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2 Do Now: Complete in your science notebook
Write out your proposed question for the Science Fair. Trade notebooks with your shoulder partner. Check your partner’s question for whether or not it meets the criteria for a good question. Criteria Testable question Cause & effect Measurable outcome Only 1 Independent Variable Materials easy to obtain

3 Nature of Science Unit Retake Reminder
On a separate piece of paper, for each question you got wrong, write down why the other choices on the test are incorrect. Ex: For Question 1, “start a new experiment” is incorrect because this is not a part of the steps of scientific inquiry. “Change their experiment” is incorrect because this would not make sense since the hypothesis was supported. This must be completed and approved by Thursday, 11/16. If not, you will not be able to retake the test. You will retake the test on Friday, 11/17.

4 Earth Science Writing Assignment
"You have just returned from an adventurous journey to the center of the Earth. Take a few minutes to write a description of your journey. Describe what the temperatures were (hot, cold, moderate) and what materials (liquids, gases, solids) you passed through“ Try to include an explanation of why you think the interior of the Earth is the way you describe it Alternatively, if you do not have prior knowledge, explain that your answer is solely creative and not based on prior knowledge. 

5 Earth Science Why Earth Science?

6 Earth’s Layers Assignment
Level 0 voices (silence) Read through the provided class text (please do not write on the packets!) Answer the review questions on the worksheet. As you are reading and working through the worksheet, Mr. Santos will come around to approve your Science Fair Questions.

7 Homework Discuss your Science Fair question with your parents. Have them approve of it by signing Page 7 of your Science Fair Packet. This is what should be turned in tomorrow, 11/16, to meet the deadline.

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