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Manager of Policy & Intergovernmental Relations

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1 Manager of Policy & Intergovernmental Relations
MFOA Policy Update Colin Macdonald Manager of Policy & Intergovernmental Relations February 2, 2016

2 Mission “MFOA’s Policy Department provides information sharing, intergovernmental relations and outreach services to connect stakeholders and provide advice about methods of enhancing municipal sustainability” – Policy Dept. Strategic and Operating Plan, 2013

3 2016 Policy Priorities We will continue to our recent work to enhance municipal fiscal sustainability through the promotion of long term financial planning and asset management plans in local government. We will continue to enhance municipal policy capacity by: Developing/updating planning tools for municipalities Emphasizing evidence-based policy decisions Monitoring ongoing and emerging issues Ensuring municipal perspective is represented in relevant conversations with other orders of government January 6, 2016

4 Relevant Highlights Fiscal sustainability
Focus group and research to compliment work being done by others Advocate during Bill 6 consultations Work with CNAM on creating a virtual community of practice for asset management January 6, 2016

5 Provincial Policy Updates
Bill 73 - Smart Growth for Our Communities Act MMAH has indicated there will be no further regulations resulting from Bill 73 and that any asset management regs will be addressed by MEDEI through Bill 6 Bill 6 – Infrastructure for Jobs and Prosperity Act MEDEI is developing a municipal asset management planning regulation Consultation group of 15 (non-elected) municipal sector experts, including MFOA Group will consist of Municipal Finance, Civil Engineering, and Data Management and Analytics experts Group meetings will commence within the next month Broad consultation will commence in the Summer of 2016

6 Project: Strategic Financial Planning Template
Determine scalability of Rick Charlebois’s (Town of Petrolia) financial planning model Model integrates revenues and expenses Assumptions built into model can be adjusted to calculate impact of changes on tax rates Macro numbers in the model to act as starting point for municipality’s annual budget processes Requires a pilot municipality that will work with MFOA staff on implementation process To be completed in 2016 January 6, 2016

7 MFOA – CIA - Hemson Partners: Canadian Institute of Actuaries and Hemson Consulting Goal: develop an alternative approach for a full replacement fund model based on actuarial sciences and probabilities Project Phases: Project startup (expand and finalize proposal) AMP methodological assessment Assess and present alternative methodologies

8 Project: Guide to Evaluating Asset Management Software
To address needs of small municipal members that want guidance on asset management software Short guide will contain Probing questions to help municipalities understand their needs Scoring template to help with decision making process To be completed in 2016 (4-6 months including testing with municipalities) January 6, 2016

9 Thank You Colin Macdonald
Manager of Policy and Intergovernmental Relations Phone: x 227

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