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CSE 5311-Class Project Bipartite Matching using Network Flow

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1 CSE 5311-Class Project Bipartite Matching using Network Flow
By: Mahesh Gupta( ) Nandish Jayaram( )

2 Problem Statement: Given a set of employees and task names which each employee can complete, we have to model this scenario as a Bipartite Graph to allocate work in such a way that maximum number of tasks are finished while also maximizing the number of employees used. This problem has to be solved using Network flow algorithms: Ford-Fulkerson and Edmond-Karp. UI must help the user visualize path during each iteration.

3 Our Solution: We implemented our solution using Java.
Input File format we have chosen is: T1:E2,E1,E3 T2:E2,E3 T3:E3 . Path selection algorithm used for Ford-Fulkerson is Depth-First- Search (DFS) and for Edmond Karp is Breadth-First-Search (BFS). References: Network Flow Algorithm’s Ford-Fulkerson and Edmond-Karp as described in “Introduction to Algorithms Third Edition “ by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest & Stein.

4 User Interface: Blue lines between task and employee nodes is the answer.

5 Demo

6 Performance Analysis:
X-Axis: No. of Task , Y-Axis: Time taken in Milliseconds

7 Performance Analysis:
X-Axis: No. of Task , Y-Axis: Time taken in Milliseconds X-Axis: Probability for creating an edge , Y-Axis: Time taken in Milliseconds

8 Thank You

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