeal before the entire Senate at the meeting the following week.

15 Ad Hoc Funding Purpose: New Events/Unforeseen Expenses Process:
Complete and Submit Ad Hoc Funding Request Form (found on SBA website under Resources) to SBA Finance Committee at least 72 hours before Ad-Hoc Meeting timeslot. Meet with Finance Committee during Ad Hoc Meeting timeslots throughout the Semester – Time and location TBD. Must meet prior to Senate meeting during which funding will be recommended Contact committee ASAP in case of emergency funding – funding cannot be guaranteed in these cases.

16 Ad Hoc Funding Process (continued):
Finance committee will make recommendation to Senate at the following Senate meeting. Org. will be notified of amount. Optional – orgs may appear at the Senate meeting to present their request and/or appeal recommendation by Finance Committee.

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