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Intro to Phy 9th grade Unit 1 Measurement:

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1 Intro to Phy 9th grade Unit 1 Measurement:
What are 2 reasons that the International System of Units is NOT English units, but metric units?


3 Integrated Science B DSQ
Please convert the following: 7.2 mm _______ cm 7.2 mm _______m 7.2 mm _______km 7.2 mg ________cg 7.2 mL ________L 7.2 mg ________g 7.2 mL ________cL 7.2 mL ________cm3 01/17/12

4 ISB Practice metric conversion and measurement practice

5 Integrated Science B DSQ
Review pages 18 and 19 in your book. Convert the following. 300 cm into m 3000 m into km 3 km into cm 28 kL into mL 40 mg into g Make sure you have all the questions for the week, and turn in your sheet when done. 03/23/12

6 Integrated Science B DSQ
How can you find the mass of a cube? What units would you use? How can you find the volume of a cube? What units would you use? What do you need to be careful about when measuring? Please turn in your sheet when you have finished these questions. 5th day

7 Integrated Science B DSQ
Please complete the table below. Item Units (list as many as you can think of) Length Volume Density Mass Weight Speed Time 4th day

8 In groups of TWO (star partner), create a chart like the following using a ruler on a separate sheet of paper. Book length Arm span of one person in the group Length of foot of one person in the group Length of desk Height of one person in the group Room length 1 2 3 Avg. length mm cm m km 03/22/12

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