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A hallmark of measurement excellence

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1 A hallmark of measurement excellence
Beneficiation of sugarcane bagasse for materials development and energy generation in South Africa Nonhlanhla P. Cele* Temperature and Humidity Laboratory 11/12/2018 A hallmark of measurement excellence TQM

2 Objectives Investigate alternative uses of sugar biproduct
Analyze the opportunity of electricity supply Optimize sugarcane industry as a multipurpose (food, ethanol and electricity production) 11/12/2018 Have you Ever wondered who is responsible for traceability of measurements in South Africa? TQM

3 A measurement centre of excellence
Introduction Sugarcane Industry in South Africa The South African sugar industry is one of the world’s leading cost-competitive producers of high quality sugar Ranking in the top 15 out of approximately 120 sugar producing countries worldwide. 14 sugarcane mills 11/12/2018 A measurement centre of excellence TQM

4 South Frican Sugar Association
Introduction Sugarcane Industry in South Africa Aproximately one million people in rural area, or 2% of South Africa’s population, depend on the sugar industry for a living There are approximately direct jobs and indirect jobs. The dti Strategy for the South African sugar industry recognises that value addition is critical to the sustainability and survival of the local industry in order to preserve and enhance job creation Approximately 75% of the area of sugarcane harvested in South Africa is dryland (relying on rainfall) and 25% is irrigated, and as such the impact of drought is widespread In line with developments in the global sugar sector, it has the potential to be a producer of renewable energy, bio-fuels and bio-plastics Land reforms: transfer of 22% of freehold land under commercial sugar cane production from white growers to black growers. 11/12/2018 South Frican Sugar Association TQM

5 South African Sugar Association
Sugarcane Bagasse Sugarcane bagasse – plant residue remaining after the extraction of juice from sugar cane. A good candidate for the production of renewable energy. For every 10 tons of sugarcane crushed, produces 3 tons of bagasse Advantage – high calorific/energy value Disadvantage – low energy efficiency Tons of sugarcane crushed per year 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 11/12/2018 South African Sugar Association TQM

6 Support the country’s trade
Generation of Electricity from Sugarcane bagasse Cogeneration of bagasse is one of the most successful energy project, demonstrated in many sugarcane producing countries (Brazil, India) 11/12/2018 Support the country’s trade TQM

7 Support the country’s trade
Generation of Electricity from Sugarcane bagasse in SA Combustion - sugarcane bagasse is fed to a specially designed furnace, at about 6 MPa and 495 °C South Africa situation - sugarcane bagasse is burned to generate electricity and heat for own use at sugar mills, meet internal energy requirements, 23% energy efficiency Implementation for energy efficiency measures is essential to nationalize sugarcane bagasse as a renewable energy source 11/12/2018 Support the country’s trade TQM

8 Energy Efficiency Factors
Controlled combustion chambers Reduced moisture content Pellets formation – will increase energy content and bulk density (handling, storage and transport) 11/12/2018 Have you Ever wondered who is responsible for traceability of measurements in South Africa? TQM

9 Preliminary results Moisture content (%)
Effect of moisture content on energy value of bagasse A grade coal has energy/calorific value of kJ/kg Moisture content (%) Energy/calorific value (kJ/kg) 50 7300 30 10610 20 13100 11/12/2018 Have you Ever wondered who is responsible for traceability of measurements in South Africa? TQM

10 Future studies Full characterization of sugarcane bagasse
Effect of moisture (sugarcane bagasse) Effect humidity in crops (sugarcane) Effect of sugarcane crushing techniques Effect of combustion chambers Effect of pellets size Development of the Moisture National Measurement Standard NRCS, SABS and SANS 11/12/2018 Have you Ever wondered who is responsible for traceability of measurements in South Africa? TQM

11 Enable the protection of the environment
Acknowledgements NMISA Tshwane University of Technology University of Witwatersrand University of Johannesburg NRF 11/12/2018 Enable the protection of the environment TQM

12 Enable the protection of the environment
Thank you 11/12/2018 Enable the protection of the environment TQM

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