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Building Java Programs

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Presentation on theme: "Building Java Programs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Java Programs
Final review, parting thoughts

2 Today: penultimate lecture One of my favorite words: penultimate
PS: send me comics


4 Federation of States? Or Single Republic?
Idea from Peter Norvig: Federation of States? Or Single Republic?

5 1866: civil war ends The United States are The United States is
The United States are The United States is


7 Implementing abstractions
Procedural Object-Oriented Building block: method Steps of computation Task-based Building block: class Reusable data entities Modeling Appropriate for large-scale projects

8 What's next? Arrays are great, but how else can I organize data?
CSE 143 (then 373/332) How do I write more complex algorithms? CSE 143 (then 417/421) How do computer scientists think about the world? CSE 143 honors section Console apps are neat but I hear the web is the future? CSE 154

9 Final exam Procedural: algorithmic problem-solving
Array mystery Reference mystery File processing Array programming OO: applying rules, meeting a specification Inheritance mystery Critter

10 UW or UW-affiliated projects
What can CS help with? UW or UW-affiliated projects

11 Making cool movies

12 Shopping

13 Getting good deals 11/11/25/new-york-times-on- oren-etzioni-and-decide-com/

14 Flying autonomously

15 Mind control

16 Catching the bus How do we know where buses are?
What's the best way to show information to the user? How do we create a service that can be accessed through phones, PCs, etc?

17 Improving healthcare

18 Seeing without eyes

19 Enabling movement

20 Using fewer resources

21 How will CS help you reach your goals?

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