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Progress: Bangladesh CCM GF SEA Constituency Meeting New Delhi, India

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1 Progress: Bangladesh CCM GF SEA Constituency Meeting New Delhi, India
Manaj Kumar Biswas BCCM Coordinator Date: April 2018

2 Progress: Tuberculosis
TB Indicator Baseline Status in Year Achievement in Year Remarks Prevalence rate/ pop. 505 (1990) 404 (2016) Incidence rate / pop 205(1990) 221 (2016) Case Notification rate/ pop 88 (2005) 149 (2017) Number of MDR cases enrolled on treatment 236 (2008) 6,416 (2017) Treatment success rate MDR TB% 9-month regimen 80% 2008) 75% achieved a cure rate of 75%. Treatment success rate new smear positive 85% (2003) 95% (2016) (cure rate >90%) TB Mortality rate / pop. 80(1990) 40 (50% reduced)

3 Global Strategy and targets for TB prevention, care ad control”
Vision: A WORLD FREE OF TB: Zero death, disease and suffering due to TB GOAL: END THE GLOBAL TB EPIDEMIC Indicators Milestones Targets 2020 2025 2030 (part of SDG) End TB 2035 Reduction in number of TB deaths compared with 2015 (%) 35% 75% 90% 95% Reduction in number of TB incidence compared with 2015 (%) 20% 50% 80% <10 cases/100k TB affected families facing catastrophic costs due to TB (%) Zero

4 Progress :Malaria Country Situation in 2017 Total Cases – 29,247
Risk Population – million in 13 districts Total Cases – 29,247 Pf – 80%, Pv – 15%, Mixed – 5% Death – 13 API – 1.64 / 1,000 population Mortality– 0.07/ 100,000 population ABER – 5.54% Test Positivity Rate – 2.96% 26% malaria case reduction since 2015 (29,247 in 2017 comparing to 39,719 in 2015) 44% malaria death increased since 2015 (13 in 2017 comparing to 9 in 2015) 66% less cases in 8 elimination districts since 2015

5 Malaria Trend in Bangladesh: 2007 - 2017

6 Species wise Malaria Cases: 2010 - 2017

7 > Than 90% of cases from CHT: 2010 - 2017
Malaria burden in CHT: January - December' DISTRICTS (Jan-Dec 2010) (Jan-Dec 2011) (Jan-Dec 2012) (Jan-Dec 2013) (Jan-Dec 2014) (Jan-Dec 2015) (Jan-Dec 2016) (Jan-Dec 2017) Case Death Khagrachari 22% 35% 25% 42% 20% 55% 15% 47% 17% 24% 10% 0% 7% 5% Rangamati 27% 26% 14% 9% 30% 13% 28% Bandarban 31% 19% 33% 29% 46% 44% 51% 60% 23% Total 78% 81% 83% 89% 76% 91% 80% 90% 58% 93% 53%

8 Malaria Elimination Goal
Malaria free Bangladesh by 2030 This goal set up in current HPNSDP

9 Progress : HIV / AIDS Bangladesh maintaining very low prevalence and incidence of HIV and AIDS since long time. Less than 1% in Key Affected Population and less than 0.1% in total population. Recent sero surveillance report shows increase of prevalence in IDU in some areas of Dhaka city

10 Total GF Grants in Bangladesh (2003-2016) (U$$)
Component Signed Committed Disbursed HIV/AIDS US$140,014,877 US$128,518,466 US$121,182,992 Tuberculosis US$363,613,092 US$302,331,005 US$256,383,009 Malaria US$114,837,852 US$96,004,397 US$88,812,638 Total US$618,465,821 US$526,853,867 US$466,378,639

11 Challenges Donor funding is gradually reducing including GF for TB,Malaria and HIV MDR TB increasing and remains under diagnosis case of MDR TB Child TB identification is not up to the mark Still left out about 30% of TB cases out of identification Private sector involvement in fighting three diseases Surveillance gap in the area of non endemic areas of Malaria Sustainability challenges for TB, malaria and HIV No transition plan take place yet for Government

12 Bangladesh CCM The Bangladesh Country Coordinating Mechanism (BCCM) was established in July 2002 in response to the requirements of the Global Fund (GFATM). BCCM Reconstitution: BCCM usually reconstitutes itself every three years. BCCM has completed its reconstitution according to its Governance manual and the GF’s CCM guidelines in 2017.

13 BCCM Structure Total 41 members (including PRs & Observer)
Total voting Members 33 and alternate 33, Among them GOV ( Selected by Govt. from different ministries) ML/BL ( Elected by Constituency) PLWD(HIV,TB,Mal) 3 ( Elected by Constituency) KAP 3 ( Elected by Constituency) NGOs 4 ( Elected by Constituency) FBO (Elected by Constituency) Academia 2 ( Elected by Constituency) Private Sector 2 ( Elected by Constituency)  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Observers (Non Voting): Challenge TB 1 (Selected) LFA 2 (Selected) PR Representatives (Non Voting): NTP, NMCP, NASP (Selected) BRAC, Icddr,b, SC Total members (including PRs & Observer)

14 BCCM Committees Executive Committee: BCCM has authorized its Executive Committee again in The Executive committee is comprised of Chair Vice Chair of BCCM and Chair Vice Chair of Oversight Committee and BCCM Coordinator (Non voting). BCCM re-established and endorsed the Oversight Committee of BCCM in January 2017, which is comprised of 19 from including disease expert (HIV, TB, Malaria), PSM expert, Finance expert, KAP private sector, MLBL, Government and B CCM Coordinator (non –voting)

15 Technical Working Group for TB, Malaria and HIV
BCCM has three Technical Working Group which are popularly known as Technical Sub Committee. These committee reformed in 2017 which are as follows: TB Technical Working Group (TB-TWG) Malaria Technical Working Group(Malaria-TWG) HIV Technical Working Group (HIV -TWG)

16 BCCM Secretariat BCCM Coordinator Deputy Coordinator
BCCM secretariat situated in the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Bangladesh. BCCM Secretariat also redesigned by the Global Fund and Bangladesh CCM. Previously there were three staffs. But now only two positions since January 2017: Two positions are there as follows: BCCM Coordinator Deputy Coordinator

17 Principal Recipients Bangladesh CCM has six Principal recipients for three diseases which all are rated A and A+ in regard their performance. These PRs are as follows: All Name of PRs Disease component Govt/ Non-Got National TB Control Programme (NTP) (A) TB Government National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) (A+) Malaria National STD and AIDS Programme (NASP) HIV/AIDS Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC) (A+) TB & Malaria Non-Government International Diarrhoeal Diseases and Research in Bangladesh (icddr,b) A+ Save the Children International (SCI) A+

18 BCCM Functions: Funding Agreement 2018-2020
GF Board approved funding request under NFR in October 2017 Framework Agreement and Grant confirmation signing completed in November 2017 Grant Disbursement for all components have started in January 2018 Grants Implementation and Oversight also started

19 Thanks

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