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Jesus, the Great Healer of the unclean. Mk. 1:40-45

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1 Jesus, the Great Healer of the unclean. Mk. 1:40-45
The Untouchables

2 Introduction We typically get “grossed out” and do not want to be around the sick, diseased for obvious reasons: We do not want to get what they have! How the compassionate would want that person healed from such a horrific ordeal. We may even have similar disdain for the spiritually defiled: they are like the untouchables.

3 Introduction What if, however, we are blind to just how unclean and defiled we are because of our sins? No matter how “little” we think our own sins: imagine how awful we look before our holy God. Also imagine the unimaginable compassion from our Savior to “touch” and heal us from our gross defilement called “sin”.

4 Ceremonially Defiled Those with leprosy were designated unclean. Lev When found to be “unclean” (by the priests) they needed to go through the process of cleansing. Lev. 13:1-2ff They would go to the priests who would check (and recheck) to see if the person is clean or unclean. While unclean they needed to declare themselves as such before others. Lev. 13:45-46

5 The Untouchables All throughout the gospels we learn of Jesus “touching” the unclean. According to the law of Moses, the person who touched another was to also become unclean. Lev. 5:1-3 Jesus did the unimaginable: He touched the unclean. Mk. 1:40-45 No, much greater, He healed them!

6 The Spiritually Untouchable
Consider the physically unclean which show us what we look like before God when we’re spiritually unclean.

7 Spiritually Unclean There are many who will not “touch” the spiritually unclean. Do not have the same view of sinners as the Pharisees. Lk. 7:39 Our righteousness must exceed that of the Pharisees. Cp. Matt. 5:20 We need to remember the very healing touch our Savior extended to us while we were yet “unclean”.

8 Spiritually Unclean Following in the footsteps of Jesus…
We will go forth with Christ’s commission to reach the untouchables (the spiritually unclean). Cp. Matt. 10:1 We will have the same compassion for these poor defiled souls in the same way our Compassionate God touched our defiled lives of sin.

9 Conclusion Can we honestly look at ourselves and see what God sees when looking at us? Like the unclean leper who needed to be healed by Jesus… so do we. Further, we need the compassion to go forth – like the disciples of Jesus – and heal the spiritually unclean with the Good News of Jesus Christ.


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