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Server Management and Automation Windows Server 2012 R2

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Presentation on theme: "Server Management and Automation Windows Server 2012 R2"— Presentation transcript:

1 Server Management and Automation Windows Server 2012 R2
11/12/2018 Server Management and Automation Windows Server 2012 R2 Won Huh Product Marketing Manager

2 Simplify your routine task
11/12/2018 Simplify your routine task Ease of use Windows PowerShell Real world scenario More intuitive Provides greater flexibility, reducing the cost and complexity of management in a diverse datacenter ecosystem. Greater resiliency

3 Windows PowerShell 4.0 Key features Ease of use Greater resiliency
11/12/2018 Windows PowerShell 4.0 SIMPLIFY YOUR ROUTINE TASK Key features Ease of use Integrated Scripting Environment: IntelliSense, Code Snippets. PowerShell web access. Greater resiliency Robust session connectivity. Job scheduling. Windows PowerShell workflow. Extensive coverage Rich management through more than cmdlets. Real world scenario Domain join. System Center integration.

4 Ease of use IntelliSense
11/12/2018 Ease of use SIMPLIFY YOUR ROUTINE TASK IntelliSense Run Windows PowerShell ISE to execute commands and write, test, and debug scripts in a single Windows-based graphic user interface with multiline editing, tab completion, syntax coloring, and selective execution. Context-sensitive command completion for cmdlet and script names, parameter names and enumerated values, and property and method names. Show-Command pane for finding and running cmdlets in a dialog box.

5 Ease of use Simplified Scripting
11/12/2018 Ease of use SIMPLIFY YOUR ROUTINE TASK Simplified Scripting Snippets add reusable text to scripts and commands. Syntax simplification: Windows PowerShell 4.0 includes simplified, consistent syntax across all cmdlets. Simplified scripting through Windows PowerShell ISE: Built-in code snippets include templates for functions, parameters, and statements. Users do not need to remember the syntax.

6 Extensive coverage For example Windows PowerShell 4.0
11/12/2018 Extensive coverage SIMPLIFY YOUR ROUTINE TASK Windows PowerShell 4.0 For example New modules for: AppBackgroundTask Defender NetEventPacketCapture PSDesiredStateConfiguration SyncShare WDS WebApplicationProxy WindowsSearch Others Comprehensive management with more than cmdlets in modules. Many new modules that allow the use of Windows PowerShell 4.0 to manage all aspects of the datacenter.

7 Web-based Console User
11/12/2018 Greater resiliency SIMPLIFY YOUR ROUTINE TASK Windows PowerShell Web Access Corporate Network Server 1 Server 2 Server 3 Manage computers running Windows by using Windows PowerShell within a browser. Broad support for popular browsers. Built for tablets and mobile devices. Web-based Console User Internet DMZ Windows PowerShell Web Access Gateway

8 Web-based Console User
11/12/2018 Greater resiliency SIMPLIFY YOUR ROUTINE TASK 03 Robust session connectivity Corporate Resource Server 1 User connects via the browser through the PowerShell Web Access Gateway to run a script on Server 1. User loses connection to the internet. User reconnects to internet at a later point in time and reconnects to the Windows PowerShell session which is still in a connected state and still running. Internet Web-based Console User DMZ Windows PowerShell Web Access Gateway Script

9 Greater resiliency Job scheduling Improve management automation.
11/12/2018 Greater resiliency SIMPLIFY YOUR ROUTINE TASK 03 Job scheduling Improve management automation. Schedule jobs for execution at a later time, according to a particular schedule.

10 Greater resiliency Job scheduling Jobs execute based on triggers
11/12/2018 Greater resiliency SIMPLIFY YOUR ROUTINE TASK 03 Job scheduling Improve management automation. Schedule jobs for execution at a later time, according to a particular schedule. At startup At logon Daily Weekly Once Jobs execute based on triggers

11 Greater resiliency Jobs execute based on triggers Jobs example 03
11/12/2018 Greater resiliency SIMPLIFY YOUR ROUTINE TASK 03 At startup At logon Daily Weekly Once Jobs execute based on triggers # Create a job trigger based on the desired schedule and register the job $trigger = New-JobTrigger -Daily -At 4am Register-ScheduledJob -Name MyScheduledJob - ScriptBlock { Get-Process } -Trigger $trigger Get-ScheduledJob # Once the trigger has fired and the job has run, you can work with it the same way you do regular background jobs Import-Module PSScheduledJob $j = Get-Job -Name MyScheduledJob Receive-Job $j Jobs example

12 Greater resiliency Windows PowerShell Workflow 03
11/12/2018 Greater resiliency SIMPLIFY YOUR ROUTINE TASK 03 Windows PowerShell Workflow A set of long- running activities (in sequence or in parallel) that perform complex management tasks, such as multi-machine application provisioning. Authored using a Windows PowerShell script or the Visual Studio Workflow Designer (XAML). Workflows survive system interruptions (reboots, network problems): suspend-job/ resume-job, persist state and metadata.

13 Real world scenarios Join-Domain through Workflow workflow Join-Domain
SIMPLIFY YOUR ROUTINE TASK Join-Domain through Workflow workflow Join-Domain {     param(         [Parameter(Mandatory)]         [string]$DomainName,         [PSCredential]$DomainCredential         )     Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_computersystem     Add-Computer -Credential $DomainCredential -DomainName $DomainName -LocalCredential $PSCredential     Restart-Computer -Force -Wait } # Usage Join-Domain -PSComputerName <list of machines> -PSCredential <local admin credential> -DomainName <domain name> -DomainCredential <credential that can join machine to domain>

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