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Step 19: Calculate the Cost of Customer Acquisition (COCA)

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Presentation on theme: "Step 19: Calculate the Cost of Customer Acquisition (COCA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Step 19: Calculate the Cost of Customer Acquisition (COCA)

2 Outline Overview How to Calculate COCA How to Reduce COCA Workshop
November 12, 2018

3 COCA is extremely important!!
Overview This step: Determine how much it costs to acquire a customer (based on your sales process) over the short term, medium term, and long term COCA is extremely important!! November 12, 2018

4 Sales Process (previous step) influences COCA
Overview Sales Process (previous step) influences COCA Quantify all sales and marketing involved to acquire single average customer Includes all costs, regardless of whether customer purchases product or not COCA does NOT include costs and expenses outside of sales and marketing November 12, 2018

5 Identify factors that influence COCA
Overview How to start: Identify factors that influence COCA Assign realistic values to these factors Understand what you can do to reduce COCA over time November 12, 2018

6 Early stages: COCA will likely exceed LTV
Overview Why COCA matters: Early stages: COCA will likely exceed LTV COCA should decrease over time How long will it take for COCA to drop below LTV? November 12, 2018

7 Outline Overview How to Calculate COCA How to Reduce COCA Workshop
November 12, 2018

8 Tabulate aggregate sales and market expenses over time
How to Calculate COCA Tabulate aggregate sales and market expenses over time Divide by total number of new customers acquired NOTE: COCA(t) COCA should be a function of time t could be short, medium, long terms November 12, 2018

9 How to Calculate COCA What to include? Marketing Sales Salaries
Your time (doing marketing) Sales Websites Salaries of salespeople Social media Your time (doing sales) Ads Commissions Computers Bonuses Trade Shows Travel + entertainment Public Relations Benefits Consultants November 12, 2018

10 How to Calculate COCA COCA formula: COCA = [ TMSE(t) – IBSE(t) ] ÷ NC(t) TMSE(t) => Total Marketing and Sales Expenses (over time) IBSE(t) => Install Base Support Expenses (over time)* NC(t) => New Customers (over time) * IBSE(t) = customer retention November 12, 2018

11 Want to plot COCA over time Should decrease…
How to Calculate COCA Want to plot COCA over time Should decrease… November 12, 2018

12 Outline Overview How to Calculate COCA How to Reduce COCA Workshop
November 12, 2018

13 Use direct sales judiciously Automate as much as possible
Ways to Reduce COCA Use direct sales judiciously Automate as much as possible Improve conversion rates (sales) Decrease cost of leads, improve quality Speed through the Sales Funnel Choose a business model with COCA in mind Word of mouth Stay focused on target market November 12, 2018

14 Use direct sales judiciously Salespeople are expensive, but effective
Ways to Reduce COCA Use direct sales judiciously Salespeople are expensive, but effective Instead, consider technology enablers Telemarketing Web presence Social Media November 12, 2018

15 Automate as much as possible
Ways to Reduce COCA Automate as much as possible Try to automate customer acquisition process May require initial investments Promote product via large networked sites Facebook Twitter LinkedIn November 12, 2018

16 Improve conversion rates (sales) Costly to chase deals you don’t close
Ways to Reduce COCA Improve conversion rates (sales) Costly to chase deals you don’t close November 12, 2018

17 Decrease cost of leads, improve quality Quality > quantity
Ways to Reduce COCA Decrease cost of leads, improve quality Quality > quantity E.g., passing out business cards is cheap, but low-quality Use inbound marketing e.g., HubSpot Aka content marketing Social media marketing Search engine optimization November 12, 2018

18 Speed through the Sales Funnel
Ways to Reduce COCA Speed through the Sales Funnel Increase speed through which customer moves through funnel Time = money Choose a business model with COCA in mind E.g., Usage based vs. Cell phone plan could impact COCA Word of mouth Best way to reduce COCA!!! November 12, 2018

19 Stay focused on target market Beachhead market Don’t get distracted
Ways to Reduce COCA Stay focused on target market Beachhead market Don’t get distracted Help improve word of mouth Make sales reps more productive Become experts of industry Understand DMUs Decrease sales cycles November 12, 2018

20 Outline Overview How to Calculate COCA How to Reduce COCA Workshop
November 12, 2018

21 Workshop Several worksheets: Estimate COCA Reduce COCA
Plot COCA over time Identify risk factors NOTE: this is hard for us computer scientists! You may need to do some digging (e.g., costs of inbound marketing) November 12, 2018

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