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Please add information or make comments on the map from the meeting

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Presentation on theme: "Please add information or make comments on the map from the meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Please add information or make comments on the map from the meeting
This information is currently being updated by stakeholders. The goal is to represent the INCREMENTAL LOAD GROWTH and POTENTIAL RESOURCES through the planning window of 2017. Given the long-lead requirements of planning, permitting, and constructing major transmission lines, NTTG would like to begin the process where clear needs exist. The formal planning cycle starting later in 2007 will help refine project proposals and identify additional requirements in an adaptive, iterative approach beginning with the list of Fast Track Transmission Projects. example (you can update and copy on to the map) 100 MW (LOAD) 500 MW (coal, gas, wind – choose type)

2 Please add information or make comments on the map from the meeting
recent updates: 3/18/07 – suggestions from 3/14/07 meeting in Portland 3/23/07 – PacifiCorp load forecasts 3/26/07 – SSG-WI loads, more updates and validation required 4/11/07 – UAMPS loads and resources 4/11/07 – Oregon/Washington and other wind resources 4/13/07 – PGE IRP updates Information on the way- additional stakeholder review/comments

3 Annual Peak MW Load Information expected growth forecasts- high growth scenarios may be 50% above values shown

4 Potential Resource Additions

5 Potential Resource Additions still need to add remaining SGG-WI/RMATS resources + other Renewable updates

6 Fast Track Candidate Transmission as shown on the map


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