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Chapter 12 lesson 3.

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1 Chapter 12 lesson 3

2 The Great Rebellion - 18th century British power in India had increased while the power of the mogul rulers had declined - Britain created the British east India company to become more involved in India’s political and military affairs - The British east India company had its own soldiers and forts - Also hired Indian soldiers known as sepoys to protect their interests in the region

3 Events leading to the Rebellion
- India didn’t trust Britain and this ultimately led to a revolt - The revolt was called the sepoy mutiny by the British and the Indians called it the first war od independence - Natural observers called it the great rebellion - The major cause of the rebellion was that the rifle cartridges were greased with pig and cow fat - They would bite off the end of the cartridges to use them but doing this would make their lips polluted - British outnumbered the Indians 230,000 to 45,000 - The Indians would attack many European men women and children

4 Effects of the Rebellion
- Because of the revolt the power of the British east India company went right to the British government - Although the rebellion failed it fueled more Indian nationalism - This was the first attempt of anyone in south Asia to try and overthrow the British Raj (ruler)

5 British Colonial Rule - Britain appointed a governor who ruled as a representative of a monarch called a viceroy - The staff of 3,500 officials assisted the viceroy and ruled over 300 million people the largest colonial population in the world - This led to a fairly efficient and fair government - New education system was set up and taught English language - This taught Indian children to serve in the military and government - However, 90 percent of population remained uneducated - Railroads and roads were built across India buy hired Indians - British rule controlled the economy of India but workers were paid well for the work they did to run the country - But British textiles put out he businesses of the the Indian textiles put a lot of people out of work - Zamindars were sent to rural areas to collect taxes from people - Farmers were also asked to make cotton instead of food therefore the food supplies went down during this time - Though educated Indians got good jobs the best were reserved for Britons

6 Indian Nationalists - upper class, English educated, from urban areas
- At first many Indian nationalists preferred reform to revolution, slow pace of reform inspired them to create the INC (Indian national congress) they called for a share in the governing process - Sought independence for all Indians regardless of class or religious background, many of the leaders were Hindu however - Ghandi was a young Hindu that returned to India and brought new life to the struggle of independence (was successful in his nonviolent resistance) movement led to independence - Forced British to improve the lot of the poor and grant India their independence

7 Colonial Indian Culture
- British ignorance- disrespectful to the Taj mahal used it for weddings and parties, partygoers brought hammers to chip off pieces for souvenirs Love-hate tension started the cultural revival, led to search for new national identity and modern literary expression - Indian novelists were inspired - Most famous Indian author- Rabindranath Tagore, writer, poet, social reformer, spiritual leader, educator, philosopher, singer, painter, spokesman, set up international university - Goal was to promote pride in a national Indian consciousness in the face of British domination - His life’s work was one long prayer for human dignity, world peace, and mutual understanding and union of east and west

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