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Informatics Degrees at Leicester in 18/19

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1 Informatics Degrees at Leicester in 18/19
Department of Informatics Informatics Degrees at Leicester in 18/19 Reiko Heckel, Head of Informatics

2 New Informatics Degrees from 2018/19
BSc Computer Science [ABB] BSc Computer Science MAJOR (3/4 of CS) [BBB] e.g. with Management MINOR replaces BSc Computing with Management BSc Software Engineering (replaces BSc Computing) [BBB] BSc Software Engineering for Business 4 year degree, includes a year in industry approval and accreditation by Tech Partnership pending Year in Industry / Abroad options in all programmes. Flexibility through common Semester 1 allows to change degree. Grades for MAJOR / MINOR routes TBC, may depend on MINOR.

3 1st Year Modules Common Semester 1 Semester 2 Mathematics Fundamentals
Computing Fundamentals Programming Fundamentals Computer Architecture except MAJOR Semester 2 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming Algorithms, Data Structures and Adv. Programming ALL Requirements Engineering and Professional Practice Foundations of Computation CS Business and Financial Computing SE and SEB CS = Computer Science SE = Software Engineering SEB = Software Engineering for Business (pending approval)

4 Other Topics* Programming
Python, Java, Java Script, Prolog, Haskell, C++ Technologies and Middleware Web Technologies, Mobile Applications, Networks and Operating Systems Software Engineering Requirements, Project Management, Modelling Languages, Development Methods, Software Architectures, Security, Reengineering, Distributed Systems, Quality Assurance Formal Methods Concurrency, Logics Foundations Discrete Maths, Algorithms, Applications of Formal Languages Applications Financial and Business Computing, Graphics and Multimedia, AI, Computational Intelligence, Big Data Analytics wider list of topics and areas, let me know if you would like to know details on any of these * depending on degree programme, maybe subject to updates

5 Innovative, Project-based Learning
1st Year: Requirements and Professionalism Employers help understand range of IT-related roles 2nd Year: Group Project management and practice Stock Trading System (with Bloomberg). Virtual Teaching Hospital System (with Medical School). 3rd Year: Indiv. Project technology or research, industry or a startup Student SW company Agile Academy in order to help with that and build general skills … Other innovative teaching methods flipped classroom lecture capture startup projects agile academy

6 More Good Choices Year in Industry: Accenture, IBM, Intel, Goldman Sachs, Microsoft, … Strong support system helps you to apply and succeed. Major advantage in experience, skills, job prospects. Year abroad: study a year at a partner university, supported by grant and language training. Uncertainty about Erasmus. New destinations in Asia and USA.

7 Recognition from Students …
Very friendly staff and teaching assistance. Although second year is difficult, it prepares you for third year. The project is a challenge and allows you to develop and think for yourself. Challenging course but all made it easy to understand. Policy enforces not only the topic but also learning the in-depth idea. Department acts upon feedback relatively quickly, by phasing out older modules in favour of newer topics. Degree allows for flexibility to study a cross-section of Computing. It’s really good that the services and the library and the computer science lab is open all the time which is really good because I can work around my own schedule and not have to work around when they are open.

8 … and Externally BCS (Chartered Institute for IT) Accreditation
All current BSc and MComp degrees fully CITP, CEng and/or CSci accredited. New accreditations sought next Spring. Tech Partnership Helps design and accredits Software Engineering for Business degree. Industry Advisory Board Informed by industry requirements, in regular consultation with SMEs, local tech startups and the big players.

9 Excellent Career Prospects
There is increasing demand for our graduates. Hugh Millward, director of corporate affairs at Microsoft: “In the software industry alone there are 20,000 graduate vacancies a year, and only 7,500 computer science graduates to fill them.” The Industry is changing and adapting, and so are we. 2018/19 will see the launch of our new curricula, to include the latest concepts, languages and technologies delivered through innovative methods of teaching and learning. With a degree from us short- and longer term prospects are excellent. Data from surveys after 6 months and 5 years. Supply will definitely increase CS and CE are becoming more popular fields of study. And learning them is becoming easier and more accessible. More people are interested and those who previously would have no means of learning now will. For now, I think demand will increase more quickly Software is still in its infancy. It's a type of product the world has never seen before. It costs almost the same to produce a piece of software for one person as it does for one million people. It's so replicate-able, it's beautiful. There are so many improvements software will bring to the world in the next century, it's ridiculous. As a software developer, you start to see things differently - you see ten things a day that could be automated much better than they are with a simple piece of software. It seems everybody has an app idea that they just need a developer to bring to fruition. But don't pursue a degree just for these reasons Make sure you like it and you're good at it too. Yes, salaries in these fields are and will be very nice, but there are other skills the world will need. And if you're really good at whatever it is, money will follow.

10 After 6 Months … about 90% of 2014 and graduates in work and/or further study almost all in professional/managerial roles software, web or app developers; data scientists; project managers; software architects, IT consultants, … at Accenture, BarcleyCard, Goldman Sacks, BT, Microsoft, IBM, EDF Energy, Jadu …

11 Compare National Data (Wakeham Review 2016): Leicester vs UK Computing & STEM

12 And what next? Programmer, web or app designer, software architect, data scientist, project manager, IT consultant, entrepreneur, … - assuming you complete your degree with us, where do you see yourself afterwards - understand what are your options, what you are interested in and good at, then plan your development to get there

13 Any Questions? Departmental Admissions Tutor: Emmanuel Tadjouddine t: ; e: Admissions enquiries t: e: Departmental Twitter

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