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Project description & goals

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1 Project description & goals
The Trip Demand Synthesis Process and the aTaxi + Rail Transit Mobility Concepts By Julia Phillips Hill Wyrough

2 The Need for Change New Jersey has 3rd longest commute time in nation1
Average NJ commuter in traffic over 52 hrs/yr Average cost of NJ traffic is $8.3 billion – equivalent to $1,465 per licensed NJ driver Total of $345 million in fuel wasted in congestion per annum 1 US Census Bureau 2005 2 NJIT 2007 – Alternative Performance measures for Evaluating Congestion 3 Ibid. 4 Ibid.

3 Potential within aTransportation
Reduce congestion through ridesharing and greater utilization of existing NJT railway infrastructure Reduce fuel consumption and spending, minimize environmental impact Improve highway safety by removing human error Create a mode of transportation superior in efficiency, comfort, and availability to existing modes

4 aTaxi System Autonomous Transit as a subgroup of Personal Rapid Transit No new infrastructure Both spatially and temporally specific Preexisting technology Ability to meet existing demand currently met by automobile industry as well as demand of those presently lacking access to personal transportation

5 Goal of ORF467 aTaxi Project
To assess the potential for ridesharing in New Jersey as comprehensively as possible Increase accuracy of data extrapolated by trip generator through continued collection of real data Bulid upon Fall 2012’s findings regarding improved efficiency with relaxation of constraints to: Destination pixel size (CD – common destination) Wait times (DD – departure delays)

6 Fall 2013 Advancements Substantially improved employment and patronage data by: Correcting data for major employers Using patronage data and total sales numbers to more accurately produce employee data Time of day data Factored in NJ Railway Transit Multimodal trips Intrastate rail trips

7 Trip Generation Step 1: Identify population (Age/Gender/Class of Worker) Generate number of residents per location Uniform sampling of ages by range Assign “traveler types” Produce income data # people, Lat, Long

8 Trip Generation Step 2: Assign place of work
Assign a county > industry > employer per traveler of “work” type

9 Trip Generation Step 3: Assign schools
Check person’s age/education level/enrollment Assign to Private (~15%) and Public (~84%) schools Dormitory students attend closest University

10 Trip Generation Step 4: Assign activity patterns
Each resident follows a specific type of tour Tours can consist of between 0 and 7 arcs between Home, Work, School, Other 17 Patterns Type determined by specific demographic data Averages out to daily trips per person

11 Tour Types

12 Assumptions Residents located at centroid of census blocks
Uniform distribution within age intervals All tours begin and end at home

13 Pixelation of New Jersey
Convert New Jersey into a grid system of 0.50mi x 0.50mi pixels Convert longitude and latitude as follows:

14 Pixelation of New Jersey
NJ State Gride Zoomed-In Grid of Mercer

15 Pixelation of New Jersey
Locate an aTaxi stand at the center of each pixel in NJ Any trip to within the pixel can be reasonably assumed to be served by nearest aTaxi stand All trips within New Jersey can then be converted to trips from aTaxi stand to aTaxi stand

16 Deep South Jersey oTrips

17 Deep South Jersey oTrips

18 South Jersey oTrips

19 South Jersey oTrips

20 Jersey Shore oTrips

21 Jersey Shore oTrips

22 Route 18 Corridor oTrips

23 Route 18 Corridor oTrips

24 Route 206 Corridor oTrips

25 Route 206 Corridor oTrips

26 North Western New Jersey oTrips

27 North Western New Jersey oTrips

28 North New Jersey oTrips

29 North New Jersey oTrips

30 North East New Jersey oTrips

31 North East New Jersey oTrips

32 Out of State oTrips

33 Out of State oTrips

34 Trip Type Distributions for NJ

35 Distribution of oaTaxiTrips: Hunterdon

36 Distribution of oaTaxiTrips: Atlantic

37 Distribution of oaTaxiTrips: Salem

38 Distribution of oaTaxiTrips: Sussex

39 Distribution of oaTaxiTrips: Warren

40 Distribution of oaTaxiTrips: Bergen

41 Distribution of oaTaxiTrips: Cape May

42 Distribution of oaTaxiTrips: Cumberland

43 Distribution of oaTaxiTrips: Essex

44 Distribution of oaTaxiTrips: Mercer

45 Distribution of oaTaxiTrips: Hudson

46 Mode Split Model 3 modes Train Walking/Bicycling NJ Transit railway
aTaxis Intrazonal oPixel adjacent to dPixel Train All trips to/from NYC or Philadelphia Trips originating or ending near train stations Can be combined with aTaxi and/or walking

47 NJDOT Statewide Capital Investment Strategy FY2008
Mode Split Model NJ Transit Rail Lines Congested Roadways NJDOT Statewide Capital Investment Strategy FY2008

48 Geographic Distribution of oTrainTrips

49 Geographic Distribution of ShortTrips

50 Geographic Distribution of oaTaxiTrips

51 Breakdown of Trip Types

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