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2 LOCATION Sits in both Europe and Asia Northeastern Hemisphere
Far north of the equator and parts of it are within the Arctic Circle

3 Population Distribution
Total population of almost 144 million – mostly on the European side Population density is low – 22 people per square mile Eastern Russia is mostly uninhabitable

4 Landforms Because of its size, Russia has a lot of physical features
Mountains, plains, plateaus Northern European Plain West of the Ural Mountains, north of the Caucasus Mountains The Ural Mountains are the ‘barrier’ between Europe and Asia Western Siberian Plain grows rugged in the east becoming the Central Siberian Plateau Eastern Siberia is very mountainous

5 Climate Very harsh climate due to its northern location
The northern part of the country has permafrost Below this is Subarctic – ground isn’t frozen all year, evergreen trees are present Western Siberian Plain – Semiarid – very dry, just enough rain for grass

6 Resources Lots of petroleum and natural gas
Coal and high quality iron ore Lumber from the forest regions Industrial area is in the European region Siberia’s location and climate make it hard to develop

7 Label on the Map: Murmansk Ural Mountains St. Petersburg Ob River
Moscow Irtysh River Sochi Yenisey River Omsk Angara River Mirny Lake Baikal Irkutsk Lena River Vladivostok Kolyma River Physical Features: Amur River Volga River

8 Vocabulary Czar – Emperor, king Invaders – enemies entering by force
Communism – a single political party controls the government Socialism – the government controls economic resources

9 History in a Nutshell

10 Early History Biggest impact was the Slavs around 700BC
By 800s AD, had built towns in Western Russia s – Ruled by the Varangian Russes 1200s – taken over by Batu Khan and the Mongols Isolated Russia from European influence 1330 – Grand Prince Ivan I in charge, Moscow grew strong, Mongols weak 1480 – No more Mongols 1547 – Ivan IV becomes Czar

11 Invaders Ivan IV expands Russia to Pacific Ocean
Invaders had a hard time with the climate and the distance Invading armies were rarely successful Napoleon invaded in 1812, Russia destroyed everything Winter starts, Russians attack – only 10k of 420k survive Hitler tried in WWII – only 5K of 300K survived

12 The Soviet Union After the Industrial Revolution, many were poor and starving The Bolsheviks start a revolution, set up a communist government and a socialist economy 1922 – Becomes the USSR (Soviet Union) – Josef Stalin in charge, isolates USSR from the world After WWII, USA and USSR are the most powerful in the world Tensions and conflict between USA and USSR lead to Cold War 1991 – USSR collapses, no longer communist

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