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William V. Richardson Jr. and John T. Barrera

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1 William V. Richardson Jr. and John T. Barrera
Disposition Process Defense Property Accountability System (DPAS) Warehousing Application United States Marine Corps Individual Issue and Unit Issue Facility (IIF and UIF) Implementation Training Course William V. Richardson Jr. and John T. Barrera

2 Purpose Remove equipment from service/warehouse inventory
Provides for three disposal methods: Local Disposals – Disposed of via incinerator or trash. Excess – Sent to DLA Disposition Services. Warehouse Turn-In – Transfer equipment to a Parent or another Warehouse for restocking.

3 Background Each disposal may go through a series of steps depending on the disposal method: Local Disposition Requested Warehouse Manager Approved/Denied Contracting Officer Representative (COR) Approved/Denied Disposed Excess COR Approved/Denied Warehouse Turn-In Shipped Attention! For Warehouse Turn-Ins when the receiving Warehouse is a Parent Warehouse, the Turn-In does not require an approval. Once a Request is established, it progresses directly to a status of Shipped.

4 Situation You are the Facility Clerk at the IIF. Equipment has been identified as unserviceable/excess. Proceed with disposition.

5 Disposition Process 1 2 Navigate to Materiel Mgmt then: Click on .
Click on to create a new Disposition. To search for existing dispositions to include Disposed status check

6 Disposition Process The Clerk will have 3 Disposition Type(s) to choose from: L - Local Disposition E - Excess T - Warehouse Turn-in Depending on which Disposal Type is selected, there will be different fields to choose from. Please fill in all required/appropriate fields. Disposition Reason code is required with all three Disposition Types.

7 Disposition Process - Local/Excess
1 2 4 3 Once you enter the Stock Nbr, you must : Click on and the Inventory Selection screen appears. Click on the to enter the quantity you are selecting from each location. Click on once you are finished. Then click You may edit to add quantities from same location or other locations containing on-hand by using the edit and select items button.

8 Disposition Process - Local/Excess
1 2 3 The Disposition is now ready for Warehouse Manager Approval. Before Disposition can be approved, appropriate personnel need to schedule a DLA Disposition request and wait for the Approval Letter before approving the Disposition. Click on Click on to attach a copy of the DLA Disposition Letter of Approval. Click on Now the Disposition can be approved by the Warehouse Manager.

9 Disposition Process - Local/Excess
1 2 3 The following steps allow the Warehouse Manager and the COR to Approve or Deny a Disposition: Click on and the Status window displays. The Manager may include a comment and then click the to select Approved or Denied . Then click on Once the Disposition is Approved, you can NOT delete/cancel the transaction.

10 Disposition Process - Local/Excess
2 1 3 The Clerk can choose to print the 1348 by clicking Click to complete the Disposition. Once you click on the equipment and quantities from the selected locations will be removed from the inventory. Click

11 Disposition Process - Warehouse Turn-in
1 2 3 4 Click for Warehouse To and Disposition Reason. Click the button to browse for the NSN. Input the Stock Nbr and click Click to choose the Stock Nbr.

12 Disposition Process - Warehouse Turn-in
1 2 3 Click to select the inventory. Click to select quantity. Click

13 Disposition Process - Warehouse Turn-in
1 2 The selected inventory will display on the Add Disposition screen for same NSNs from multiple locations. Click to generate the document. Click to print 1348 shipping documents.

14 Disposition Process - Warehouse Turn-in
1 2 3 Navigate to Materiel Mgmt and click Click to show details (Document Transaction Status is PICKED). Click to generate the Ship Warehouse Transfer screen. Disposition process of Warehouse Turn-in automatically plans and picks.

15 Disposition Process - Warehouse Turn-in
1 2 3 Click for Location Browse. Click to choose a location. This location must be an Intransit Location Type Cd. Click to complete the losing warehouse action. The quantity stays on-hand in the Intransit location until gaining warehouse processes the receipt.

16 Disposition Process - Warehouse Turn-in
These screenshots depict the inventory at the losing warehouse and receiving document at the gaining warehouse.

17 Questions?

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