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At Alexandra School.

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1 at Alexandra School


3 consolidate, reinforce and embed school learning and allow children to practise skills taught in lessons; for instance the Good Times Challenge will help pupils to become fluent mathematicians. enable pupils to make maximum progress in their academic achievement, developing good work habits for the future; help pupils develop the skills of independent learners; promote a partnership between home and school in supporting each child’s learning; encourage children to develop their curiosity and an enquiring mind.

4 Embedding Learning

5 Let’s avoid this!


7 times tables. How does the Good Times challenge work?
At Alexandra we value all the support that parents can give to their children. In the same way that input from home has a hugely positive impact upon children’s reading, we feel that a significant difference can also be made by working together on times tables.

8 Each child in Key Stages 1 and 2 has a personal challenge.
This is to learn a particular times table, its related division facts or a combination of both. Once times tables up to 12x have been mastered, children are challenged to apply their knowledge through other mental calculation skills. The challenge will take place on a set day each week (initially each fortnight in Year 1) which will depend upon the child’s year group. It takes the form of a ‘race track’ sheet in which 26 questions are to be completed within a set time. This is 2 minutes for KS1 and 90 seconds for KS2.

9 Every child’s starting place is unique
Careful teacher assessment will establish at which stage in the progression of challenges each child will start. This will vary according to age, ability and particular learning needs. For example, many children in KS1 will begin with the addition and subtraction number facts before moving towards learning tables. KS2 pupils may show a firm grasp of 2x, 5x and 10x tables so will begin further up the sequence of challenges.



12 An information pack with details about
The Good Times Challenge is available in the classroom to take home with you today. It also Has a wide range of ideas to & websites to support Your child’s home learning. Please sign the sheet to indicate you have received a copy.

13 Half termly Class projects



16 Whole school projects

17 How can you help? Make sure your child completes their home learning and returns it on time. Help with the Good Times Challenge, reading and spelling practise. Ensure they have a quiet and calm working space. Talk to them about the work they are doing and their learning at school. Visit the library regularly – and share page time as well as screen time every day.

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