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The Cold War in the US and President Eisenhower

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1 The Cold War in the US and President Eisenhower

2 Learning Targets You will be able to describe how the Cold War impacted American politics You will be able to explain how American life was impacted by the Cold War How American life changed during the 1950’s

3 Fear of Communism at Home
Red Scare- Outspread fear of the spread of communism Smith Act- unlawful to teach or advocate for the violent overthrow of the US government

4 Fear of Communism at Home
Created the House of Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) Investigated possible communist activities in US

5 The Hollywood Ten Group of entertainers accused of having ties to Communism Entertainers strongly denied claims Entertainers were blacklisted- not allowed to be hired anywhere

6 Alger Hiss Alger Hiss- Was a government official accused of being a Communist Hiss denied the allegations but was found guilty People were shocked that a government agent could potentially be a communist

7 Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Put to Death
Julies and Ethel Rosenberg charged with sending secrets to USSR Like Hiss, they denied any communist connections Some thought the charges were made because they were Jewish Rosenbergs were sentenced to death

8 Joseph McCarthy leads Witch Hunt
Known for McCarthyism McCarthy had a list of people he believed to be communists Some thought he was making it up, but many believed him People were publicly accused of political disloyalty with no regard for evidence

9 McCarthy’s Rise and Fall
McCarthy became a very powerful government figure through his “witch hunt” Over time, people soon realized his accusations were false and unproven He would lose much power





14 Arms Race Heightens Tensions
Both nations had nuclear weapons Both nations upgraded to the Hydrogen Bomb USSR and US competed in what is known as an arms race Arms Race- competition to build a country’s military bigger than an opponent

15 Mutually Assured Destruction
Both sides hoped arms race would lead to mutually assured destruction Idea that both nations had an understanding that they could destroy each Could Prevent them from going to war

16 Presidency of Eisenhower
Elected in 1952 in a landslide World War II General Favored massive retaliation- using massive force to respond to communist threat Decreased defense spending while stockpiling nuclear weapons- “More Bang for Your Buck”

17 Eisenhower Doctrine US will assist any Middle Eastern nation facing the threat of communism Relied on the use of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Gained info Carried out secret missions to protect American interests

18 Space Race Russians launch satellite called Sputnik I to be first in space Later they send dog into space named Laika US spends billions to create NASA to compete with Russians



21 America’s changing Society
After World War II, many soldiers came home to start families This led to the baby boom where the population the US increased after WWII

22 Americans move to the suburbs
Between 1940 and 1960, 40 million Americans moved away from cities and into suburbs Interstate Highway Act- Connected US’s major cities Built 41,000 miles of road More Americans have cars

23 Beatniks criticized mass culture
Television, music, and movies lead to mass pop culture Beatniks refused to conform to the mass culture of the 1950’s Felt conformity was anti-individual

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