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SA Post Office Standing Committee on Appropriations

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1 SA Post Office Standing Committee on Appropriations
28 November 2017

2 Six months performance overview
Financial Performance SAPO Group posted a net loss of R723 million Revenue of R2.3 billion - retention and growth still remains a challenge with tough trading conditions Expenses of R3 billion – Staff of R1.8 billion (60%) remains the highest cost driver Cash flow position remains constrained Working capital and investments in infrastructure remains a challenge Non-Financial Performance DTT Project STB registrations and STB’s issued to qualifying recipients. Delivery standard for mail has improved to 88.04% (Q %) new addresses rolled out to citizens The Banks Act legislative issues gained traction during Q2 but the Bank Controlling Company Structure still has to be concluded Performance objectives achieved 27.8% (10 KPI’s), however an additional 6 KPIs (16.6%) performed above 70%. SA Post Office - Restricted

3 Six months performance – 30 September 2017
Income statement Revenue of R2,3 billion R848 million below budget and decline of 2% year on year R715 million budgeted revenue for growth initiatives not achieved (No cash to invest in growth) Mail revenue contribution at 62% R57 million revenue for DTT project R150 million for motor vehicle licencing revenue (growth of 10%) R332 million for Postbank interest revenue (growth of 9%) Expenses of R3 billion R277 million below budget and year on year increase of 2% Staff cost of R1,8 billion has declined by 2% ( employees – decline of 244) Interest on loans acquired R182 million (R101 million prior year) SAPO has a high fixed cost structure (Staff costs contributes 60%) Net loss of R723 million Exceed budgeted net loss by R560 million Increased by R115 million year on year Liquidity concerns still remain due to expenditure exceeding revenue SA Post Office - Restricted

4 Year to date performance – 30 September 2017
Statement of Financial Position Assets Total assets of R13,3 billion [31 March R13,4 billion] Property portfolio revalued during the previous financial year to R2,7 billion Liabilities R3,7 billion long term loans secured by Government Guarantees Annual interest cost of R364 million Bank overdraft repaid in December 2016 Trade and other payables of R1 billion Subsidy of R383 million for Government projects (DTT – R335m and Address rollout – R48m) Postbank NAV of R2.9 billion (Retained Earnings - R2.6bn and Share Capital of R379m) Cash and short term investments of R7.9 billion (Surplus of R2,5bn to match deposits) Deposits from the public increased by 7% to R5,4 billion SA Post Office - Restricted

5 Performance summary at 30 September 2017
Strategic Themes Number of KPIs measured Number of KPIs Achieved Q2 Q2 Above 70 % Q2 TOTAL 1. Revenue Growth 13 3  4 2. Optimise the Cost Base 4 2  0  2 3. Operational Efficiency 8 1  3 4. Be a Performance driven Organisation 7 5. Governance and Compliance 6. Stakeholder Engagement Total number of KPIs 36 10  6  16 % of KPIs Achieved 27.8%  16.6%  44.4% Only 10 KPIs (27.8%) of the performance measures were achieved during Q2 due to program/project implementation delays and funding constraints. However an additional 6 KPIs (16.6%) performed above 70%. Detail on KPI’s included in Additional Slides AS-01 to AS-03 SA Post Office - Restricted

6 Performance summary at 30 September 2017
The 6 additional KPIS performed above 70%, as follows: Revenue Growth Revenue of R1.132 billion achieved 71.6% of budget Percentage of customer complaints resolved within 7 calendar days achieved 83.7% of target Net interest income for Postbank achieved 95.6% of target Increase in Depositors accounts achieved 89.3% of target Operational Efficiency Upgrade of Enterprise Business systems achieved 85.7% of target (International Parcel System, Windows operating system, SQL Database) The Mail Delivery Standard achieved 95.7% of the target (Improved to 88.04% from 73.6% at 31 March 2017) SA Post Office - Restricted

7 Funding requirements and sources of funding (Excludes SASSA Project)
Funding required Cash flow shortfalls 2018FY Capex Investment Cash flow shortfalls 2019FY TOTAL Settle Creditors Repay Loan R350m R600m R1bn R1bn R600m R3.5bn 6 months 9 months 12 months Nov 17 Mar 18 Jun 18 Sept 18 Dec 18 Mar 19 R400m R1bn R500m R1bn R1bn R3.9bn Overdraft facility Retain Loan facility Postbank Excess Capital SAPO Retail bond SAPO Property bond TOTAL At this stage these proposed sources of future Capital have been discussed, but not approved by DTPS, SAPO Board or the Minister R400m Surplus Sources of funding SA Post Office - Restricted

8 Funding requirements …. Bond issue
SAPO Property bond of R1 billion (Not yet approved) The property portfolio has been revalued to R2,7 billion Guarantee not required from National Treasury Property portfolio as collateral for the debt Funding to be utilized to repay the interim loan facility of R1 billion retained for capex SAPO Retail bond of R1 billion (Not yet approved) 10 year term and guaranteed by National Treasury Bonds issued would need to be listed on the Bond Exchange SAPO could consider offering the issue through the SAPO branch network National Treasury would effectively be underwriting a higher yield (than the deposit rate) to citizens instead of Commercial Banks SA Post Office - Restricted

9 Recapitalisation and guarantee requirements
Recapitalisation funds of R3,7 billion Borrowings of R3,7 billion with Government guarantees National Treasury proposed settlement of R3,7 billion loans acquired Eliminate exposure on Government Guarantee and cancellation of current Government Guarantees Alternate Guarantee requirements R400 million for overdraft facility R1 billion interim guarantee for capex until the Property bond is issued (Proposed) R1 billion for SAPO Retail bond Guarantees reduced from R3.7bn to R1.4bn SA Post Office - Restricted

10 Envisaged SAPO Corporate Structure (Board supported)
Government 100% Capital and Technical Partners SAPO Properties >50% 100% 100% E-Commerce Mail (incl. Retail) Bank Controlling Company Potential acquisitions Revenue 2018: - R 383m Revenue R1, 109m [Including Courier revenue share] Revenue R 4,439m Revenue 2020 – R5,036m >50% Postbank New Revenue Streams [SASSA, Government and Lending] Revenue R 883m Revenue 2020 – R1, 086m Revenue R 693m Revenue 2020 – R3,982m SA Post Office - Restricted

11 Strategy going forward - Postbank
Mandate: National transactional bank for Government Financial inclusion and bridge unsecured lending gap, through new methods of properly risk assessed loans to the unbanked, especially SMEs Challenge: Over-capitalized with limited growth prospects without lending functions Building credit capacity and systems takes time and money – we need to get started National Treasury support has not been finalised Alternative growth strategy: Acquire existing bank with lending infrastructure and expertise alternatively pursue consolidation of second tier banks Postbank: Driver of Financial Inclusion and Economic Transformation Through Lending SA Post Office - Restricted

12 Government Department or Competitive Business?
SAPO is a national infrastructure asset which must be leveraged to assist in the delivery of Government mandates Critical success factors: Resolve capital structure (equity injection) Split Development (subsidy) and Commercial (profit) mandates Position Postbank to compete Implement E-Commerce capabilities Private – Public partnerships (Banking, E-Commerce & Courier) Address cost structure (Optimal staffing, diverse revenue streams) Government subsidy to fund the developmental mandate Capital and technical partners to fund the commercial mandate SA Post Office - Restricted

13 End of presentation Additional Slides

14 Performance Objectives Q2
AS-01 Revenue Growth Revenues of R1.13bn (71.6%) has been achieved against a target of R1.58bn for Q2. Whilst customer behavior is changing from traditional postal the growth initiatives are focused on parcels, E-Commerce and Digital. Investment in systems and solutions remains key to unlock market potential. Marketing campaigns have been planned but deferred due to the funding challenges. 67% of customer complaints resolved within 7 days against a target of 80%, making the achievement 83.7%. A project to install a new complaint management and telephony system is underway to address the operational challenges at the Call Centre. The current funding shortfall is delaying the achievement of objectives to address new products, Digital and E- Commerce products, services and solutions. Complaints have been lodged with ICASA on infringements within the postal sector to stop the revenue leakage. SAPO still awaits the confirmation of a date for the hearing from ICASA. Postbank revenues achieved R53m against a target of R49m, exceeding budget by R4m. Strong performance contributed by the increased transactional fees and the increase in the number of transactions ECDPW and DEA beneficiaries paid through Postbank. The Postbank depositor accounts increased by 0.67% against a target of 0.75% during Q2, an achievement of 89.3% whilst increasing the number of accounts to 5,807,672. Postbank plans to revisit its consumer value proposition with the aim of increasing customer base and progressing financial inclusion of the mass market. SA Post Office - Restricted

15 Performance Objectives Q2
Optimise the Cost Base Expenses performed at R1.50bn against a target of R1.61bn, below the target by R109m during Q2. Cost optimization yielded results and prudent cost containment measures will be maintained for the year. In contributing to a sustainable environment SAPO reduced carbon emissions by 2.13% against a target of 0.75% during Q2. Operational Efficiency The delivery standard for mail has increased to 88.04% in Q2 from 85.5% in Q1 due to the improvement in operations. The Postbank achieved uptime of 99% against a target of 98%. Introduction of effective controls in terms of monitoring and remediation of incidents had assisted in maintaining a stable uptime percentage. Be a Performance driven Organisation A total number of 625 employees were trained against a target of 1,160 during Q2 on compliance related training such as FAIS, FICA and OHSA. The non-achievement of the target is related to the lack of funds. SAPO targeted to populate 244 critical positions during Q2 of which 173 vacancies for branch managers have been advertised and 37 other positions are in various stages of the selection process. Management Performance contracts alignment and finalisation remains low at 33% against a target of 90% for Q2, which improved to 49% at 4 Oct Executives are driving the process to be completed during Q3. As part of the broader Change Management program The 5 Principles of Ethical Behaviour was launched during July 2017 to ensure buy-in and the culture being changed to one of living ethical behaviour. AS-02 SA Post Office - Restricted

16 Performance Objectives Q2
AS-03 Governance and Compliance The outstanding Audit findings have been reduced, by 84 items, from 377 in Q1 to 293 in Q2 despite not achieving the target in Q2. The Management Letter Action Plans are being concluded by all units to drive the resolution of audit findings by yearend and thus improve the control environment at SAPO. Irregular expenditure amounts to R745m at Q2. An amount of R428m relates to the 2015/16FY and R317m for the 2016/17FY. All incidents are reported at the Financial Misconduct Committee (FMC) after which submissions for approval. Investigations by Supply Chain Management revealed that most irregular spending relates to legitimate business expenses. There has however been non-compliance to established processes. These non-compliances have been mitigated by weekly reviews of transactions to monitor adherence and execution of controls, blocking of vendors amongst other interventions. Stakeholder Engagement In an effort to improve International Relations SAPO participated in various successful events during Q2 – The MISSION TO SOUTH AFRICA (Operational Readiness for E-Commerce at JIMC July 2017, The Lesotho visit for Benchmarking on operational matters on site visit at JIMC on 8 August 2017 and The SADC Minister’s Forum during 4-7 September 2017 Engagements with labour continue as they are critical partners in business resulting in a stable work environment. The substantive negotiations on salary and benefits have reached a deadlock due to the continued weak financial position of SAPO. SA Post Office - Restricted

17 Critical Infrastructure Investment
Investment in infrastructure ‘R’m Retail point of sale system 150 Track & trace system 30 Track & trace POD and equipment 60 Mail centres automation including JIMC 100 Ecommerce SAP and system improvements Revenue projects (Commercial) 130 IT infrastructure Fleet and transport systems Total 1 000 SA Post Office - Restricted

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