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2018 Instructional Material

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1 2018 Instructional Material
Annual Report Webinar Instructional Material Bureau

2 Topics statutory references & due date instruction pages and tabs revenue & expenditure codes annual report compliance and comments itemized list(s)

3 Statutory References NMSA 22-15-11 NMSA 22-15-2(C)
Each school district, state institution or private school shall keep accurate records of all instructional material, including cost records, on forms and by procedures prescribed by the bureau. NMSA (C) "instructional material" means school textbooks and other educational media that are used as the basis for instruction, including combinations of textbooks, learning kits, supplementary material and electronic media; 

4 NMSA (H) "other classroom materials" means materials other than textbooks that are used to support direct instruction to students NMSA 22-8B-5(C) Thus, charter schools may use 100% of their allocation to purchase instructional material items that are not on the adopted multiple list, however, those items MUST meet statutory definition of instructional material. Charter schools may expend up to 25% of their total allocation for purchases of "other classroom materials"

5 NMSA (B) Local school boards shall give written notice to parents and other community members and shall invite parental involvement in the adoption process at the district level.  Local school boards shall also give public notice, which notice may include publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the school district. NMSA (D) the department shall verify that the local school board or governing body has adopted a policy that requires that every student have a textbook for each class that conforms to curriculum requirements and that allows students to take those textbooks home

6 2017/18 Annual Report & Board Policy Compliance
both are due by August 1, 2018 submit to: submit the correct 2017/18 version of the annual report located at: District/State Supported FY 18/19 IM Annual Report or Charter School FY 18/19 IM Annual Report

7 Please read ALL instructions first
tab #1 provides basic instruction district/state report has a tab #2 which provides a “how to” for the iStar stock number conversion required for ISBN recognition report only IM fund activity only select fields will allow information to be entered if additional rows are needed remember to copy the entire line of formulas to the corresponding cells 3 tutorial slides are provided at the end of this presentation to walk-though creating additional rows and inserting formulas

8 Revenue/Expenditure Codes

9 Revenue Codes 43207 ADOPTED instructional material
43211 NOT ADOPTED instructional material (Max. of 50%) 41953 INSURANCE RECOVERIES for the replacement of personal, real property, and/or equipment 41980 REFUNDS/REIMBURSEMENTS PRIOR YEAR expenditures 41500 INTEREST earnings from all deposits and investments (such earnings/receipts shall be credited to the revenue account that provided the cash for the investment) 11112 RESTRICTED CASH instructional material budget fund balance based on financial audit from previous year

10 Expenditure Codes 56107 ADOPTED Instructional Material
56108 OTHER CLASSROOM MATERIALS (Max. 25% of 56111) 56109 ONLINE COURSE SUBSCRIPTIONS (reported as adopted or not adopted) 56111 NOT ADOPTED Instructional Material (Max. 50%) 56113 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL SOFTWARE (reported as adopted or not adopted)

11 Annual Report Page

12 fill out the entire contact information section input information for rows A-E & P-X total revenue & subtotal expenditure will auto-calculate rows F-O auto- calculate from itemized lists

13 lines P & Q: input expenditure amounts + or – for items not included in itemized list
input enrollment Cost per Student auto-calculates select Yes or No from compliance dropdown explain “other expenditure ” amounts in comment section All contact information is required here

14 fill out the entire contact information section input information for rows A-E & L-Q total revenue & subtotal expenditure will auto-calculate rows F-K auto- calculate from itemized lists

15 lines L & M: input expenditure amounts + or – for items not included in itemized list
input enrollment Cost per student auto-calculates select Yes or No from compliance dropdown explain “other expenditure” amounts in comment section All contact information is required here

16 Board Policy Compliance
a copy of your current board policy compliance is to be submitted along with this annual report by August 1, 2018 select Yes or No from the provided dropdown

17 Adopted Itemized List Page

18 SAMPLE DISTRICT & STATE Adopted Itemized List
purchase information is required in the applicable yellow columns only if purchases were made through iStar, please follow the guidance from Instruction tab #2 to convert ISBN’s from text format to number format be sure to add any purchases not made through iStar to the itemized list

19 SAMPLE CHARTER Itemized List
purchase information is required in the applicable yellow columns only

20 DISTRICT & STATE Adopted Itemized List
SAMPLE DISTRICT & STATE Adopted Itemized List What information is required for the yellow columns? date material was ordered PO # or iStar Order ID vendor/publisher name (duplicates will highlight red-that’s ok!) ISBN or part number QTY-quantity cost & applicable expenditure code

21 SAMPLE CHARTER Itemized List date material was ordered
PO # or reference number vendor/publisher name (duplicates may highlight red - that’s ok!) ISBN or part number title or description of material QTY-quantity cost & applicable expenditure code What information is required for the yellow columns?

22 DISTRICT & STATE Adopted Itemized List
SAMPLE DISTRICT & STATE Adopted Itemized List green/blue columns auto-calculate no input is required!

23 DISTRICT & STATE Adopted Itemized List
SAMPLE DISTRICT & STATE Adopted Itemized List You’re using the correct itemized list if the ISBN duplicates itself! STOP: If #N/A remains, delete the ISBN from Column D. This ISBN should be placed on the Non-adopted itemized list.

24 SAMPLE CHARTER Itemized List
green columns auto-calculate no input is required! pink & blue columns are for IMB use only no input required!

25 SAMPLE DISTRICT & STATE Adopted Itemized List
only CB expenditure will populate in the “Total CB Expenditure” column adopted SU materials will always populate a $0.00 amount No input required!

26 SAMPLE CHARTER Itemized List
only CB expenditure will populate in “Total CB Expenditure” SU materials will always populate a $0.00 amount Rows with #N/A will remain blank for “Total CB Expenditure Note the areas where #N/A remains for non-adopted expenditure, that’s OK!

27 SAMPLE DISTRICT & STATE Adopted Itemized List
* extended cost calculates automatically and maintains a running total at the bottom for each adopted expenditure code * this total will populate on the annual report page, in the “Adopted Expenditure” section * %CB of Total Adopted Expenditure: Auto-calculates & * %Total Revenue expended on CB: Auto-calculates * No input required

28 SAMPLE CHARTER Itemized List
* extended cost calculates automatically and maintains a running total at the bottom for each expenditure code * this total will populate on the annual report page, in the “Adopted/Non-adopted Expenditure” section * %CB of Total Adopted Expenditure: Auto-calculates & * %Total Revenue expended on CB: Auto-calculates * No input required!!

29 Non-adopted Itemized List Page

30 Non-adopted Itemized List
date material was ordered PO # or iStar Order ID vendor/publisher name (duplicates will highlight red-that’s ok!) ISBN or part number title or description of material QTY-quantity cost & applicable expenditure code What information is required for the yellow columns?

31 Non-Adopted Itemized List
only yellow columns require non-adopted purchase information green columns automatically calculate, no input required! If #N/A remains in column E, you are using the correct itemized list!

32 Before you start adding purchase information:
take a look at the itemized list Do you have enough rows? add additional rows with formulas next 3 slides provide a detailed tutorial for adding rows and formulas

33 STEP ONE: Insert the Number of Rows Needed
1. Click Home Tab 2. Select Insert 3. Select Insert Sheet Rows from dropdown **Repeat until enough rows are inserted**

34 STEP TWO: Highlight and Copy the Entire 1st Row of Formulas From Left to Right
1. Highlight 1st row (note gray row in image below) 2. Right click (dropdown appears) 3. Select Copy from dropdown

35 STEP THREE: Copy Formulas into the Created Rows
1. Highlight all of the newly created rows 2. Right click (dropdown appears) 3. Select Paste from dropdown

36 Thank you for taking the time to review the FY 17/18 Instructional Material Annual Report. If you have any questions please let us know.

37 Instructional Material Bureau Contact Information Anthony Burns Instructional Material Bureau Chief Jessica Green Business Operations Specialist The FY 17/18 IM Annual Report & Board Policy Compliance should be ed to:

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