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Particle Movement Within Matter CRCT Prep

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1 Particle Movement Within Matter CRCT Prep

2 Moisture that collects on the outside of a cold glass results from the process of
A. evaporation. B. condensation. C. sublimation. D. vaporization.

3 A. Water molecules from the tea pass through the pores in the glass.
Why does the outside of a glass of iced tea sometimes get moist? A. Water molecules from the tea pass through the pores in the glass. B. Water vapor in the air turns to liquid as it condenses on the cold glass. C. Glass attracts water droplets that are floating in the air. D. Melting ice creates more water than the glass can hold.

4 A hot air balloon rises because
A. molecules become lighter when heated. B. molecules move faster and farther apart when heated. C. molecules are less attracted by gravity when heated. D. molecules become charged and repel each other when heated.

5 The solid, liquid, and gaseous states of matter differ from each other in
A. the mass of the individual atoms. B. the size of the individual atoms. C. the net electrical charge of the individual molecules. D. the average speed of movement of the individual molecules.

6 The molecules in a test tube filled with cold water move more slowly than the molecules in a large tank of warm water. What is responsible for this difference in molecule speed? A. pressure B. volume C. weight D. heat

7 Heat can cause ice to change to liquid water by
A. filing the spaces between molecules. B. causing molecules to move faster and farther apart. C. increasing the distance between electrons within molecules. D. increasing the attraction between molecules.

8 What will happen to the metallic liquid in a thermometer if the thermometer is placed in very hot water? A. It will go up. B. It will go down. C. It will disappear. D. It will not change.

9 What will happen to the metallic liquid in a thermometer if it is placed in very cold water?
A. The metallic liquid will go up. B. The metallic liquid will go down. C. The metallic liquid will disappear. D. The metallic liquid will not change.

10 Oxygen naturally occurs in which physical state?
A. solid B. liquid C. gas D. plasma

11 Gas stations warn customers not to fill their tanks too much because the tank could overflow as the day gets warmer. Which statement best explains why the gasoline would overflow? A. Heat causes liquid to expand. B. Heat causes liquid to contract. C. Heat causes air to leave the tank. D. Heat causes air to flow into the tank.

12 The circles in the bottles represent the same particles of matter
The circles in the bottles represent the same particles of matter. Which pattern of particles represents a gas in a bottle? A B C D. 4

13 After fishing in the ocean, a student left his fishing gear in the sun to dry. Later, he noticed that small white crystals had formed on the rod, reel, and fishing line. Which of these is the best explanation of what occurred? A. The water evaporated from the fishing gear and the sand was attracted to it. B. The fish that were caught left scales on the fishing gear. C. The salt in the ocean water reacted with the fishing gear and caused it to rust. D. The water evaporated from the fishing gear, and salt from the ocean was left behind.

14 Changes In Matter CRCT Prep

15 On Monday, the custodian places an air freshener in the gym
On Monday, the custodian places an air freshener in the gym. It is a shiny, pink disk. Over the next several days, the disk gradually shrinks. Which of the following is a valid inference? A. The disk is undergoing a chemical change. B. The disk is undergoing a physical change. C. The disk is undergoing both chemical and physical changes. D. The disk is undergoing neither a physical nor chemical changes.

16 B. A higher temperature is needed to burn wax than to melt wax.
The melting of wax is a physical change, yet the burning of wax is a chemical change. What is the essential difference between the physical change and chemical change of wax in a burning candle? A. The burning of wax forms new compounds, while the melting of wax does not. B. A higher temperature is needed to burn wax than to melt wax. C. Melted wax can be separated into other substances, while solid wax cannot. D. Melted wax is a different phase of matter than solid wax.

17 In making a pizza, which process involves a chemical change?
A. mixing spices for the sauce B. slicing pepperoni for the pizza C. spreading cheese on the pizza D. baking the dough to form the crust

18 What is an example of a chemical change?
A. pepper being ground onto a salad B. a match being lit C. sugar being dissolved in water D. wood being chopped

19 Evidence of a chemical change would be a
A. melting popsicle. B. spinning top. C. spilled bucket of water. D. rusting car fender.

20 A different chemical substance is formed when a
A. piece of cloth is cut. B. cup breaks. C. candle burns. D. piece of chalk breaks.

21 A. shredding a piece of paper into hundreds of tiny pieces.
Lucy noticed that her coin collection had begun to tarnish. Some of the metal in the coins had begun to change color. The formation of tarnish is most similar to which of the following changes? A. shredding a piece of paper into hundreds of tiny pieces. B. dropping a dinner plate on the floor. C. melting ice cubes in a glass of juice. D. burning a piece of paper to ashes in a fireplace.

22 What will happen if you mix vinegar and baking soda?
A. It will explode. B. Nothing will happen. C. It will bubble up rapidly. D. It will turn bright red.

23 Which is an example of a chemical change?
A. ice melting B. salt crystals being ground to powder C. water evaporating D. wood burning

24 Which action would result in a chemical change?
A. crumpling several sheets of paper B. pounding a nail into a piece of wood C. peeling and slicing a carrot D. making blueberry muffins

25 A chemical change for a piece of metal would be
A. being bent in half. B. getting cut into two pieces. C. being painted. D. getting rusty.

26 The difference between physical changes and chemical changes is that
A. chemical changes involve energy while physical changes do not. B. physical changes involve energy while chemical changes do not. C. different kinds of molecules are present after a physical change but not after a chemical change. D. different kinds of molecules are present after a chemical change but not after a physical change.

27 Look carefully at the pictures below
Look carefully at the pictures below. Which picture shows only a physical change in the wood? A B. C D.

28 Which of these will change when a piece of wood is chopped into smaller pieces?
A. the weight of each piece B. the hardness of each piece C. the color of each piece D. the grain of each piece

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