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Introduction to My Contribution

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1 Introduction to My Contribution
An overview of our performance and development process Managers Briefing - What your team needs to know The purpose of this pack is for Managers to take their teams through a high level briefing to enable them to understand the new performance and development process. NB: Managers will find it beneficial to attend the My Contribution for Managers training as a support to this briefing pack My Contribution is the umbrella term for the three component parts of the University performance and development process: My Review My Development My Career. Effective from June 2017, My Contribution replaces the PDR process. My Contribution focuses on quality manager/staff conversations, SMART objectives and personal development and career plans. My Contribution links staff performance at all levels and areas across the University to The University Corporate Plan, a record of your performance and development progress is recorded online via HR Connect.

2 This pack is designed to:
Provide you (Manager/Reviewer) with information to brief your staff (Reviewee) on the University annual performance and development process – My Contribution Provide an overview and understanding of the transition timeline between the PDR process and the new and ongoing 2017/18 My Contribution process Ensure the communication of key dates and responsibilities within the annual performance and development cycle Ensure understanding of where to access the online forms and additional guidance on My Contribution

3 Annual cycle commences
Our annual My Contribution cycle Three components: My Review My Development My Career Annual cycle commences Guidance on the whole My Contribution process, timeline and help FAQ’s can be found on the Staff Intranet Human resources and Development/Working with U/ My Contribution The Annual Cycle My Contribution follows an annual cycle, illustrated in the form of this wheel. Meetings are held every three months, to allow for pace and flexibility and focus on a specific area at that time. The annual cycle starts with the My Review discussion which commences in July each year. This two way discussion is for staff and managers to discuss SMART objectives for the new academic year. All staff should have a set of between 3 to 8 SMART objectives by the end of July each year. Each objective should be aligned to an area of the University corporate plan, which in turn ensures that as a University we will meet our Strategic goals. Objectives can be updated throughout the year on agreement. There is a My Review Guidance document on the intranet, along with additional guidance about SMART objectives and examples of good SMART objectives that may be of help when writing objectives. Whilst the initial My review discussion will start the conversation about objectives, it may take a few discussions to agree the final wording of objectives, ensuring they are SMART.

4 HR Connect Self Service
Where do I find My Contribution? Staff Intranet Quick Links HR Connect Self Service My Contribution To input employee objectives and access My Contribution, follow the directions on this slide as these direct you to My Contribution from the Napier Staff intranet via Quick Links

5 HR Connect Self Service
Where do I find My Contribution? Napier Staff Intranet Quick Links HR Connect Self Service MyContribution form My review form Once you have access to HR Connect, you will find two forms: My Review and My Development My Career. The My Review form is the online form used to record your SMART performance objectives aligned to your school/ department corporate plan (by end of July) The My Development My Career form is used to record your personal development goals which are agreed via a separate discussion later in the year (by end of October) The online forms can be printed. Managers can view their direct reports forms but not input changes to them until the end of year review at the end of the academic year (end of June annually). The paperclip is for additional evidence to be uploaded if required – this is not essential and should not replace the completing of the online form.

6 - at the start of the year
A record of performance conversations that take place between managers and staff at the start of the performance year (June / July), in the middle to check on progress (Feb/ March) and at the end of the year to review the success of the year (June/ July) In June/July, agree and record your SMART performance objectives with your manager. Deadline 31 July. Personal development goals are recorded separately in Sept/ Oct via My Development Every six months as a minimum (Feb / March) or regularly throughout the year , employees update progress against their objectives. Meeting regularly, ensures there are no surprises in these discussions Holding a My Review conversation – at the start of the year In June/ July, The My Review Discussion is held to discuss what the year ahead holds, what staff would like to achieve and how their contribution supports the school / department goals. Throughout the discussion a number of objectives will be discussed and agreed. These objectives must be SMART and aligned to the school/ corporate goals. Personal development goals are recorded separately in My development in Sept/ Oct. Once agreed, follow the steps below to ensure that the The first step when using the form is to record SMART objectives. The My Review form has the facility to record up to eight individual objectives. It is recommended all staff have no fewer than three objectives. The objectives are listed one to eight on the left hand side of the first page. Each objective should have a separate record to allow it to be reviewed individually. Reviewees and reviewers should agree objectives before the reviewee inputs them into the system. 2017/2018 will be the first full performance year. The reviewee can input information throughout the year either by typing directly into the form or by cutting and pasting from a word document.

7 Objectives should be referred to frequently
- throughout the year Objectives should be referred to frequently Some may change or adapt as the year progresses, these can be updated by staff (on agreement with the Manager ) at any time on the online form Your normal manager/ employee catch ups should touch regularly on progress towards your objectives , this enables managers to support in a timely manner and discuss any changes before they become an issue Every six months (Feb / March) or regularly throughout the year, there is a mid year My Review discussion, at this point , if it hasn’t happened before managers should remind staff to update their progress against their objectives. Meeting regularly, ensures there are no surprises in these discussions Holding a My Review conversation – throughout the year Objectives should be referred to frequently Some may change or adapt as the year progresses, these can be updated by the employee (on agreement with the manager ) at any time in the online form Your normal manager/staff catch ups should touch regularly on progress towards your objectives , this enables managers to support employees in a timely manner and discuss any changes before they become an issue Every six months (Feb / March) or regularly throughout the year, there is a mid year My Review discussion, at this point , if it hasn’t happened before Managers should remind staff to update their progress against their objectives Meeting regularly, ensures there are no surprises in these discussions

8 - at the end of the year Ahead of the end of year review (June/ July) , everyone must self assess ‘what’ they achieved/ progress or completion of objectives using the ratings matrix and descriptors Each objective requires a ‘what’ rating and the ‘how’ rating is an overall reflection of how all the objectives were achieved, therefore there is only one ‘how’ rating ‘How’ you achieve your objectives is equally important to ‘what’ you achieve During the end of year review and post discussions, managers will propose indicative overall ratings and feedback against their achievements with the employee using the rating descriptor matrix At the end of year review meeting, staff and managers review progress and an indicative rating, these conversations take place in June each year - the first of which will be June 2018 At the end of the Review meeting, managers will update the system and end of year rating online Indicative ratings should be completed and saved by the end of July. A calibration process will take place in August at ULT to ensure consistency across the University Holding a My Review conversation – at the end of the year Each objective requires a ‘what’ rating, but the ‘how’ rating is an overall reflection of how all the objectives were achieved, therefore there is only one ‘how’ rating. During the end of year review and post discussions, Managers will agree indicative overall ratings and feedback against their achievements with staff using the rating descriptor matrix At the end of year review meeting, staff and managers review progress and an indicative rating, these conversations take place in June each year . The first of which will be June 2018 At the end of the Review meeting, the manager will update the system and end of year rating online Indicative ratings should be completed and saved by the end of July. A calibration process will take place in August at ULT to ensure consistency across the University If agreement on Ratings cannot be met, Human Resources will advise as appropriate

9 - at the end of the year The rating matrix is available on the staff intranet pages within the My Review guidance document. It provides ratings descriptors to help determine what employees should rate their achievements against Holding a My Review conversation – at the end of the year The rating matrix is available on the staff intranet pages within the My Review guidance document. It provides ratings descriptors to help determine what staff should rate their achievements against. Each objectives is given a ‘what’ rating based on what was achieved. Achieving is a great rating, but other ratings exist to recognise outstanding achievements and examples where employees have exceeded expectations substantially ‘How’ employees complete objectives are equally important to what they achieve, the how is measured specifically via how well employees demonstrated the positive indicators on our ‘Values’ as an overall across their objectives Employees self assess their own ratings in June ahead of their end of year reviews, within the review, Managers and employees agree the ratings and the Manager inputs the agreed rating into the My contribution form. Ratings will be reviewed at high departmental level with the University Leadership Team to ensure that fairness and consistency is being applied across the university and across departments and schools.

10 Personal objectives will always contribute to career development
and My Development is the online form and discussion to build your personal objectives and personal development plan Personal development goals should support skills needed for school/ department aligned objectives to be achieved These objectives link to the University behavioural competency framework developed specifically to aid personal development Personal objectives will always contribute to career development My Development is designed to ask staff to determine personal development goals in line with our University Behavioural Competency Framework. These competencies cover all the skills needed to support an staff delivering their objectives from a behaviour skill set aspect. All staff are asked to agree between 1 and 3 objectives linked to the competencies that will support their personal development. This will build their personal development plan for the year. There is also space within the online form to choose an alternative personal development objective if the competencies do not cover your specific need. A plan should be developed which considers the following: • Development goals • Measures of success • Support to succeed in achieving your learning goals • Timescales for learning • Progress against your learning goals My Development discussions take place twice a year in Sept/ Oct and March/ April. Personal objectives will always contribute to career development.

11 Can you give me a quick example of each?
and Can you give me a quick example of each? = Operational performance SMART Objectives (aligned to the Corporate plan) = Personal Development SMART objectives (aligned to the behavioural competencies or other personal goals) This is the key difference between a My Review objective and a My Development objective.

12 Behavioural Competency Framework
and Behavioural Competency Framework Leading by example Analysis and problem solving Working collaboratively Continuous personal and team development Delivering successful outcomes Championing effective change Effective communication Managing resources performance and risk The full framework provides details of behaviours for each competency and examples of ineffective behaviours. This can be used to support development needs depending on role and grade to support staff reach potential.

13 My Career is where staff record; training/ conferences attended
and My Career is where staff record; training/ conferences attended qualifications obtained professional memberships joined Future career aspirations By doing this, the university will be able to support career aspirations better and provide the appropriate development for our staff to progress My Career conversations take place with the My Development conversation in Sept/ Oct and March/ April My Career is where staff record: training/ conferences attended qualifications obtained professional memberships joined future career aspirations By doing this, the university will be able to support career aspirations better and provide the appropriate development. My Career conversations take place with the My Development conversation in Sept/ Oct and March/ April.

14 2017/2018 objectives deadline (My Review)
In summary, deadlines for completing PDR and commencing My Contribution are : Old PDR deadline (HR connect) We are here PDR deadline - 30th June 2017 My Contribution objectives deadline 31st July 2018 These deadlines are the University’s committed dates for completing PDR and beginning My Contribution, the 2 meetings are recorded on HR Connect and can be combined for your convenience.

15 The full My Contribution annual performance and Development process flow
This slide shows the whole process in a process flow style which may be preferable to helping see the full annual cycle

16 What’s the transition from PDR to My Contribution?
Line Managers input date PDR conversation was held into HR connect 2016/17 performance & development year ends 31st July PDR Review completed Feb Apr July Sept Oct Jan June July Employees update progress of objectives in My Review Employee and Manager meet to discuss progress of My Development / My Career by 30th April Line Managers and employees hold End of Year My Review conversation May June 2017/18 objectives agreed by 31st July Employees update My development/ My Career goals in My Contribution Employees update My Review Objectives by 31st July Employees and Manager conversations to agree Development goals take place Mid Year My Review meetings completed by 28th Feb Employees update My review and complete self assessment 2017/18 performance & development year starts 1st August My Development/ My Career conversations completed by 31st October My Review updated in My Contribution by 31st July For the first year where My Contribution will be implemented, the old PDR process will require to be concluded on the old paperwork by the end of June 2017, followed by the new process commencing effective July 2017. The timeline outlined on this slide clarifies the transition from the old PDR process to the new My Contribution process. In Green is the PDR process, in Blue is the new My Contribution process timeline

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