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Leading the Way Administration and Student Learning

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1 Leading the Way Administration and Student Learning
Evaluating Institutional Learning Centeredness Conference July 12-14, 2007 Gary A. Miller, Ph.D.

2 Setting the Stage Engaging, Empowering, Enhancing
Team Building & Change Structures & Finances Key Moments Not all inclusive list - leading assessment is complex and institution specific July 2007 G.A.Miller

3 Assessment Begins at the Top Engage, Empower, Enhance
Role of Academic Leadership Be engaged; engage others Empower leaders and teams; hold them accountable Institutional integrity(enhancement) not re-accreditation Gain knowledge; give knowledge Empowerment does not mean autonomy Significant principle: we assess for institutional integrity and improvement! July 2007 G.A.Miller

4 Building Teams that Achieve
Select well - “coalition of the willing” Experts Facilitators Contributors Skeptics Providing Resources Time Support staff Education Data access Amenities Lencioni - Five Dysfunctions of a Team Base is trust; trust is earned over time First Break All the Rules - Gallup research - 10s of thousands of responses - Developed 12 questions: correlation between excellent managers and productivity, profitability - It’s not what you do for employees, it’s how they feel about their supervisor, company support and growing July 2007 G.A.Miller

5 More Team Building Ideas
Accountability Be involved but not overbearing Regular reports to community Various levels of success Affirm Achievement Private encouragement; public recognition Reward systems that work: Promotion credit Special awards $$$$$$ Do not be discouraged - good assessment takes talent and time! July 2007 G.A.Miller

6 Example of a team that works - their lives depend upon it!
July 2007 G.A.Miller

7 The Inevitability of Change
There are four “givens:” Given enough time, change will occur naturally, but uncontrollably. Given the right talent & resources, change can be transforming. Given a nurturing environment, change can be essential to the future. Given a good attitude, change can be FUN! Proactive or reactive - change will occur The nurturing environment is administration’s domain/responsibility July 2007 G.A.Miller

8 Transformational Change
Leading an institution towards student-learning outcomes - major challenge! Learning from “the cube” Cube Change Exercise July 2007 G.A.Miller

9 Quote by Carl Jung: “When we must deal with problems, we resist trying the way that leads through obscurity and darkness. We wish to hear only of unequivocal results, and we forget that these results can only be achieved when we venture into - and emerge again from - the darkness of uncertainty and confusion.” Good quote about assessment July 2007 G.A.Miller

10 Structures and Finances
Leadership is responsible for providing both Existing & creating structures Resources to initiate and sustain Assessment is not cheap - it demands people with talent and tools for success Sustaining will be key in the future July 2007 G.A.Miller

11 Key Moments Select existing Create new Involve members
Take to highest levels Enthusiasm! Energy! Encouragement! Masada - key moment in Israel’s history Final act of remnant What are the key moments in institutional life? Carefully consider who should be acknowledged July 2007 G.A.Miller

12 July 2007 G.A.Miller

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