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Why did Europeans decide to explore the globe?

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Presentation on theme: "Why did Europeans decide to explore the globe?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why did Europeans decide to explore the globe?
The Age of Discovery Part I: Why did Europeans decide to explore the globe? Who went exploring?

2 What makes Europe able to go exploring?
Middle Ages: Europe had gotten used to Asian luxuries The Black Death limits trading with Asia

3 What makes Europe able to go exploring?
Renaissance: Population increase = increase in demand Technological and economic developments

4 What makes Europe able to go exploring?
Reformation: Catholic missionaries

5 What are Europeans interested in?
Trade with the Middle East and Asia SPICES Silk Porcelain Tea

6 What are Europeans interested in?
Gold Literally looking for gold & money to be made God Spread religion, freedom of religion, stop spread of a religion Glory  Competition of nations, individual accomplishments

7 Navigational Advancements
Cartography (mapmaking) became more accurate

8 Navigational Advancements
Astrolabe: used to determine latitude at sea (originally Greek and Arab) 1388 (left) 1600 (above)

9 Navigational Advancements
Magnetic Compass: determining direction

10 More Navigational Advancements
Mercator Projection: type of map that shows latitude and longitude as straight lines

11 More Navigational Advancements
Sextant: determining the altitude of sun and stars

12 Other Technological Advances
Caravel: combined the square sails of European ships with triangular sails Made it easier to sail across or into the wind Additional armaments on ships—additions of cannons

13 Who’s exploring? Portugal Mapped the coast of Africa (Prince Henry)
Sea Route to India (Da Gama)

14 Who’s exploring? Spain Caribbean Islands (Columbus)
Line of Demarcation (divided land) Naming “America”—Vespucci “El Paso” (Sea Route to the East Indies—Magellan’s voyage)

15 If we can’t travel around South America, can we go North?
England: Cabot discovers fishing grounds off of North America Drake explores the Northwest US

16 If we can’t travel around South America, can we go North?
Netherlands: Hudson explores Hudson River

17 If we can’t travel around South America, can we go North?
France: Cartier: St. Lawrence River valley

18 Who was affected by the Age of Discovery?
South and Central America Africa East Asia EUROPE

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