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Newspapers 24/7 2018 This is the 6th Newspapers 24/7 study released since 2012. This study was designed to explore how Canadians.

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Presentation on theme: "Newspapers 24/7 2018 This is the 6th Newspapers 24/7 study released since 2012. This study was designed to explore how Canadians."— Presentation transcript:

1 Newspapers 24/7 2018
This is the 6th Newspapers 24/7 study released since This study was designed to explore how Canadians read daily and community newspaper content, on different platforms and at different times during the day. Since the first study there have been shifts in reading by platform but one thing has not changed: Canadians continue to access newspaper content, across all the various platforms. In 2012, 85% of Canadians reported that they read newspapers, on any platform, over the course of a week and in 2018 that number has climbed to 88%. Four different platforms were identified: Printed, physical newspapers Computers, including desktops and laptops Smartphones Tablets Six different times of the day were measured: Early morning At breakfast Between lunch and dinner During lunch After dinner

Newspaper access is multi-platform – one-third of adults (34%) read on ALL FOUR platforms. While more adults continue to embrace technology to read newspaper content, 6 out of 10 adults continue to access print editions. Every platform (print, desktop/laptop, phone and tablet) is accessed by every demographic to read newspaper content. Every week, regardless of platform, nine in ten Canadians read newspapers. This includes reading newspapers in print, on computers, on tablets or on a smartphone. Newspapers 24/7 proves that newspaper reading is truly multi-platform. A third of Canadians (34%) are die hard readers of newspapers – these Canadians are reading newspapers on ALL FOUR platforms (print, computer, tablet and phone). As our world shifts to digital it has become clear that newspaper readers are embracing technology to access newspaper content. Canadians now read just as much on digital platforms like computers, tablets and phones, as they do in print. The readership habit varies by demographic but year after year this study demonstrates that every target group can be reached effectively by newspapers. Totum Research; Canadians 18+, weekly readership, February 2018

3 88% of Adults Read Newspapers
Desktop/Laptop readership adds 14% more reach to weekly print readership. Add the phone platform to reach an additional 13% of adults and tablet to reach another 3%. This analysis of newspaper readership demonstrates the additional reach by adding digital readers to the printed newspaper platform. Start with the printed newspaper and reach 58% of adults. Add newspaper websites and reach another 14%. Then add phone to reach another 13% and finally the addition of tablet readership adds another 3%. In total, 88% of adults are reading newspaper content with the combination of these platforms over the course of a week. Phone is now the most used platform. Any Platform 88%: Print = 58%, plus desktop/laptop +14%, plus phone +13%, plus tablet +3% Print 58%, Desktop/laptop 58%, Phone 64%, Tablet 53% Totum Research; Canadians 18+, weekly readership, February 2018

4 Canadian Adults Read Newspapers Across All Platforms
Print – peaks at breakfast and in the evening Desktop/Laptop – strong between breakfast and lunch Phone – most popular platform at all times Tablet – peaks after dinner 88% Any Platform READERSHIP 34% ALL 4 Platforms The 2018 research demonstrates that Canadian adults are reading newspapers – almost nine out of ten (88%) report accessing newspaper content in print or digital formats throughout the course of a week. Slightly more than a third of the population reads newspapers in print AND digital platforms. Newspaper readership varies by platform and time of day. Newspaper content is accessed on different platforms depending on the time of day: Print – peaks at breakfast and in the evening Desktop/Laptop – strong between breakfast and lunch Phone – most popular platform at all times Tablet – peaks after dinner Totum Research; Canadians 18+, weekday readership, February 2018

5 Millennials Read Newspaper Content Primarily on Phones
Print – consistent throughout the day Desktop/Laptop – peaks slightly after breakfast Phone – most popular platform at all times Tablet – peaks after dinner 88% Any Platform READERSHIP 34% ALL 4 Platforms Print – consistent throughout the day but strongest in the morning and during lunch Desktop/Laptop – peaks slightly after breakfast Phone – most popular platform at all times with a mid-afternoon dip Tablet – peaks after dinner Totum Research; Canadians 18+, weekday readership, February 2018 Millennials = years

6 Boomers Love to Read their Newspapers in Print
Print – primary platform at breakfast Desktop/Laptop – early morning and after dinner Phone – primary midday platform Tablet – strongest after dinner 91% Any Platform READERSHIP 31% ALL 4 Platforms Print – primary platform at breakfast Desktop/Laptop – early morning and after dinner Phone – primary midday platform Tablet – strongest after dinner Totum Research; Canadians 18+, weekday readership, February 2018 Boomers = years

7 Adults 35-49 Read Newspapers on all Platforms
Print – peaks after dinner Desktop/Laptop – steady climb from breakfast onwards Phone – strong through the day and peaks after dinner Tablet – peaks after dinner 87% Any Platform READERSHIP 37% ALL 4 Platforms Print – peaks after dinner Desktop/Laptop – steady climb from breakfast onwards Phone – strong through the day and peaks after dinner Tablet – peaks after dinner Totum Research; Canadians 18+, weekday readership, February 2018

8 Business Decision Makers* are Strong Newspaper Readers
Print – strong early morning and peaks after dinner Desktop/Laptop – strong during working hours Phone – primary platform through the day Tablet – peaks after dinner 93% Any Platform READERSHIP 43% ALL 4 Platforms Print – strong early morning and peaks after dinner Desktop/Laptop – strong during working hours Phone – primary platform through the day Tablet – peaks after dinner Totum Research; Canadians 18+, weekday readership, February 2018 *Canadian professionals, senior management/executives and business owners/self employed

9 Almost Half of Influencers* Read Newspapers on ALL 4 Platforms
Print – strong early morning and after dinner Desktop/Laptop – strong mid-morning and late in day Phone – consistent access through the day Tablet – peaks after dinner 94% Any Platform READERSHIP 46% ALL 4 Platforms Print – reading peaks before breakfast and after dinner Desktop/Laptop – strong during working hours and late in the day Phone – consistent access through the day with early morning and after dinner peaks Tablet – peaks early morning and after dinner Totum Research; Canadians 18+, weekday readership, February 2018 * Influencers – 3+ of the following statements: Find a new product and typically recommend it to others; Keep informed about new products and services; People frequently ask for my advice; Always the first to try new products/services; Frequently share information about products/services on social media

10 HHI $100K+ Read Newspapers on all Platforms
Print – strong early morning and after dinner Desktop/Laptop – strong after breakfast and after dinner Phone – primary platform throughout the day Tablet – peaks after dinner 91% Any Platform READERSHIP 38% ALL 4 Platforms Print – reading peaks before breakfast and after dinner Phone – consistent access through the day with early morning and after dinner peaks Desktop/Laptop – strong during working hours and late in the day Tablet – peaks early morning and after dinner Totum Research; Canadians 18+, weekday readership, February 2018

11 Key Takeaway #1 Nine of Ten Canadian Adults Read Newspapers
88% of Canadian adults read a newspaper each week in print, on their desktop/laptop, on their phone or on their tablet. A third (34%) of adults are reading newspaper content on ALL four platforms. 58% 58% 64% 53% Totum Research; Canadians 18+, weekly readership, February 2018.

12 Key Takeaway #2 Readership Habits Vary by Platform
Print readership remains strong in the morning and the evening. Desktop/Laptop reading is strongest early in the day and again between breakfast and lunch as well as after dinner. Reading newspaper content on a phone is constant throughout the day for “on-the-go” access to information. Tablet is an evening device for accessing newspaper content. Totum Research; Canadians 18+, weekly readership, February 2018

13 Key Takeaway #3 Newspapers Reach all Targets
Millennials prefer to access newspaper content on their phones but still use other platforms. More than a third (34%) use all four platforms. Boomers are the strongest print readers but make use of all platforms throughout the day. High income earners, Influencers** and Business Decision Makers* are dedicated newspaper readers – more than 91% access news on a combination of print and digital platforms. Totum Research; Canadians 18+, weekly readership, February 2018 *Canadian professionals, senior management/executives and business owners/self employed ** Influencers – 3+ statements: Find a new product and typically recommend it to others; Keep informed about new products and services; People frequently ask for my advice; Always the first to try new products/services; Frequently share information about products/services on social media Millennials = years; Boomers = years

14 Appendix

15 PRINT Highlights ALMOST SIX OF TEN ADULTS (58%) READ THEIR PRINTED NEWSPAPER. Early morning and evening are key print readership times. Print platform driven by Boomers and the Greatest Generation who choose print as their top platform for accessing newspaper content at breakfast and mid-afternoon, above all other platforms. Totum Research; Canadians 18+, weekly readership, February 2018. Boomers = years; Greatest Generation = 72+ years

16 DESKTOP/LAPTOP Highlights
ALMOST SIX OF TEN ADULTS (58%) READ NEWSPAPER CONTENT ON THEIR DESKTOP/LAPTOP Desktop/Laptop readership is strong across all demographics. Influencers** and Business Decision Makers* use this platform more than the average Canadian. There are three times when desktop/laptop readership peaks: early morning, mid-morning and after dinner. Totum Research; Canadians 18+, weekly readership, February 2018 *Canadian professionals, senior management/executives and business owners/self employed ** Influencers – 3+ of the following statements: Find a new product and typically recommend it to others; Keep informed about new products and services; People frequently ask for my advice; Always the first to try new products/services; Frequently share information about products/services on social media

17 PHONE Highlights ALMOST TWO OF THREE ADULTS (64%) READ NEWSPAPER CONTENT VIA THEIR PHONE. Phone is the most popular device at all times. Phone is the top device that Millennials and Influencers** use to read newspaper content. For Business Decision Makers*, phone is their most used access platform, and it is used consistently throughout their day, except for a mid-afternoon dip. Totum Research; Canadians 18+, weekly readership, February 2018 *Canadian professionals, senior management/executives and business owners/self employed ** Influencers – 3+ of the following statements: Find a new product and typically recommend it to others; Keep informed about new products and services; People frequently ask for my advice; Always the first to try new products/services; Frequently share information about products/services on social media Millennials = years

18 TABLET Highlights OVER FIVE OF TEN ADULTS (53%) READ NEWSPAPER CONTENT VIA THEIR TABLET. Evening continues to be the key usage period. Usage has grown from 37% in 2012 to 53% in 2018. Influencers** and Business Decision Makers* report the strongest tablet usage of all demographics. Totum Research; Canadians 18+, weekly readership, February 2018 *Canadian professionals, senior management/executives and business owners/self employed ** Influencers – 3+ of the following statements: Find a new product and typically recommend it to others; Keep informed about new products and services; People frequently ask for my advice; Always the first to try new products/services; Frequently share information about products/services on social media

19 Newspaper Media Reach All Target Groups
Millennials read most on a phone. Boomers prefer to read in print. Adults years old over-index for both phone and computer platform readership. % Readership 88% Any Platform 88% Any Platform 91% Any Platform 87% Any Platform Totum Research; Canadians 18+, weekly readership, February 2018 Millennials=age years; Boomers=age years

20 Newspaper Media Reach all Target Groups
Business Decision Makers*, Influencers** and adults with household incomes $100K+ read most on their phone but have the highest overall readership on any platform of all target groups. They all over-index on print readership. % Readership 88% Any Platform 93% Any Platform 94% Any Platform 91% Any Platform Totum Research; Canadians 18+, weekly readership, February 2018 *Canadian professionals, senior management/executives and business owners/self employed ** Influencers – 3+ of the following statements: Find a new product and typically recommend it to others; Keep informed about new products and services; People frequently ask for my advice; Always the first to try new products/services; Frequently share information about products/services on social media

21 Influencers Influencers are typically early adopters and trusted by others.  Consumers often trust recommendations from a third party more than a brand so having readers who are Influencers is an asset.  True influence drives action, not just awareness. Newspapers 24/7 defines Influencers as those who agreed (somewhat/strongly) with 3 or more of the statements below: Find a new product and typically recommend it to others Keep informed about new products and services People frequently ask for my advice Always the first to try new products/services Frequently share information about products/services on social media

22 Nationally Representative Sample
Study Details Study Timing January/February 2018 Online Panel 2,401 online interviews conducted with adult Canadians Nationally Representative Sample Men 50%, Women 50% 18-34: 29%, 35-54: 37%, 55-64: 16%, % West 31%, Ontario 39%, Quebec 23%, Atlantic 7% National Scope 78% English / 22% French Study Management Totum Research Margin of Error ±2.0% at the 95% confidence level

23 Newspapers 24/7 2018
The Newspapers 24/7 study has demonstrated that newspaper readership has remained consistent over the years. Regardless of whether readers access news in print or on a computer, tablet or smartphone, one thing is clear: Canadians are engaged with newspapers and their content. Clearly each platform provides a different experience and opportunity to access information throughout the day. Newspapers continue to provide advertisers the opportunity to reach their audiences through multiple interactions every week.

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