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“Starter for 10”.. Hello Year 11! LO- To ‘Warm up the text’-background and first impressions (AO4)

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Presentation on theme: "“Starter for 10”.. Hello Year 11! LO- To ‘Warm up the text’-background and first impressions (AO4)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hello Year 11! LO- To ‘Warm up the text’-background and first impressions (AO4)

2 “Starter for 10”.

3 The USA in the Early Twentieth Century

4 Society and Culture A time of optimism- The Jazz Age, the ‘Roaring Twenties’ followed by...... The Wall Street Crash (1929), The Great Depression (1930s)

5 Racial Segregation In the 1930s, the majority of the Southern states in the US had laws which prohibited the integration of black and white people. Apartheid in South Africa White supremacy- BNP, National Front

6 Jim Crow Laws After the American Civil War most states in the South passed anti-African American legislation. These became known as Jim Crow laws.

7 These laws were instituted in 1896 and were not abolished till the late 1950’s (even then still not completely).

8 Map indicating the segregated South. (Red Areas)

9 Segregation was present in transportation…

10 In business and trade…

11 In eating and drinking facilities…

12 In employment and education…

13 Eventually civil rights protests broke out in the demand for equality…

14 Martin Luther King echoed many of the concerns anticipated in this novel in Can anyone name the speech? Atrocious acts of violence and injustice were enacted against black people in the American South Ku Klux Klan Emmet Till- beaten to death by a mob for wolf whistling a white woman. He was 14 years old

15 Harper Lee Born in Monroeville, Alabama in 1926 Father a lawyer
Studied law herself but never graduated Childhood friends with Truman Capote, the behaviour of Jem, Scout and Dill is said to reflect their own escapades.

16 Harper Lee’s Influences
Victoria Price and Ruby Bates (prostitutes) claimed they were raped by a group of 9 black youths. 10,000 people gathered to insist they hang This is known as The Scottsboro Trial

17 Scottsboro Boys Trial This is what actually happened…
Several white men boarded the train & picked a fight with the black men Whites were forced off train by the 12 black men. The white men reported that the black men had raped two white girls on the train to authorities. They lied. Guilty because of their ethnicity.

18 JUSTICE? It was an all white jury (jury of peers?)
8 out of the 12 youths were sentenced to death. One youth could not be tried because he was only 12 years old. Ruby Bates changed her story but the charges were not dropped. Trials went on for nearly 15 years before all the men were dismissed. They all lost 15 years of their lives because of the lies of white men.


20 Themes of the novel Racism Prejudice Courage Innocence and Experience
Growing up We will be exploring these areas in coming lessons, so be mindful of these areas when reading

21 So...Let’s look at the text...
On the basis of what you have read so far, what issues of conflict can you identify? What language is used to place the novel in it’s time? (1930’s USA). Clue-Race? Discuss in small groups. You have5- 10 minutes before we feedback. Extension activity- Identify stereotypes. Is Harper Lee reinforcing or challenging them?

22 Satire Satire = ridiculing to show up the weakness of people or an institution. Look at the example at the top of page 19. How is the writer satirising teaching and education?

23 Miss Caroline: Victim or Villain?
Your task is now to write a diary entry as Miss Caroline after the Ewell incident. How do you feel about your pupils? Use empathy. Ext: Link in contextual points Homework: To finish diary entry. Conclude with a paragraph placing Miss Caroline as victim or villain. Justify your reasoning Next time: ‘Scissorgate’ What impression do we get? Why? Do our opinions change? What do we understand about class from this extract?

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