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Blue Action – Engaging with Policy Communities

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1 Blue Action – Engaging with Policy Communities
Jan-Stefan Fritz Head, Brussels Office KDM German Marine Research Consortium

2 What have we committed to delivering
Policy Report(s) Policy Briefing 1 (Month 15) Policy Report(s) 2 Policy Briefing 2 (Month 50)

3 The aim at this AGM is to decide …
The policy areas we want to serve and/or target. The type of events we want to organize. Also: We can consider if there are other science-policy activities we would like to conduct over the next few years.

4 Some keywords from this morning
Seasonal and decadal modelling and S2S forecasting of extreme or hazardous weather Linking observing data with models Arctic Risk prediction (cooperation with private sector) Feasible and useful climate services (case studies) International cooperation (China, Russia, USA, etc.) Science diplomacy/geopolitics – resources, sea ice, investment potential

5 Relevant EU policy areas
Arctic Climate Regional External Relations

6 Science-policy relations influence science priorities
Arctic Science Ministerial

7 Each policy area comes with its own:
“legislative train” Set of communities – COM DGs, EP Committees, Governments (EU MS, 3rd countries, regional, etc.) NGOs, industry groups, etc. Activities, networks and calendars

8 … and legislative trains can be quite complex

9 There are many format options for events
For our office, we have decided to focus on: Meetings Scientific briefings Exhibits Very few papers and brochures – we decided that given the diversity of the marine scientific community in Germany we won’t give broad wish lists of priorities to anyone, but focus on letting the scientists communicate their own individual or group priorities. Why we have decided to go down this direction reflects my views on science-policy relations.

10 Option 1 – Policy Briefing
What: An event with short frontal presentations followed by a discussion. For approx participants. Can be more formal (e.g. hearing) or less formal (e.g. brown bag lunch). Pro Con Easy to organize Flexible in terms of timing The science-policy fit is loose The impact is difficult to judge in advance Important decision-makers tend not to attend Interaction is weak

11 Option 2 – An informal exchange of ideas
What: A small, but high-level exchange on a specific matter of substantial interest to the science and policy communities. Works best with new science or model findings that are related to important societal/political issues. Pro Con Can have a very high impact Participants are targeted and therefore interested Interaction is strong The science-policy fit needs to be very strong Science findings need to be Timing is difficult to get right

12 Option 3: Link-up with existing events
Polar18 Arctic Science Meeting, Davos, June 2018 The European Commission, Finland and Germany will co-host the 2nd Arctic Science Ministerial on October 2018 in Berlin. Important for defining the deliverables for international science collaboration. 5th Anniversary Galway Statement – transatlantic event – planned for Autumn 2018 Others

13 We can work with partners
For example: Other projects from “model cluster” or “Arctic cluster” Other observing projects, e.g. AtlantOS European Parliament Intergroup SEARICA GERICS (Germany) International affairs think tanks US National Science Foundation US NOAA and/or with many others

14 Contacts Dr. Jan-Stefan Fritz Dr. Laura Verbeek.
Dr. Laura Verbeek. Boulevard St. Michel 80 1040 Brussels Belgium Tel:

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