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Nexus Montgomery Regional Partnership

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1 Nexus Montgomery Regional Partnership
An overview

2 A Unique Partnership Nexus Montgomery, LLC, a unique partnership of all six hospitals in Montgomery County, Maryland, is focused on improving health in our community and reducing the demand for care and its associated costs Serves the residents of 47 ZIP codes in Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties Initially funded through a grant from the Maryland Health Services Cost Review Commission (HSCRC) Participating hospitals represent four health systems Adventist Health Care HealthCare Shady Grove Medical Center Washington Adventist Hospital Holy Cross Health (Trinity) Holy Cross Hospital Holy Cross Germantown Hospital Johns Hopkins Health Suburban Hospital Medstar Health MedStar Montgomery Medical Center 2

3 Six Hospitals. Four Systems. One Community.
Nexus hospitals have overlapping patient populations, including high-utilizing patients, and primary care referral sources Serve 1.3 million diverse residents in Montgomery and Prince Georges counties i Partnership with the Primary Care Coalition and other community-based organizations Targeting four high-risk and high-cost populations Partnership inspires ongoing evaluation of current and new collaborative opportunities i U.S. Census Bureau, 2010: Community Facts. Retrieved June 26, 2017, from Figure 1 US Census Data, 2010: Medicare beneficiaries for the NM RP ZIP codes described in section 1a, geographic scope, Proposal for HSCRC Nexus Montgomery is a unique partnership: All Hospitals in a single geography; representing four hospital systems. Overlap of high utilizing patients – significant crossover of hospital usage among patients 3

4 Nexus Hospitals & Board of Managers
Daniel Cochran Vice President Chief Financial Officer Chief Operating Officer Adventist Health Care, Shady Grove Medical Center Annice Cody President Holy Cross Health Network Yancy Phillips, MD Chief Quality Officer Holy Cross Health Diana Saladini Director of Population Health & Outpatient Services MedStar Montgomery Medical Center Monique Sanfuentes Director of Community Health & Wellness Suburban Hospital Johns Hopkins Medicine Marta Brito Perez Senior Vice President of Population Health Washington Adventist Hospital Our Board of Managers is comprised of a representative from each hospital. The Board meets monthly and is further supported by: P-PIC – Partnership Programs Intervention Committee Finance Committee 4

5 Nexus Montgomery Regional Partnership
Holy Cross Germantown Hospital MedStar Montgomery Medical Center Shady Grove Adventist Hospital Suburban Hospital Holy Cross Hospital Washington Adventist Hospital Shaded area indicates NMRP service area. 5

6 A Partnership of Hospitals and Community Organizations
NMRP Board of Managers Partner Resources Partnership Program Intervention Committee HCT Learning Collaborative SNF Alliance Work Groups Finance Committee Infrastructure * Partnership *Managed by: Board with senior representation from each hospital Program and finance committees meet monthly P-PIC, in addition to program oversight, has several subgroups including the learning collaborative, SNF alliance, and ad-hoc workgroups PCC as the management entity works with each level as well as with community partners and hospital staff Nexus partners with PCC, Cornerstone, TCC, as well as with hospital care transition teams, and others, to support program implementation and development PCC and Nexus also work closely with DHMH, HOC, DHHS, and other government and non-government partners to identify potential areas for partnership 9 November 2016 6

7 7 Nexus Programs Wellness and Independence for Seniors at Home (WISH) Hospital Care Transitions Uninsured / Project Access Severely Mentally Ill / Behavioral Health Goal Stabilize health of older adults to increase community tenure Improve transitions from hospital-to-home Connect uninsured to specialty care Improve community based resources for severely mentally ill Eligible Population Medicare beneficiary, 65+, live in an Independent Living Facility High to moderate risk of potentially avoidable utilization within 120 days High to moderate risk of re- admission High utilizers Uninsured and without coverage eligibility Prior hospital interaction within 60 days with referral for specialty care Behavioral Health diagnosis and in crisis, or Severe Mental Illness diagnoses High utilizers; high risk of PAU Services Offered Health coach with navigation to community support services Hospital-based Care transition services Connection to community-based services Specialty care visits scheduled by a case manager Low or no patient responsibility Expanded Crisis House capacity New Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACT) Behavioral Health Integration Manager 7

8 Aligned Incentives Willingness Collaboration Social determinants
Maryland Waiver Social determinants of health Aligned Incentives Willingness 48% shared readmissions Collaboration 8

9 Nexus Behavioral Health Workgroup
County Community Providers CRISP MCO/Beacon STEER program/Opioid Intervention Team MoCo Healthcare for the homeless MoCo EMS Prince George’s CCCT Clients Opportunity


11 Behavioral Health Integration In A Value-Based Environment
Potentially avoidable hospitalizations Reducing readmissions Data sharing Access to Services Timely Access

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