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Eyewitness in the classroom Human rights in Palestine & Israel today

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Presentation on theme: "Eyewitness in the classroom Human rights in Palestine & Israel today"— Presentation transcript:

1 Eyewitness in the classroom Human rights in Palestine & Israel today

2 Who’s who? Sort the cards into sets of three: The name The description
The image

3 Israel and Palestine combined (22,072 km²) are 0
Israel and Palestine combined (22,072 km²) are 0.09 times the size of the United Kingdom (242,900km²) or 0.3 times as big as the Republic of Ireland. Country Images: Copyright ©

4 Palestinian Israeli Ecumenical Accompanier (EA) Settler Christian Arabic Jew Hebrew Arab Muslim Middle Eastern

5 Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine & Israel

6 What do EAs do? 3 month placement in the West Bank
Human rights monitoring Offer a protective presence Stand with Palestinian and Israeli peacemakers Advocacy at home

7 Principled Impartiality
“We do not take sides in this conflict and we do not discriminate against anyone, but we are not neutral in terms of human rights and international humanitarian law. “We are neither pro-Israeli nor pro- Palestinian, but rather are pro-justice, pro- human rights and pro-international humanitarian law working for an end to the occupation and a just peace with security and dignity for all.”

8 Video: Israeli Palestinian conflict explained: an animated introduction to Israel and Palestine (5 min)

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