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Defensive Back Drills W K.

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1 Defensive Back Drills W K

2 DB Drill Library 1 Stance & Position 19 Perfect Position Man Drill 2
In Phase & Out of Phase 20 Crack & Replace Drill 3 90 Degree Drill 21 Shrug, Read & React Drill 4 Shuffle, Turn, Cross Over & Run Drill 22 DB Shimmy Tackle Drill 5 Tip Drill 23 Reach, Chase & Punch Drill 6 Gopher Plant & Drive Drill 24 Tempo Line Drill 7 Catch & Strip Drill 25 Whip Route Defense 8 Weave Drill 26 DB Box Drill 9 Gang Up Drill 27 Shuffle, Turn & Watch 10 Beat Stalk Drill 28 Race Drill 11 Ball Angle Drill 29 Route Identification Drill 12 Back Peddle, Shuffle & Break Drill 30 Stalk Defeat to Angle Tackle 13 Distraction Drill 31 No Arms Reroute Drill 14 Zone & Pass Zone Numbers 32 Shuffle & Break Drill 15 Stretch & Break Drill 33 16 Triangulating of Safeties 34 17 Space Needle Cone Drill 35 18 Twilight Zone Drill 36

3 Stance, Position, Keys & BP
Stance (Staggered) Inside foot is up, outside is back Shoulder over toes Comfort is important Stance (Balance) Feet shoulder width apart 1st Step 4”-6” w/lead step Shoulders over toes Keep center of gravity Regular Keys Defensive backs aligned on WR’s should focus on the WR’s as they take their first few steps, then pick up QB. Back Peddling Good body position is required. Hips and upper torso should be forward of the ankle joint. “Shoulders of toes.” The DB should reach for distance with his backward steps. Stride out and back! Difficulty occurs when the “body lean” becomes either too straight or backward. Note: The Stance should be slightly more narrow than shoulder width. Feet should be in toe-to-instep relationship. Inside foot back. #1

4 In Phase and Out of Phase
In Phase: This is when the DB is in close proximity to the receiver. He is in phase when he can reach the receivers hip. You can still make a place on the ball. Procedure: Stay on hip and play the man tell the ball shows. Out of Phase: This is when the DB is not in close proximity to the receiver. He is out and front and you are beat. Procedure: Watch the receivers hands and when they go up rake down across. Stay with them and play physical. #2

5 90 Degree Break Drill DB DB DB “Break to ball”
Explanation: the 90 degree and break drill teachers our DB’s to shuffle and back pedal. Drill: Set up cones20 yards down the field. Set up cones 5 yards apart. Back pedal is shoulders over toes. Break on ball when QB (Coach) pulls the pin. Catch ball at its highest point. Return ball to near sideline with the ball in the outside hand. Technique: Shuffle is wide base with peck on quad. Feet do not click or cross over. Note: Stand outside of cone path. End: Return ball to coach and get back in line. “Shuffle” “Back Pedal” DB DB DB Coach #3

6 Back Peddle Drill DB DB Explanation: Working the back pedal.
Drill: Head up, back straight and hanging loose in your front body. Weight on the balls of your feet. Shoulders over toes. Good arm churn. Push off of the staged front foot. Technique: From good position & knees bent at 45 degree angle. Note: React on coaches command. End: Alternate lines. “Back Pedal 10 Yards” DB DB Coach #4

7 Shuffle, Cross Over & Break Drill
Explanation: Breaking on ball in air after movement. Drill: Stand at centerline of cones. From the shuffle , cross over and run get turned in order to be able to run with opponent. Turn both feet at 45 degree angle to the inside and go into shuffle. DB breaks on the ball when coach puts ball into air. Start break on QB (Coach) pulling the pin. Technique: Catch ball at its highest point. Note: Be definitive in movement. Near sideline and outside hand. End: Return ball to coach and get back in line. “Break” “Shuffle” “Throw” DB Coach #5

8 Gopher Plant & Drive Drill
Explanation: The M-Drill teaches breaking towards the line of scrimmage from a back peddle. Drill: Form a single line on the sideline. 1st man in the line begins the drill be pack peddling. At the next 5 yard stripe plant the foot away from the way you are going and break back up. Technique: Stay low in the back pedal, feet no wider than frame. Shoulders over toes in BP. Note: Make commands on a cue. End: Coach can start and stop. DB Coach #6

9 Catch & Strip Drill Explanation: Strip the catch hand helps the DB concentrate on the ball to force the TO/Incompletion. Drill: After catch the DB will strip the ball. As the DB covers the WR he wants to take his hand & arm over the top of the furthers should. Club down on the receivers hand. DB’s inside arm and hand will attack the near arm of the WR. Attempting to keep the WR’s from using it to help catch the ball. Technique: Club over the far shoulder attacking the catch hand. Note: Can throw or get QB. End: Offense, defense & out. WK WK Coach “Club over hands, Outside hand” Start on whistle #7

10 Weave Drill DB DB DB “Turn and run to ball”
Explanation: Weave drill is a reaction drill conducted by the coach. Drill: On command by the coach w/the FB in his hand. Be definitive with ball and shoulders. Move side to side as directed by the coach. When the coach “pulls the pin” break on the ball. DB must keep head up and eyes on coach. Technique: Pass! Ball! OSGI!!! Near sideline with ball in outside arm. Note: The coach needs to direct DB. End: Return ball to coach or feeder. “Back pedal” “Throw” DB DB DB Coach #8

11 Gang Up Drill FS CB CB QB FB HB
Explanation: DB run recognition and fits Drill: Lanes and fits of the DB’s. Direct rotations of O/D. The QB and the backfield can make any movement run any run scheme On the snap, the secondary takes their usual steps The DB’s should locate the ball and take their run fit paths Technique: The DB should pursuit and tackle the ball with good angles and fits Note: We can use any backfield set End: Players should be in groups and take 2-3 reps at a time. Work with the group that you play with. FS 10-12 CB 8-10 FS CB CB L.O.S BAG BAG BAG QB FB Coach HB #9

12 Beat Stalk Drill RB WR DB Explanation: Beating the stalk block.
Drill: Use cones to make a 5x5 box. Have RB 8-10 yards away from box. Have RB cut inside, outside as long as they stay in the box. (start from 4 Point and progress to 2 point) Press, shrug and separate. On command, the DB attacks the block of the WR. DB approaches square, with lower pad level than the WR and his hands inside. The DB’s hands should strike the breast pad of the WR violently while hitting at an angle up, knocking the WR into an upright position. Technique: The DB must overall win the battle wile keeping his leverage. Note: Can add tackle to drill w/shrug, press and tackle! End: Offense, defense & out. WR DB Coach #10

13 Ball Angle Drills DB DB DB Explanation : Breaking on route and ball.
Drill: Have a single file line of DB’s standing about yards away facing the coach. On command sprint towards coach and break on one of a variety of angles. (straight, 90 or 45) Coach throws ball as a lead with designation. Straight 45 to called side 90 to called side Technique: Use different route anglers. Note: Start with shuffle, turn cross-over and run! End: Return ball to coach & get back in line. “Coach can throw ball at different commended breaks.” DB DB DB Coach #11

14 Tip Drill DB DB DB Explanation: Catching the ball off of a tip.
Drill: Have a single file line of DB’s standing about yards away facing the coach. On command one sprints out with one trailing behind. First DB tips ball high in the air and second catches it. Technique: Look to punch it high and make sure it is count with hands at its highest point Note: Work the clock on throws. End: Return balls to coaches side. Feed will really help. DB DB DB Coach #12

15 Distraction Drill Explanation: Catching the hard ball.
Drill: Have two equal lines of Dbs. Player under runs straight and waves hands up in order to distract DB on top line from catching the ball. DB on top run straight and catch ball. Ignore the distraction. Coach throws ball when the two players meet in the middle. Technique: Look, Catch & tuck. Note: Off set lines. End: Alternate lines. Catcher Distracter DB DB Coach #13

16 Definitions of Zones and Pass Zone Numbers
Yard Depth 7 8 9 10+ 3 Step 4 6 6 6-10 Intermediate 1 2 3 0-5 Deep #14

17 Stretch and Break Drill
Explanation: Develops the FS stretch & break w/a Cover 3 zone. Drill: Set up cones about yards apart. WR line up just outside in their stance. DB can start in stance or laying down to make the drill more difficult. DB must break on the ball once the QB/Coach “pulls the pin”. Technique: Break once the pin is pulled and high point the ball. Note: High point the ball! End: Left WR to Right WR to DB. Come back inline at the start once drill is complete. DB WR WR DB Coach DB #15

18 Triangulation of Safeties
Vs. 2x1: Split #1 and #2 to strength. Vs. 3x1: Split #1 and apex of #2 & #3 of the 3 man surface. Vs. 3x1: Split #1 and #2 to strength. Same as 2x1. Vs. 2x1 Twins: Split #1 and #2 to strength. Strength is defined as TE. #16

19 Space Needle Cone Drill
2 Explanation: Sprint, Plant & Change direction. Also ball skills. Drill: Sprint, shuffle & Back peddle around each cone. At top after sprint come down and around cone “A”. Break up and look for ball from coach. Technique: Shuffle, cross over & Run. Note: 2nd time though perform same drill to the left with the “B” cone. End: Come back inline at the start once drill is complete. 5 Yards 1 3 B A 5 Yards Coach DB DB #17

20 Twilight Zone Drill DB WR WR WR Explanation: 1 high defend work.
Drill: WR= Wide Receiver DB can be on stomach or back The WR runs any pattern designated by coach The DB quickly jumps to his feet and breaks down under control The DB defends the pass line Technique: The focus of the DB is on the belt of the WR Prepare for a cut when the belt drops! Note: The DB should play to pick, knock down or make the tackle on the WR. End: Offense, Defense & Out 14 Yards Laying Down DB 7 Yards Coach WR WR WR #18

21 Perfect Position Man Drill
Explanation: Staying in perfect position in man coverage with trail technique. Drill: Start and stop on coaches command. Stay in trail position! Keep in perfect position with hand on outside hip. Start and stop w/whistle. Technique: Man 1x5. Note: Shuffle & break down in phase with the WR. End: Par up and after going though drill switch positions. Coach DB WR #19

22 Crack & Replace Drill DB DB DB DB OLB
Explanation: Toss Crack play angles, calls and fits. Drill: OLB’s & CB’s (Could add FS as middle run fit. OLB takes on crack with outside shoulder. Stay square to the LOS. DB must give crack call and replace alley. DB should make tackle the ball with head on the outside. Technique: Keep head on leverage side. Note: Great drill week of Goodhue and Caledonia End: Ball, Bag, On deck, DB OLB… DB DB DB DB OLB DB’s on Deck BAG BAG Coach #20

23 Shrug, Read & React Drill
DB Explanation: Shrugging block in open filed and making the read on the RB. Drill: Blocker comes up aggressively at DB. DB presses, shrugs and separates. Now react to the ball. Technique: RB & DB Press with arms flexed, elbows in and thumbs up. Separate with shrug and react to the ball carrier. RB comes over the bag from the starting line. RB makes 2nd move on DB’s contact to the bag. Note: Great combo drill (O/D) End: Blocker should be 2nd coach. Offense to Defense is rotation. DB DB DB’s on Deck BAG Blocker Coach RB BAG RB #21

24 DB Shimmy Tackle DB DB Explanation: Working Angle types.
Drill: Start at cone line, break down shuffle at 2nd cone. Make tackle fit on bag Blocker pad). Aggressive angle (Offense does not have a 2-way go.) Non-aggressive angle (Offense does have 2-way cut.) Technique: Head up and across. Run feet on contact. Note: Break outside cones and run feet! End: Defense, Bag to out. DB DB “Shuffle break down” BAG BAG Coach #22

25 Reach, Chase & Punch Drill
Explanation: Reacting to the ball carrier and forcing the fumble. Chase & Punch! Drill: Set up cones lines yards apart. Off set the DB under the WR. Defense breaks to coach. Ball is tossed to offensive player. Play runs out! Defense reacts & chases. Defender grips & strips the ball. Technique: Ride & Rip tech! Note: WR starts and DB reacts. End: Next in line for both. Coach #1 RB DB #2 Ride & Rip tech to force the fumble! #23

26 Shuffle, Turn Cross over and run!
Tempo Line Drill Explanation: BP and working different routes. Drill: Stands middle behind cone lines. Coach controls movement. Ball up = stop Ball angled = slow Ball 90 = fast 1-2 Side, 45, Hips rotate, Hockey stop Technique: Can be Dig, Out, Curl or any route of designated opponent. Note: Can add weave instead of BP. End: 2 at a time through 2nd cone. Coach DB DB Shuffle, Turn Cross over and run! Turn & Run #24

27 Shuffle, Turn Cross over and run!
Whip Route Def. Drill Shuffle, Turn Cross over and run! Explanation: Defending the “Whip Route” Drill: Stands middle behind cone lines. Cones 5 x 5 box. Shuffle, turn cross over and run After steps pursuit to the ball/bag Technique: Shuffle, turn cross over and run! Note: Can change the cones for depths of other teams routes. End: Single file line behind the cones. DB DB DB Coach DB #25

28 DB Box Drill DB DB DB DB Shuffle, Turn Cross over and run!
Explanation: Movement and athleticism Drill: Start with shuffle turn, cross over and run. Set up 10 x 10 box of cones. Stands middle behind cone lines. Coach can direct movement in any number of sequences. Start with our STCR! Technique: Shuffle, turn cross over and run! Note: 2nd player starts once 1st passes the 1st cone. End: Single file line behind the cones. 2 1 3 4 DB Shuffle, Turn Cross over and run! DB DB DB Coach #26

29 Shuffle facing forward
Shuffle, Turn & Watch Explanation: Hips, Footwork & Press Tech Drill: Set up cones 10 yards with DB ascending back. Do not cross over feet Do not click heals Turn on the whistle and look for ball! Technique: Turn to the coach and the ball Note: Control to outside of the cone line and let rip with the whistle and the ball! End: Up and back of the line. Shuffle facing forward DB DB DB DB Turn, See ball & Look In! Coach #27

30 Race Drill Explanation: Man to Man distance vs. all routes. (Depths of 5-10) Drill: Set up cones about 10 yards about. Set up cones a total of 10 yards out with 5 setting the mid point. Use full route tree. DB must race the WR to the spot. This teaches Man to man. Technique: 1x5 Man or Press Man if required Note: Use routes that given opponent uses for that week. End: Offense to defense and back of line. DB “Run with WR” DB DB WR 5 10 Start on whistle Coach #28

31 Route Identification Drill
Explanation: Identifying Opponents routes. Drill: Set up WR in stance. Set up DB in off coverage. See route as it comes up Break on route! Technique: Shuffle turn, cross over and run Note: Make sure you have adequate room to run drill. Make sure we are using opponents routes. End: Offense, defense to back of Offensive line. “Break” DB “Shuffle” “Throw” WR Coach #29

32 Stalk Defeat to Angle Tackle
DB Explanation: How to defeat an open field stalk block and make an angle tackle. Drill: Cone line, bag 3-4 yards out. Stalk blocker is about 4-5 yards out. Angle tackle is 45 degrees outside at 3-4 yards. DB buzzes over bag and comes to balance. Shock stalk block with elbow inside and thumbs up. Shed and find tackle on an angle. Technique: Shock and shed with elbows in tight and thumbs up. Note: Attack on an angle chasing the inside hip. End: Defense, Offense 1, Offense 2 to out. DB BAG Coach “Shuffle break down & Shock/Shed” Tackle Stalk blocker #30

33 No Arms Reroute Drill WR WR DB
Explanation: Forcing the DB to focus on feet with rerouting. Drill: Set up WR line between cones. Set up DB depending on coverage. Likely “man” 5 yards back. Keep athletic base as DB. Keep hands back! Key the hips of the WR and move the feet. Run feet and use body to shift WR to desire side. Technique: Man Coverage. Note: Can use stick to force arms back. End: Offense, Defense to out. Coach WR “Depth depends on coverage” DB #31

34 Shuffle & Break Drill DB DB DB
Explanation: Working the shuffle, turn cross over and run with 2+ players. Drill: Line up 2-3 players with coaching facing. Coach gives shuffle key Coach gives break key Break back and make a play! Technique: Man Coverage. Note: Can use stick to force arms back. End: Offense, Defense to out. Coach DB DB DB “Shuffle, turn, cross over and break” #32

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