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Presentation on theme: "Genetics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genetics

2 Mendelian Genetics The passing of traits to the next generation is inheritance or heredity Mendel- a monk who work with pea plants Studied various traits in the peas

3 P, F1, and F2 Generations Parent generation - P generation
P x P - F1 generation or first filial generation F1 x F1 - F2 generation or second filial generation

4 Genes in Pairs Allele- alternative form of a single gene
Dominant- able to mask Recessive- is masked

5 Dominance Homozygous- two of the same alleles
Homozygous dominant (both dominant alleles) Homozygous recessive (both recessive alleles) Heterozygous- two different alleles Genotype- an organisms pair of alleles Phenotype- observable characteristic

6 Mendel’s Law of Segregation
Two alleles separate during meiosis You have a chance of giving each allele

7 Monohybrid Cross Cross a homozygous dominant plant and with a homozygous recessive plant tall - dominant dwarf - recessive What do we expect the F1 and F2 Generations to look like?

8 F1 Generation

9 F2 Generation

10 Dihybrid Cross Dihybrid Cross Law of Independent Assortment Simultaneous inheritance of 2 traits in the same organism Must be on different chromosomes Different chromosomes separate independently Genes on different chromosomes separate independently

11 Cross two pea plants that are each hybrid for height (Tt) and also hybrid for pod color
(T-Tall and t- dwarf) (Y=yellow and y=green)

12 What would happen? What would happen if two genes were on the same chromosome? (Circle one) A. They sort independently of each other B. They don’t sort independently of each other Why


14 Complex Inheritance and Human Heredity Albinism
Can affect only the eyes, skin, or hair or be complete


16 Complex Inheritance and Human Heredity Sickle Cell Anemia
Autosomal Recessive Red blood cells- sickle shape heterozygotes have both normal and sickle-shaped cells Heterozygotes protected from malaria HH- no SCA/ get malaria Hh- no SCA/ don’t get malaria hh- afflicted with SCA 7766x Sickle cell


18 Pedigrees A diagram that traces inheritance
Can be used to predict genetic disorders in families

19 Incomplete Dominance The heterozygote phenotype is a blend between the two homozygous phenotypes

20 Codominance Both alleles are expressed at the same time

21 Complex Inheritance and Human Heredity
Epistasis One allele can hide the effects of another allele eebb eeB_ E_bb E_B_ No dark pigment present in fur Dark pigment present in fur

22 Sex Determination (mammals)
Sex Chromosomes XX- female XY- Male Sex chromosomes determine gender

23 Sex Linked Traits Located on the X chromosome Affects mostly males
Red Green Colorblindness Hemophilia

24 Polygenic Traits Trait determined by many genes at many loci
Loci – locations on different chromosomes

25 Explain The Twins

26 Environmental Influences
Diet Exercise Sunlight and water Temperature

27 Look at you: nice work, human!

28 Identical Twin Studies
Helps separate genetic contributions from environmental contributions Traits that affect both twins are controlled partially by heredity Traits expressed differently in identical twins are strongly influenced by the environment

29 Karyotype Studies Picture of the chromosomes arranged in decreasing size Chromosomes are stained Look for abnormalities Number of chromosomes Missing parts to chromosomes

30 Male or Female?

31 See anything different?

32 Nondisjunction During meiosis- sister chromatids fail to separate properly Down syndrome Sex Chromosomes

33 Down Syndrome Trisomy #21 = 47 Turners Syndrome 46 – X=45 XO


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