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Monkey’s Paw PPT Vocab.

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1 Monkey’s Paw PPT Vocab

2 Absentminded (Adjective)
so lost in thought that one does not realize what one is doing, what is happening, etc. Her absentminded attitude while driving caused an accident. Syn. : daydreaming, distracted Ant. : alert, observant

3 Aghast (Adjective) filled with horror or shock.
When the news came out, the group was aghast! Syn. : astonished, startled Ant. : unsurprised

4 Amiably (Adverb) in a friendly and pleasant manner.
During the assembly, everyone was talking amiably about their summer. Syn. : kindly, benevolent Ant.: unpleasantly, unwilling

5 Apathy (Noun) lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.
The teenager’s apathetic attitude made completing homework difficult. Syn.: indifferent, detached Ant.: passion, caring

6 Apparel (Noun/ Verb) (N.) clothing ( V.) clothe (someone)
The apparel of the toddler didn’t last long! Syn.: Attire, Garment Ant.: Undress, Bareness

7 Audible ( Adj./ Noun) (Adj.) able to be heard.
(N.) a change in the offensive play called by the quarterback at the line of scrimmage. The baby’s audible crying told the parents that something was wrong. Syn.: loud, clear, aural Ant.: ambiguous, unheard

8 Averted (Verb) turn away (one's eyes or thoughts).
She averted her eyes during the scary movie. Syn. : avoid, deflect Ant. : to stare

9 Compensation (Noun) something, typically money, awarded to someone as a recompense for loss, injury, or suffering. After the accident, the injured driver received compensation for her suffering. Syn.: benefit, bonus Ant. : debt, hurt

10 Condole (Verb) express sympathy for (someone); grieve with.
The priest came to condole the family after the bad news. Syn. : Comfort, Soothe Ant. : Agitate, Annoy

11 Credulity (Noun) a tendency to be too ready to believe that something is real or true The credulity of the mouse believed the cheese in the trap was indeed for him. Syn. : Loyal, Truth Ant. : Disbelief, Disloyal

12 Hospitable (Adjective)
friendly and welcoming to strangers or guests; (of an environment) pleasant and favorable for living in Two hospitable brothers run the motel. Syn.: Courteous, Neighborly Ant.: Cold, Unsociable

13 Jar (Verb) send a painful or damaging shock through (something, especially a part of the body); have an unpleasant, annoying, or disturbing effect Each step during the earthquake jarred the man’s whole body. Syn.: Disturb, Irritate Ant.: Appease, Calm

14 Mutilate (Verb) inflict a violent and disfiguring injury on; give serious pain or damage The leg was badly mutilated during the accident Syn.: Injure, Crush Ant. : Heal, Cure

15 Oppressive (Adjective)
unjustly inflicting hardship and constraint, especially on a minority or other subordinate group The dictator ruled the oppressive nation with a negative attitude. Syn. : Brutal, Overbearing Ant.: Gentle, Kind

16 Peril (Noun/ Verb) (N.) serious and immediate danger
(V.) expose to danger; threaten The family was in peril during the storm. Syn.: Hazard, Jeopardy Ant.: Protection, Safety

17 Presumptuous (Adjective)
(of a person or their behavior) failing to observe the limits of what is permitted or appropriate I hope I won't be considered presumptuous if I offer some advice. Syn.: Arrogant, Rude Ant.: Neat, clean

18 Reverberate (Verb) (of a loud noise) be repeated several times as an echo The sound of the baby cries reverberated throughout the whole apartment. Syn. : Echo, React Ant. : Quieten

19 Talisman (Noun) an object, typically an inscribed ring or stone, that is thought to have magic powers and to bring good luck The talisman has been in the family for multiple generations. Syn.: lucky piece, juju Ant. : curse, jinx

20 Torrent (Noun) a strong and fast-moving stream of water or other liquid; a sudden, violent, and copious outpouring of (something, typically words or feelings) The rain down poured in torrents, making driving dangerous. Syn. : downpour, pour Ant. : drip

21 Wont (Verb, Adj., Noun) (V.) make or be or become accustomed
(Adj.)(of a person) in the habit of doing something; accustomed (N.) one's customary behavior in a particular situation He was wont to wake up every morning at 5:30 a.m. Syn.: Inclined, Given Ant.: Unlikely, Opposed

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