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Data Component Scoping Meeting

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1 Data Component Scoping Meeting
Kenya Data Component Scoping Meeting GFOI Plenary, Bogotá, Thursday 15th March 2018 @GFOI_FOREST GFOI.ORG GFOI1

2 Status of your NFMS and MRV procedures
The Ministry of Environment and Forestry is the national UNFCCC focal point responsible for international reporting. Kenya submitted the first national communication to UNFCCC in and the second national communication in The third national communication is underway. The REDD readiness proposal was finalized in 2012.The NFMS roadmap was finalized in 2016.The FRL and the strategy are under development. As part of enhancing the process of reporting, Kenya is developing a national System for Land-based Emissions Estimation (SLEEK), which aims at providing time series information on emissions associated with land use activities in Kenya. Pleased add country name in white text (remove text in title). @GFOI_FOREST GFOI.ORG GFOI1

3 What are the components of SLEEK?
Daily weather data and scenarios from the Kenya Meteorological Service Crop, forest and plant growth curves and information about management regimes Land Cover maps showing change over time Assessments of the level of carbon stored in soils and models for tracking change over time Assessments and models of the drivers of Land Use Change

4 Benefits of SLEEK to Kenya
Climate change reporting Predict future GHG emissions and removals Support implementation of national policies and decision making It is a complete system: Not just technical (models and data ) Includes administrative processes, institutional arrangements, reporting processes, analysis and inputs to policy

5 Key Capacity Building Partners
Government of Australia – Financial and Technical support to SLEEK program Technical partnerships with GFOI, Australia’s CSIRO, NASA, Australian National University & Wageningen University Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) – Support to the Forest Preservation Program UN-REDD – Specific capacity building efforts under FAO (NFMS roadmap, mapping of stakeholders and datasets ) Government of Finland - Support to design NFI UK Overseas Development Aid – Forest 2020

6 Tools for Land cover mapping
Landsat (34 Wall-wall) satellite images for the period processed by USGS High resolution image data (Google Earth) used for interpretation of land cover, Ancillary datasets included ; Agro-ecological zones, Administrative boundaries, Forest boundaries, plantation forests. These were availed from the mapping institutions in Kenya such as DRSRS, RCMRD and KFS, Ministry of Agriculture, Universities, SOK and international bodies such as CSIRO. Mapping @GFOI_FOREST GFOI.ORG GFOI1

7 Forest Inventory data Kenya has not done any NFI. An NFI was piloted under the ICFRA project of Finland. There are a variety for data sets on forest stocks and biomass from a variety of projects but such data is not consistent Carbon allocations were based on Australian experience but using local data and management activities to generate Emission factors @GFOI_FOREST GFOI.ORG GFOI1

8 Products Spatially explicit wall-wall pixel based land cover maps from – 2014 based on satellite datasets (SLEEK). Classification mosaics Land cover mapping and process manuals Land cover change products Biomass values Emission factors based on attribution data (not complete) Full Lands Integration Tool @GFOI_FOREST GFOI.ORG GFOI1

9 Country-specific flowchart
Acquisition Landsat images from USGS Pre-Processing Landsat L1 Mosaicking to make wall-wall Delivery and Analysis Manual delivery Land cover National land cover categories Supervised classification Ground truthing CPN GIS software Land use change Use of Auxillary data Attribution Ground data NFI allocations model parameters Attribution Integration FLINT Reporting and Verification FRA UNFCCC reporting CRF Tables Please nominate the various tools, datasets, methods or other processes that you use during the different phases of your MRV system. Pleased add country name in white text. @GFOI_FOREST GFOI.ORG GFOI1

10 Institutions involved
Ministry of Environment and Forestry – Coordination Climate Change Department – Support and advise National Environmental Management Authority - Support and advise DRSRS,RCMRD, Universities , SOK– mapping KFS, KEFRI, Universities - Biomass / Carbon emission factors KALRO, Universities - Soil and Agriculture KMD –Climate @GFOI_FOREST GFOI.ORG GFOI1

11 Way Forward Continuous improvement of the system - data, maps, system operationalization, reporting tool, sensitivity tests / accuracy assessment, REDD Compass Capacity building - manipulation and running of the FlinT to get required products, climate change reporting, mapping time series changes @GFOI_FOREST GFOI.ORG GFOI1

12 More information

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