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Chapter 1 Scientific Method *.

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1 Chapter 1 Scientific Method *

2 TBBT Scientific Method Clip

3 Steps of the scientific method
1. Problem/Question The scientific method provides a logical approach to solving a scientific problem. Some major scientific discoveries are first observed as mistakes or mishaps, but when tested with the scientific method, they prove their validity. *

4 Steps of the Scientific Method
2. Observation Before you can have a “problem” you must first make an observation of that “problem”. Observations are made with the senses. If you turn on the switch in your bedroom and the light does not come on you have made an observation. *

5 Steps of the Scientific Method
3. Hypothesis Proposed explanation to your problem. Must be testable. Must be written in the form of a statement. If I do ________then _________ will happen. *

6 Steps of the Scientific Method
4. Experiment Testing of the hypothesis Must be reproducible Must have a step by step procedure that can be used by other scientists *

7 Steps of the scientific method
5. Analyze Data and Draw a Conclusion Using appropriate formulas and calculations (if needed) analyze your data. Draw conclusions: Do the results support the hypothesis? If yes, communicate your results. If no, reform the hypothesis and retest it.

6. Communicate the results Present your finding in front of colleagues at school or at regional and national science conventions Publish results in a scientific journal ex. Nature, Science, Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry

9 Steps of the Scientific Method
Theory Extensively tested hypothesis Can never be completely proven because there might be a new experiment sometime that may disprove the theory Law Statement that summarizes results of many observations and experiments Describes natural phenomenon without trying to explain it. Often explained by a simple mathematical calculation *

10 Scientific Method Steps
Problem/Question Observation/Research Formulate a Hypothesis Experiment Analyze Results and Draw a Conclusion Communicate the Results

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