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Southern Sun Cape Sun– Cape Town, South Africa November 2015

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Presentation on theme: "Southern Sun Cape Sun– Cape Town, South Africa November 2015"— Presentation transcript:

1 Southern Sun Cape Sun– Cape Town, South Africa 23-25 November 2015
CSTL Sharing Meeting 2015 [EDUCATION AND HEALTH PARTNERSHIPS – EDUCATION SECTOR WORKING GROUP] [Mpheng Molapo] [LESOTHO] Southern Sun Cape Sun– Cape Town, South Africa 23-25 November 2015

2 Presentation Outline A description of the programme or policy
Achievements Challenges Opportunities/Emerging Issues Key lessons learnt

3 A description of the programme or policy
The Ministry of Education & Training (MoET) revived the Education Sector Working Group (ESWG) in 2014 This is a Forum whereby all the stakeholders working with learners and teachers are coordinated Stakeholders working with Education disrupted teaching & learning with their many interventions in schools There was also duplication of efforts by organisations

4 Achievements Conditional Cash Transfers
Finalisation of the School Health and Nutrition Policy Dissemination and orientation of The National Minimum Standards on Adolescent Friendly Health Services. Life Skills Based Sexuality Education programme is being implemented in 100 High schools(in Grade 8) and in all Primary schools from Grade 4 to Grade 6 Conditional Cash Transfers implementation of the Child Friendly Schools’ standards programme in schools

5 Achievements Celebrating International Hand Wash Day for the first time (15 Oct 2015) Reaching learners for deworming during Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) Survey in April – October 2015 Integrated Early Childhood Care and Development (IECCD) Policy and Strategic Plan are now working documents which among others, address issues of nutrition and health School Feeding Scheme

6 Challenges Duplication of efforts by some stakeholders still continues
Stakeholders implementing Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision(VMMC) not following agreed guidelines Clubs formed for adolescents and young people Reporting activities

7 Opportunities/Emerging Issues
When both ministries work together, more services will be provided for adolescents and young people Coverage for service delivery will be wider Information sharing Timely reporting by stakeholders on implemented interventions

8 Key Lessons Learnt Memorandum of understanding between Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education and Training plays a major role as uncoordinated efforts do not have notable impact

9 Key Lessons Learnt Every organisation has a stake in the development of a child, therefore, schools should be treated as centres for care and support Unless the stakeholders strictly follow the guidelines, teaching and learning suffer

10 Comments and Questions from the Floor & Other Panellists.

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