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Presentation on theme: "SELF-ASSESSMENT WORKBOOK MODULE 1"— Presentation transcript:

In our previous meetings, we have promised modules for how to complete portions of the documentation required for Accreditation. Today we are going to walk you through Module 1. And if we have time, we will move on to Module 2. Self-Assessment Scores and narratives must be entered into ASSIST by September 23rd SELF-ASSESSMENT WORKBOOK MODULE 1

2 Standards Teams Self-Assessment Process
Goal: Participants will develop a deep understanding of the AdvancED Standards and Indicators and the capacity to lead school-based Standards Team through the process of self-assessment 4 Able to lead standards teams with confidence, and support other school based leaders through the process 3 Complete understanding of the standards, indicators and process and can successfully implement in my building 2 Understand accreditation process and basic deliverables due; need assitance with process 1 Little or no understanding These are our goals for today. We are going to model a process for you.

3 Standards Teams Self-Assessment Process
5 Deliverables: Stakeholder Feedback Diagnostic Self-Assessment (scores and narrative) Student Performance Diagnostic Executive Summary Assurances (after completion of SIP) *Evidences and Artifacts are embedded within the narrative One of the first things to cover are the 5 deliverables for which each school and the District are responsible . You will see this information again and again. In your agenda you will find 2 pieces of important information. On the bottom left are all the deliverables for AdvancED and School Improvement. On the bottom right, are open lab dates for which we will be available to help. Please register in iLearnU. If no one registers, we won’t go down to the meeting place. You will notice that on July 13th we will have a virtual meeting. At that meeting, we will discuss Student Performance Data – Module 4.

4 Standards Teams Self-Assessment Process
Organizing to Interact with New Content: Standards Teams: 5 Standards Teams composed of teachers from various grade levels and content areas As a group Unpack the Standard and discuss indicators Rate each indicator on standard – enter into Survey Monkey List Powerful Practices and Opportunities for Improvement Discuss artifacts that will support the ratings of the indicators For today’s work. We are going to work through each of the standards, unpack and model the process to be used at your school site. If you have already completed the process in your school, please assist those at your table who may not have gone through this process. Please complete the survey monkey even if you have scored your indicators at your school. District Standards Teams will use your scores to guide our scoring. Our District Folks will work through this process as well with the Self Assessment for Systems. In your packets you have Module I Self- Assessment Workbook – it has been highligthed for key words and to more easily differentiate between the levels of the rubric. You also have the same document in a different format. It too is highlighted, and we have created a cross-walk with Marzanos Leadership evaluation. This is to help you make the connections between the work we are doing, it is also to facilitate the identification of documentation. So if you have documents you have used for your CLEM teams, you may use the same for your accreditation artifacts. AND CONVERSELY, the artifacts you use for the indicators may be used for your CLEM documentation in the furture. Two birds – one stone.

5 Standards Teams Self-Assessment Process
Helping to Process New Content Using the Standard 1 template for Self Assessment Workbooks for Schools: Review and discuss each indicator Score the indicators individually Enter scores into Survey Monkey at school site use either Excel spreadsheet or Survey Monkey Discuss averages Check artifacts At the end of the Standard List Powerful Practices Opportunities for Improvement You may use either the QR code or the URL to log into Survey Monkey. As you discuss the Standard, the Indicators, and rubrics , determine a score for your school. Come to a consensus on the score and only enter one score per school Now at your school site, you may have each person enter their scores individually. It depends on the dynamics of the team. Then you would determine the average, and then have the discussion as to where the score should fall. Should it be a 2 or a 3. What best represents your school. My assumption here is that you all are of like minds for the most part. Also, This will allow us to pull the averages of all schools and they will be equally weighted. Next: Check artifacts within Survey Monkey you will locate when you return to your building List any additional artifacts you feel might reflect your level of accomplishment Contact us when you want results of survey monkey

6 Standards Teams Self-Assessment Process
Reviewing Content: Standard deviation sheet +1 Standard Deviation = Powerful Practice -1 Standard Deviation = Improvement Priority Opportunities for Improvement AEN Average = AdvancED Network Average Artifacts Types Locations System in place In your packet is a copy of the Standard Deviation spreadsheet. It is also located on our website, for your use. You may use this for your teams to enter scores and determine averages. Or you may use this Survey Monkey. Jodi will send you a link if requested. The AEN is the AdvancED Network Average – so these are the average scores of over 34,000 schools and school systems So the averages and Standard Deviations are constantly updating. Btw now and February 20th – there could be 1000 reviews and those scores will be averaged in. 1+ Powerful Practices -1Improvement Priority Artifacts – as we go through the process we will help you to determine your artifacts – our plan is to have a location on our District Website for you to upload your artifacts We will work on that soon and communicate that information For now, if you are going to begin the work, create folders and place your artifacts in them We will send naming conventions and instructions at a later date

7 Standard 1: The school maintains and communicates a purpose and direction that commit to high expectations for learning as well as shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning. Let’s get started: :20-8:40 We will come around and assist you. You have 20 minutes per Standard. In the comment sections at the end of the Standards: This is the section to begin listing areas of strength and opportunities for improvement (not this exercise stinks and I wish I was in my building looking at my test scores) So after you go down through the indicators, begin your list

8 Standard 2: The school operates under governance and leadership that promote and support student performance and school effectiveness. Note: on 2.1; 2.2; and 2.3 refer to the School Board :40 – 9:00 For the Artifacts, you will need to produce only those for which you would be responsible – for example: School handbooks. Don’t forget to enter your comments at the end

9 Standard 3: The school’s curriculum, instructional design and assessment practices guide and ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning. For Standard 3 – This is probably the most important of all. Really take some time to analyze where you are along the continuum and where are areas of strength and 9:00-9:20 Opportunties for improvement

10 Standard 4: The school has resources and provides services that support its purpose and direction to ensure success for all students. 9:40 – 10:00 BREAK

11 Standard 5: The school implements a comprehensive assessment system that generates a range of data about student learning and school effectiveness and uses the results to guide continuous improvement. 10:20-10:40

12 Process at School Sites
Establish Standards teams – cross representation from departments or grade levels Break out and follow process modeled Reconvene and report out Establish consensus on scoring

13 For more information or assistance, please contact Dr
For more information or assistance, please contact Dr. Terrie Mitev at ~or~ Jodi Cronin at


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