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SHADY Definition: Untrustworthy people/interactions

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1 SHADY Definition: Untrustworthy people/interactions
Part of Speech: Adjective Ex.: Nobody trusted the shady store owner. Ex.: The unfair business deal was so shady! SHADY Shady --- shady tree --- suspicious man under shady tree --- untrustworthy people/interactions

2 BALLIN’ - Definition: Rich, wealthy; expensive, fancy
- Part of Speech: Adjective Ex.: He buys a new car every week! He is ballin’! Ex.: That guy’s mansion is so ballin’! BALLIN’ Basketball --- golden ball --- expensive

3 HIT UP - Definition: To call or contact - Part of Speech: Verb
Ex.: Hit me up when you visit my city! Ex.: I’ll hit you up after class! HIT UP Hit --- hitting a cell phone --- call or contact

4 HANG OUT - Definition: To spend leisurely time with
- Part of Speech: Verb Ex.: I hung out with Leo the other day. Ex.: Wanna hang out with my friends on Tuesday? HANG OUT Hanging clothes --- group of puppies hanging together --- spend time together

5 DOWN - Definition: In agreement with a plan to do something
- Part of Speech: Adjective Ex.: No one was down to go sky diving with me. Ex.: A: Anyone wanna go watch Star Trek? / B: I’m down! DOWN Falling down --- sky diving --- agree to do something together

6 BOMB Definition (Verb): to fail, do badly
Ex.: I totally bombed the test. Definition (Adjective): good, excellent Ex.: This food is bomb! BOMB Bomb --- sad face --- to fail or do badly Bomb --- happy face --- good or excellent

7 BOUNCE - Definition: To leave - Part of Speech: Verb
Ex.: I’m so tired, I’m gonna bounce. Ex.: Is everyone ready to go? Ok, let’s bounce! BOUNCE Kangaroos bounce --- bounce away from lion – to leave

8 DITCH - Definition: To leave someone behind; skip class
Part of Speech: Verb Ex.: He’s so grumpy, let’s ditch him. Ex.: I didn’t feel good, so I ditched my English class. DITCH Hole in the ground --- kids smoking in the hole --- kids skip class to go smoke --- skip class

9 TIGHT - Definition: Cool, very good - Part of Speech: Adjective
Ex.: My new car is tight! Ex.: Look at how tight their guitars are! TIGHT Tight shirt --- cool happy face wearing tight shirt --- cool, very good

10 LAME - Definition: Boring, uncool, not good
- Part of Speech: Adjective Ex.: Don’t read that book, it was so lame. Ex.: That was the lamest excuse I’ve ever heard! LAME Injured person --- sad face with injury --- boring, uncool, not good

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