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The periodic table.

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Presentation on theme: "The periodic table."— Presentation transcript:

1 The periodic table

2 Group 1

3 Trends in group 1 metals What trends do you see as you go down the group? What do the metals all have in common? What other properties would you expect the elements in group 1 to have as they are all metals?


5 Group 7 – the halogens The elements in group 7 of the periodic table, on the right, are called the halogens. I Br Cl F At fluorine chlorine bromine iodine astatine

6 Halogens – what do they look like?
Chlorine Bromine Iodine

7 Halogen vapours Bromine and iodine are not gaseous, but have low boiling points. This means that they produce vapour at relatively low temperature. They are volatile. Photo credit: Dr John Mileham Bromine produces some red-brown vapour, seen here above the liquid bromine in the jar. When iodine is heated gently, it changes directly from a solid to a gas without first becoming a liquid. This is called sublimation.

8 Iodine fingerprints

9 Reactions of the group 7 elements
Br Cl F At fluorine chlorine bromine iodine astatine

10 Watch the video You will be asked to put the halogens in order of reactivity

11 Halogens Chlorine Iodine Bromine Fluorine


13 Group 0 This is also called group 8
How are group 8 elements different to group 1 or 7?

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