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Rochester VHF Group 12 December 2008

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1 Rochester VHF Group 12 December 2008
Preamps & Noise Figure Rochester VHF Group 12 December 2008

2 Preamps Most VHF/UHF receiving systems with nominal sensitivity can use some additional gain and improved noise figure. A Preamplifier if properly selected allows you to hear weak signals with improved Signal to Noise Ratio. A reasonable investment yields significant more DX at VHF/UHF Proper selection requires a “System Approach”… understanding total receiving system impact. Good Preamps are reasonably easy to homebrew. There are cost effective commercial solutions. Measurements are a little sophisticated, but expensive test equipment is not a necessity. 11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

3 Modern Preamps Bipolar Transistor Field Effect Transistor
Dual Gate FET MOSFET – Metal Oxide Semiconductor FET MESFET – Metal Semiconductor FET HEMT High Electron Mobility Transistor (low resistivity, doped to achieve advanced results) PHEMT Pseudomorphic HEMT (small gate length FETs) 11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

4 Preamps 40’s Open Mixers, tubes, 15-25 dB NF
50’s Low noise tubes, nuvistors, first xstrs 3-6 dB NF 60’s Transistors, JFETs, Parametric Amps 2-3 dB NF 70’s Hot JFETs, Dual-Gate FETs, Bipolar Xstrs, MASERs 80’s GaAs FETs in TVRO industry 90’s Small gate length FETs, MMICs Today PHEMT, BJT, GaAs MMICs Future? 11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

5 Preamps Filtering/Z-Matching – Exclude unwanted signals to inconsequential levels (pre-selection filtering) and provide necessary impedance transformation Gain – Enough to determine system RX sensitivity (p/o overall amplification needed to detect signals and mask the effects of subsequent stages) Noise Figure – As low as can be obtained at good economy Linearity – Amplify without creating new spurious signals 11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

6 Effects of Filtering / Matching
Improved rejection of unwanted signals – off channel Provide impedance transformation – matching input to output for best Gain or Noise performance (sometimes a controlled mis-match or “noise match”) Off-frequency complex impedances – maybe not unilaterally stable amplifier Filter elements don’t usually introduce additional IM but the net effect on the device is important to the amplifier performance Sharp filters may exclude wide band noise that the measuring instrument is including in calibration – adds uncertainty 11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

7 Typical Receive Chain 11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

8 Down East Preamp – 144 MHz 11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

9 Noise and Gain Noise is amplified along with the signal
Both S + N eventually presented to the detector 11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

10 Noise Figure 11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

11 Thermal Noise Power Noise Power of a 3 dB NF preamp = 1.2E-17 Watts = dBm 11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

12 Noise Figure vs Sensitivity
11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

13 Y-Factor NF Measurement
11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

14 Excess Noise Ratio 11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

15 Using a Noise Source 11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

16 Y-Factor 11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

17 Noise Figure Measurement
11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

18 Noise Figure Measurement
11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

19 Linearity 11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

20 Effects of Non-Linearity
11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

21 Intercept Point 11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

22 Intercept Point High IP3 and Low NF designs don’t usually coincide, but may overlap Best performance is lowest NF with acceptable IP3 1 dB Compression is typically easier to measure and shows trend 11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

23 Resources Other Interesting Resources To Know About:
Noise Figure ; Microwaves 101 Principles of Semiconductor Devices – Bart Van Zeghbroeck Tommy Henderson - 11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

24 Extras 11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

25 432 Multimode With No Preamp
11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

26 432 Multimode With Preamp in Shack
11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

27 432 Multimode With Preamp at Antenna
11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

28 Noise Figure History 11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

29 Commercial Preamps 11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

30 Commercial Preamps 11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

31 Down East Preamp 10 GHz 11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

32 DB6NT Preamp 432 MHz 11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

33 Homebrew Designs 11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

34 Homebrew Designs 11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

35 Homebrew Designs 11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

36 Homebrew Designs 11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

37 Homebrew Designs 11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

38 Example Source of GaAs FETS
11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

39 416B Triode 11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

40 Parametric Amplifier Uses a diode pumped with microwave power in a “negative resistance” region of it’s transfer curve to amplify signal energy. 11/12/2018 Rochester VHF Group

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