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Windows Development Dynadata Copyright, 2014 © DynaData S.A. 1/10.

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1 Windows Development Dynadata Copyright, 2014 © DynaData S.A. 1/10

2 Dynadata Software Development with MFC Library
Copyright, 2014 © DynaData S.A. 2/10

3 Windows environment (SDK) I
USER - KERNEL -GDI The Device Independent Graphics Interface (GDI philosophy) The window class The window creation The window styles The extended window style The client & non client area The message loop Dynadata Copyright, 2014 © DynaData S.A. 3/10

4 Windows environment (SDK) II
The windows procedure Subclassing The messages WM_CREATE, WM_PAINT & WM_DESTROY Sending & posting messages Intercepting messages Single Document Interface & Multiple Document Interface Fixed & moveable segments System resources Dynadata Copyright, 2014 © DynaData S.A. 4/10

5 Windows 98 Core System Components
User Interface tools Applications Registry 32 – bit shell Windows 98 core VMM IFS manager Configuration manager WDM driver manager Windows 98 core Device drivers VMM - Virtual Memory Manager. Windows NT provides an independent, 2 gigabyte (GB) user address space for each application (process) in the system. IFS -The Installable File System Manager arbitrates access to file system devices, and other file system device components. CM -The Configuration Manager ensures that each device on the computer can use an interrupt request (IRQ), I/O port addresses, and other resources without conflict with other devices. WDM - The Win32 Driver Model defines a device-driver architecture that provides a common set of I/O services understood by both Windows 98 and future versions of Windows NT. USER GDI Kernel Dynadata Copyright, 2014 © DynaData S.A. 5/10

6 USER USER.EXE: The USER component manages input from the keyboard, mouse, and other input devices and output to the user interface (windows, icons, menus, and so on). It also manages interaction with the sound driver, timer, and communications ports. Windows 95 permits up to 16,364 window handles and 16,364 menu handles. Although these limits are less than under Windows NT, they are significantly greater than the limits imposed by Windows 3.1. Dynadata Copyright, 2014 © DynaData S.A. 6/10

7 KERNEL KERNEL.EXE: The KERNEL provides base operating system functionality, including file I/O services, virtual memory management, and task scheduling. When a user wants to start an application, the Kernel loads the EXE and DLL files for the application. Dynadata Copyright, 2014 © DynaData S.A. 7/10

8 GDI GDI.EXE (graphics device interface). Graphics device interface (GDI) provides functions and related structures that your applications can use to generate graphical output for displays, printers, and other devices. Using GDI functions, you can draw lines, curves, closed figures, paths, text, and bitmapped images. Dynadata Copyright, 2014 © DynaData S.A. 8/10

9 The Device Independent Graphics Interface (GDI philosophy)
GDI is the intermediary support between a Windows graphics driver and applications. Applications call Win32 GDI functions to make graphics output requests. These requests are routed to GDI. GDI then sends these requests to the appropriate graphics driver, such as a display driver or printer driver. GDI communicates with the graphics driver through a set of DDI functions. Dynadata Copyright, 2014 © DynaData S.A. 9/10

10 Graphics Driver and GDI Interaction
Application Graphics requests GDI32 User Mode Kernel Mode Graphics Engine ( GDI ) DDI calls GDI calls Graphics Driver Dynadata Copyright, 2014 © DynaData S.A. 10/10

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