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Methane Global Warming Potential (GWP)

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1 Methane Global Warming Potential (GWP)
accounting for coupled Stratosphere-Troposphere chemistry Christopher D. Holmes (Florida State University) Sebastian Eastham (Harvard) 100-yr GWP GWP is a convenient, familiar metric for integrating all of the climate effects of CH4. CH4 CO2 time (IPCC 2013)

2 Methane GWP: direct and indirect warming
Effects included GWP 100-y CH4 direct 13.5 + OH feedback 19 + trop. O3 25 + strat. H2O 28 (IPCC 2013) + strat. O3 and H2O 31.7? (one model only) (Holmes et al., 2013) + Carbon cycle feedback +6 (IPCC 2013) Stratosphere H2O HOx O3 CO2 CH4 H2O CH4 CH4 OH The combined chemical effects have never been calculated in a consistent framework UCX chemistry in GEOS-Chem enables that SOLAR O3 INFRARED Troposphere CO2 CH4 Temperature

3 Experimental design O3 column variability O3 column, 2004-2010 mean
UCX (Stratosphere-troposphere) chemistry v (Eastham et al., 2014) (SOA for comparison) GEOS-5 4°x5° CH4 surface concentration (NOAA), perturb +5% Updates: H2 chemistry (JPL, NIST) H2O prescribed up to tropopause/cold point Detailed O3 P/L diagnostics O3 column, mean Bias: 0-20 DU (≲7%) Polar O3 depletion (good variability) QBO (magnitude good, shifted phase) Obs: McPeters et al., 2013

4 Impact of +5% CH4 perturbation on O3
O3 % Difference +0.1% in stratosphere +0.2-1% in UTLS +1% in troposphere Ralph Cicerone once suggested that polar O3 depletion might be controlled by dumping Ethane in the stratosphere. Why? Troposphere & UTLS: ↑CH4 ⇒ ↑ P(Ox) Upper Stratosphere: ↑CH4 ⇒ ↓[Cl]/[HCl] ⇒ ↓L(Ox) CH4 increases stratospheric O3 This has been missing from CH4 GWP

5 Climate effects of CH4 with stratosphere & troposphere chemistry
UCX Trop. only CH4 lifetime, yr 8.9 (trop. OH) 8.8 (trop. OH) 7.6 (total) 7.5 (total) 𝝉 𝐂 𝐇 𝟒 feedback 1.43 1.37 ∆O3, DU 0.76 0.32 troposphere 0.38 stratosphere -- ∆H2O, % 1.1 (upper strat) assumed GWP-100 yr* 33.4 28.6 Literature 11.2 ± 1.3 (MCF constraint, Prather et al., 2012) 9.1 ± 0.9 1.34 ± 0.06 (Holmes et al., 2013, IPCC 2013) 0.97 0.42 (Oslo CTM3; Holmes et al., 2013) 0.55 (RF efficiencies from Holmes et al., 2013) EPA still uses 25 The NH/SH kMCF ratio is 1.19 (geographic) 28 (IPCC 2013) *CC-feedbacks add 6 more (IPCC 2013) Accounting for stratospheric chemistry increases the climate warming of CH4 through stratospheric O3 & lifetime feedback UKCA & CTM3 are currently replicating this experiment (A. Archibald, A.Søvde)

6 GWP calculation AGWP= 𝑅𝐹 𝑑𝑡 =𝛿 𝜏 CH 4 𝑓 𝐹 CH 4 + 𝑑 H 2 O strat 𝑑[ CH 4 𝐹 strat− H 2 O + 𝑑 O 3 trop 𝑑[ CH 4 𝐹 trop− O 3 + 𝑑 O 3 strat 𝑑[ CH 4 𝐹 strat− H 2 O CH4 CO2 𝛿 Initial CH4 perturbation 0.364 ppb Tg(CH4)-1 𝜏 CH 4 Lifetime 9.1 yr 𝑓 Lifetime feedback 1.37 𝑑 O 3 trop 𝑑[ CH 4 Tropospheric O3 response 4.2 DU ppm(CH4)-1 𝑑 O 3 strat 𝑑[ CH 4 Stratospheric O3 response 𝑑 H 2 O strat 𝑑[ CH 4 𝐹 strat− H 2 O Stratospheric H2O response 0.15 𝐹 CH 4 (Myhre et al., 2007) 𝐹 CH 4 RF efficiency of CH4 370 mW m-2 ppm(CH4)-1 𝐹 trop− O 3 RF efficiency of tropospheric O3 33.4 mW m-2 DU-1 𝐹 strat− O 3 RF efficiency of stratospheric O3 10.2 mW m-2 DU-1 AGWP (CH4, 100 yr) 2.91 mW yr m-2 AGWP (CO2, 100 yr) 0.087 mW yr m-2 time

7 O3 Evaluation: interannual variability
Obs: McPeters et al., 2013

8 H2O Evaluation GEOS-Chem: 2005-2008 Observations: 1998-2008
Interannual variability (QBO) degrades comparison UTLS is too moist (GEOS-5) UTLS is too moist (GEOS-5) SPARC Data Initiative, 2017

9 GEOS-Chem UCX Mesosphere too dry Equator-pole gradients too weak, while LS-US gradient OK Meridional mixing too fast? Lower stratosphere too wet SPARC 2017 fig Extra-tropical UTLS too wet GEOS-5 H2O GEOS-5 matches observations because it assimilates them

10 Diagnosed Ox Production and Loss
NOx, ClOx, BrOx recycling Ox Definition Simple Ox,s = O3 + O Extended Ox = O3 + O + NOx, ClOx, BrOx reservoirs

11 H2 chemical mechanism Production Notes O(1D) + H2O → H2 + O2
O(1D) + CH4 → H2 + CH2O H + HO2 → H2 + O2 CH2O + hv → H2O + CO CHOCHO + hv → H2 + 2CO IAP, HC5OO + hv → H2 + products Loss OH + H2 → H2O + H O(1D) + H2 → H + OH O + H2 → OH + H T < 298 K rates from theory; not reviewed by JPL Cl + H2 → H + HCl Additional HOx change: OH + CO (+M) → H + CO2 causes 5% O3 reduction in upper stratosphere, because 20% of H is lost through H + O3 → OH + O2. Minor HO2 product when M=O2 is not in GC Not included H2O + hv → OH + H ~10% of P(HOx) in upper stratosphere; McCormack et al., 2008

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