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Vocabulary 3.

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1 Vocabulary 3


3 Stage Right The performers own right when they are facing the audience.

4 Stage Left The performers own left when they are facing the audience.

5 Up Stage Behind the performers; The back of the stage

6 Down Stage The front of the stage closest to the audience

7 House The audience area

8 Hawthorne Dance Gear For Sale
An online shop is being set up with Hawthorne Dance Gear I will give you a link when it’s ready You can pay for items online and have items shipped directly to you The Jackets are Dance Company only Sweats and Shirts for sale You can add your name for an extra $10 if you want

9 Tank and Sweats

10 Group Choreography I am going to give you your groups
This time I want it to be 75% made up student choreography, and up to 25% youtube choreography for inspiration Must include: 3 Formations with smooth transitions Different levels (Los, Middle, High) 1 Minute in length Any Style of Dance

11 Reminder Of Group Jobs

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